I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 421

Seven years ago, two prisoners used zhà bombs to blackmail government money. While escaping, one of them was killed by a car, and the remaining criminal wanted to retaliate against society.

Three years ago, the death of Matsuda Jinpei was basically determined to be his work.

For a long time, the Metropolitan Police Department believed that there was only one prisoner. Now Ryazan suddenly said that in this case, there is a shadow of external forces? Director Baima Police took a deep breath.

"Ryazan, is the information accurate?'

"It's not that I don't believe you in so many cases in the past. You have proved your ability. It is no exaggeration to say that your ability is strong in any of us here."

"But this case concerns the entire Tokyo. If something goes wrong, there will be endless troubles."

The others also nodded subconsciously.

Ryazan grinned.

"Of course there is evidence." As several people watched, he took out a slightly twisted warhead from his pocket."Sirs, you should have heard of Lupin III's name, right?" "Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this. X

Lupin III! As a policeman, just hearing this name can make them nervous! Although the Kaito Kidd is difficult to deal with, he is a pure thief, except for stealing things, basically not causing any damage.But Lupin III is different! This transnational criminal gang, compared to Kaito Kidd, can be said to be all evil.Murder and set fire.That's a commonplace meal! Odagiri Toshiro couldn't help but said, "Is this bullet?"

Ryazan nodded: "I was a member of Lupin III's gang, and Feng Fujiko came out.")

"If it wasn't for my luck, it might be a corpse now."


Hearing this, everyone's faces were hard to look.

If the bozhà criminal is really helped by Lupin III, then the danger of this case will be directly increased by several grades!> Baima Police Director immediately said: "Min Lang, immediately issue a notice to the police stations in the entire Tokyo metropolitan area. , Guard against the Lupin III gang!"

"Yes!" Odagiri Toshiro stood up and replied in a salute.

He was about to leave the meeting room, but was stopped by Ryazan's hand.

In Odagiri Toshiro's somewhat surprised gaze, Ryazan lightly smiled and said: "It is not enough to prevent it, we need to take action against xìng." Odagiri Toshiro was slightly taken aback: "How do you say?"

Ryazan stretched out his hand and pointed to the southwest.

"I have figured out the location of the first zhà bomb."

"The bomb is in a certain elevator of the Tokyo Tower. As long as someone is sent to dismantle the bomb, the prisoner will definitely take action."

"At that time, it was the best time to catch the prisoner!"

Hearing that, everyone's eyes are bright.

Although they knew that Ryazan was very good, they did not expect that Lian Zan had already cracked the notice letter!

The White Horse Police Officer nodded: "Just follow Ryazan-kun's instructions." Just as Odagiri Toshiro was about to act, Mugure said suddenly: "But, but if the situation is really the same as Ryazan said, then go to dismantle the bomb. Aren’t people very dangerous? The prisoner may not play cards according to the routine, and directly lead the bombs, or use other hands and feet while the policemen dismantle the bombs!" White horse frowned slightly: “No way, it’s a big deal. If the prisoners are not brought to justice, Tokyo-12 million people will be his plaything! ""Form a death squad! This is a battle to bet on the reputation of the Metropolitan Police Department!" Can't help being heavy.Since the end of the war, how long has Japan not formed a death squad? Are they really qualified to let the policemen do this kind of thing? At this moment,

Ryazan suddenly smiled.

Hearing Ryazan's laughter, everyone was taken aback and looked at him.

Ryazan sat on the chair with Erlang's legs tilted, showing a somewhat frenzied smile.

"Death squad? It doesn't need to be so troublesome."

"I proposed the plan. I was the one who almost got shot last night.

But I came to implement it~"X

Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

Text Chapter 316 I won't laugh at you

No one thought that Ryazan would take the initiative to become the death squad.Mumu said immediately: "No! Absolutely not! This is too dangerous! Even if I go, I can't let you go!" Matsumoto, Odagiri and others also nodded: "Murong is right, Ryazan-kun, you What it means to the Metropolitan Police Department is no longer a mere policeman!'

!" Zhuxing Toshio nodded: "Last time at Schindler’s game conference, you rescued the old man’s grandson. Even if the old man comes in person, you will not be in danger!" Ryazan waved his hands lazily with the impassioned appearance of the two members.

"Don't be so nervous, think about what Lupin III did in the past."

"Their group is just chasing benefits and will not easily kill people."

