I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 423

Feng Fujiko rode on the motorcycle and desperately increased the throttle.Not far behind her, a large number of police motorcycles were catching up quickly.On the other side, a man wearing a bathrobe, stepping on clogs and carrying a knife in his hand, was also being chased by the police.Listening to the constant whistling of police sirens, Feng Fujiko had the urge to vomit blood.If the police were chasing her, she would not be afraid at all.The problem is so special

Three or four groups of hitters have been following yourself! As long as you are not paying attention, you will be sniped

Keep your hands on! Her main energy is used to deal with group hitters, so she doesn’t care about her back

After the police.

He is sure that his treatment must be bestowed by Ryazan! This guy,

A big man, why didn’t he shoot him so carefully?

Did he get a shot back?

Although a little helpless, she has to admit that she seems to be unable to beat this one.

Ryazan's man.That "Rum" Ann gave him the task, I am afraid I can only give up!-

Chapter 318 of the main text Is this police officer so lively?

On the distant building, Cohen lowered his face and took out the intercom.

"Failed, I failed to hit her."

"In the other building, Chianti breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. She also missed a few minutes ago, so if Cohen was hit, the story would be embarrassing. She chuckled." It's okay, didn't Mescal say it, it doesn't matter if she misses the hit, as long as bī has a lack of skills in her clone."

Ok."Cohen nodded, his face a little depressed. On the roof of a certain building some distance from both of them, Cheng Shi was listening to the conversation between the two while sniping."

He tilted his head, showing a strange expression.The woman riding a motorcycle, although the dodge skills are really good, but as long as he wants, he can definitely hit.Why both Chianti and Cohen said that they were not hit because they considered that they were a newcomer and were taking care of themselves?

Chengshi couldn't help feeling a little bit.It's worthy of being Ryazan Jun's men, really kind-hearted people.X

After packing up the sniper qiāng, he slowly stood up, took out his phone, and sent a text message to Ryazan.

With the efforts of the Metropolitan Police Department, tourists from Tokyo Tower were quickly evacuated.Under the tower, a large number of police cars parked here.Several policemen stood beside each police car, looking up at the sightseeing floor together.There, a man who has just joined the Metropolitan Police Department for less than a year, is carrying the fate of the entire Tokyo, dancing on the brink of death

Almost everyone squeezed their fists and cheered for Ryazan silently.The person in the cracking class stood in front of Mumu with a distorted face.

"What?! Ryazan police department didn't say zhà bomb structure?" The moment they heard this, their backs were soaked.

They have no doubts about Ryazan's ability to solve the case. After all, that is the hope of the Metropolitan Police Department, with outstanding merit.

If it weren't for the age limit, it might have been watched now.However, the technical industry has specializations. Regardless of how powerful Ryazan is in solving the case, in the field of bomb disposal, it is impossible to be better than these experts! Whether it is from the perspective of Ryazan's own life safety or from the perspective of solving the case , Ryazan should tell them the structure of the zhà bomb, let them, the bomb disposal experts, draw the circuit diagram, and then command step by step

c Now suddenly tell them that Ryazan did not mention the structure of the zhà bomb at all. What the hell is this? A thought suddenly popped out of his mind. Is this Ryazan police department unable to even describe the structure of the zhà bomb? The leader of the bào crack processing team softened his legs and almost sat directly on the ground.

He turned his head and looked at the tower in disbelief.Don't do things like he thought?! At this moment, the intercom on Mumu's side suddenly rang.

"The bomb has been disassembled. Like I thought, the mercury column has been activated."

"Looking at the look of this zhà bomb, if it is really bàozhà, it is estimated that the entire Tokyo Tower will be choked." He smiled: "Police Department, I suggest you disperse all the police around you, otherwise if I make a mistake, Can't afford so many police cars."

Mumu was about to cry: "Brother Ryazan, when is this, don't be kidding you, be serious!!" But the policeman who was next to him was slightly taken aback.Whether it’s the mercury column that Ryazan said casually just now, or his ability to see the equivalent of zhà bombs at a glance, it shows that this guy is not ignorant of zhà bombs. The hope of the Metropolitan Police Department is true. Is a bomb disposal master?

He couldn't help but leaned over: "Ryazan Police Department! I am Yamamoto of the bào cracking team! Do you have any bomb disposal experience before?"

A few seconds later, Ryazan's voice with a faint smile rang from the walkie-talkie: "I don't have much experience in bomb disposal, but the experience in making zhà bombs is particularly sufficient." Xe Yamamoto: ""

He looked at Mumu helplessly: "This Ryazan police department, is it so lively like this usually?" Mumu: ""He couldn't answer these words.