"No accident, they just want to use this sāo chaos to attract our attention so as to steal something") Baima Police Director shook his head: "Even if this is the case, the danger of zhà bombing will not decrease. , Ryazan Jun, you are the hope of the Metropolitan Police Department, and we absolutely cannot let you commit a crime. Everyone nodded. After hearing this, Ryazan was happy.

"I said, did you make a mistake?" As everyone watched with a little surprise, Ryazan's face showed a shadow.

"I was provoked face-to-face by someone using this thing. If I can't fight back, I, the policeman, might as well be wrong."

He picked up the bullet in his hand and shook it to several people.Then, he stood up directly and walked outside the door.

"I'm going to Tokyo Tower, I will leave you with the rest."

Seeing Ryazan's back, everyone was a little startled.They have been in high positions for so many years and have met a lot of people.Among them, unruly people are definitely not a few.But regardless of how unruly people, facing them, these old guys, they are still somewhat in awe.This Ryazan, how do you feel that they are not in your eyes at all? Odagiri Toshiro couldn't help laughing: "I always thought that when I was young, I was already very troublesome. I didn't expect to compare with this kid. I was obedient. Good police!" Zhuxing Toshio's expression was a little tangled.According to his xìng style, when you encounter such a defiant younger generation, you will definitely have to give a severe lesson.But Ryazan had just saved his grandson and made him - --sometimes he didn't know what to do.Only the White Horse Police Director immediately said: "Must, Matsumoto, stop Ryazan, not to mention whether he can do this task, even if he can do it, he has no bomb disposal experience!" Hearing this , Everyone was surprised.By the way, this is the point. Ryazan is not in the material handling class. How could he dismantle the bombs? The two hurried out.However, after chasing it out, he discovered that Ryazan was gone.The two hurriedly took out the phone and started shaking people.Ryazan drove in the direction of Tokyo Tower.At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.Looking at the number displayed on the screen, he smiled and answered the phone.

"Oh, Bourbon, are you in place?" On a certain building, Bourbon was wearing a hoodie, a mask and sunglasses, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"Mescal, you really didn't cheat me this time?"

"Hey, what you said, my Liang sits upright and never treats my brother badly. It hurts me too much for you to doubt me." Ryazan said unhappy.Bourbon chuckled in his heart.

He grinned: "The last time a foreign official sniped incident, you said so nicely, but in the end I was beaten up by a woman so hard that I didn't say anything, and I almost got your black pot on my back."

He still didn't say a word, that is, after the sniper incident, the workload of the Japanese public security officers increased sharply, and they investigated the external infiltration forces. Ryazan coughed when he heard the words when he was tired.

"Don't care about those little things, but I have arranged a special seat for you this time, so I can do it directly with Hideo Akai. This alone is not enough to prove how good I am to you?"

"Originally like a small character like Akai Shuichi, I didn't need to ask someone to help. The reason why I called you was entirely to give you a chance to get revenge!"

"Why don't you thank Ryazan brother?" Bourbon: "Ryazan's words made him complain about the skyrocketing. However, when he thought of being able to clean up Akai Xiu by himself, he didn't want to talk with Ryazan. From a rational point of view, he just Shouldn't care about this, let Xiuyi Akai go and bite the dog with Ryazan, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

But he couldn't control his legs. After hearing the information from Ryazan last night, he couldn't help but came.Ryazan could already see Tokyo Tower through the car window.He slowly said: "Have you made up your mind? If it doesn't work, I will withdraw. I understand. After all, when facing American fathers, it is normal for you people to have soft knees. I won't laugh at you.

"Nonsense!" Bourbon was still a little tangled right away, and his mind jumped when he heard this.

"Mescal, you don't have to run against me with these words. I deal with Shuichi Akai completely out of my own thoughts. Even if you don't say this, I won't hesitate a little!"

"Okay, I believe you." Ryazan smiled and hung up the phone.When he came under the Tokyo Tower, he got out of the car, looked around and grinned.Then, walk directly into the tower.

When he came to the entrance service, he took out the police manual.

"I am searching by the Metropolitan Police Department, Ryazan, now I have received information that zhà bombs were installed in the Tokyo Tower, and all tourists were immediately emptied."

Hearing this, the front desk clerk was taken aback.After being reminded by Ryazan again, the two people reacted and hurriedly acted according to Ryazan's instructions.On the other side, in the hotel room, James took off his headphones and looked behind him.

"Judy-kun, Akai-kun, the intelligence has been confirmed, and the zhà bomb was placed in the Tokyo Tower."

Judy Jun and I went to the Tokyo Tower to create shooting conditions."

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