If he tells Yamamoto that Ryazan is not on the right track than he is now, the policeman is afraid that he will faint directly.

On the top of the elevator, Ryazan happily held a pair of scissors, cutting it like a wire.This kind of boring zhà play, when he first met Gin, he had already done so much.As for the demolition after the bomb is loaded and the bomb is left, it is not difficult to dismantle the zhà bomb that you made.

The problem is, Gin often made some zhà bombs by himself at that time, and used them to disassemble it! At that time, Gin's attitude was much colder than it is now, and Ryazan was basically not regarded as a person.He is not interested in taking apprentices at all, but it is very troublesome to reject Belmode directly. If Ryazan can die in the learning process, it would be the best.In the middle and late stages of zhà playing teaching, gin often activated zhà, and then Ryazan and zhà were locked together in a house in the wasteland, and Ryazan was removed.If it can't be demolished within the time limit, then it will never be demolished. Changing anyone's situation in Ryazan is basically a dead end.After all, it takes some luck to dismantle this thing.Ten times, twenty times succeeded, all of which were lower than one failure.

What's more, the production level of gin is superb in the world. Even the bào cracking expert of the Metropolitan Police Department may not survive a month in the hands of gin.But Ryazan is different.With the help of the Eye of Truth, he can easily crack no matter how perverted zhà played by the gin wine.It is precisely because of this that gin began to gradually become interested in his abilities, and the two began to have a later jiāo collection.

Thinking of his training career that year, Ryazan is a bit funny.

With only three threads left on the zhà, he stopped.On the display screen of zhà, rolling subtitles began to appear.

"Oh, are you here!" Ryazan's eyes lit up.He really likes this bàozhà's cāo work.

He picked up the intercom and pressed the PTT button.Under the Tokyo Tower, Mumu and others surrounded the intercom with an anxious look, wanting to get news from Ryazan, but they were afraid to talk casually, which disturbed Ryazan.Just as they waited so hard, Ryazan’s voice suddenly rang from the intercom

This police officer is so courageous

"I really have to praise your courage for not fearing hardship"

"After this game, there will be a large fireworks display"

Three seconds before the explosion, you will see my prompt"

"I wish you success in advance~" After reading these, Ryazan said cheerfully: "Don't say it, this

The bomber is really artistic."

In stark contrast to his reaction, Megure, Shiratori, Sato and others all revealed

An extremely frightened expression

Text Chapter 319 Exploding Public Opinion

Seeing everyone's reaction, some police officers with relatively junior qualifications, such as Takagi and Ganye, are all singular.

"Well, that, what did the Ryazan Police Department just say?" Takagi asked subconsciously.In Takagi's gaze, Sato's face was green and said: "Same as three years ago" Shiratori's voice is low: "Three years ago, the prisoner used exactly the same technique.")" He first installed a zhà bomb in a conspicuous place. When the police went to destroy the bomb, he left the same words on the screen of the bomb."

"Three years ago, in order to find out the location of the second zhà bomb, a police officer named Matsuda Jinpei died." Takagi's pupil shrank.Mumu held the intercom, his teeth clenched.

Three years ago, the prisoner placed the second zhà bomb in the Mihua Central Hospital.If it weren't for Matsuda Jinping's life to exchange intelligence, that zhà bomb is really bàozhà, it will be an international scandal!

Countless lives will be wiped out in ashes! Because of this, he couldn't speak, let Ryazan dismantle the zhà bomb directly.In case this time is the same as last time, the prisoners put the zhà bomb in a position of great influence, then they will be blamed for their deaths! After a few seconds of silence, Sato rushed towards the Tokyo Tower.

A few policemen from the cracking class hurriedly stopped her: "Officer Sato! What are you going to do!" Sato yelled: "Quickly, let Ryazan dismantle the bullet! Don't believe the prisoner!">

Hearing Sato's words, the faces of the people in the crack processing team turned blue.

If possible, they want to say the same.However, with the lessons learned three years ago, no one dared to say that the prisoner was bluffing.On the contrary, what the prisoner said is very likely to be true!

Mumu picked up the walkie-talkie: "Ryazan brother, I"" Don't worry, I will wait here." Before Mumu could finish, Ryazan spoke slowly.

Hearing what Ryazan said, Mumu couldn't help being a little anxious.

He really didn't understand, the matter was so serious that it was so serious, why Ryazan could still be an understatement.Then, he suddenly understood.Ryazan is probably using his method to tell the following people not to panic.

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