I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 440

He looked at Ryazan nervously.He has no opinion on Ryazan bringing Conan in.On weekdays at various murder scenes, Ryazan often talks with Conan about the case. In his eyes, Conan and Ryazan are like the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and the little homeless people.

But---. The police in these suburbs and counties don’t know, how can this be explained? As he was thinking, he looked at Ryazan and sighed. Is "Sorry, this kid is my nephew and has a mental problem. If no one is around Seeing, there will be self-harm behavior from time to time. Today his parents are not in E home, so I can only take him. "I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.Hearing Ryazan's words, Ayumi Ogino was slightly stunned, and then looked at Conan with some surprise.Conan

Damn, who is mentally ill? Who hurts himself? You, the guy who joined the black organization, really has a brain disease, okay! Although I really want to complain, but at this time, if you refute Ryazan, I am afraid that I will not be bombed by Ryazan. . -. He rolled his eyes and could only choose to eat this dumb loss. Seeing Nan Yin's uncertain face, Ayoshi Ogino directly approved Ryazan's statement.She couldn't help being a little moved, and bent over Ryazan."No, I am the one who should apologize. The manager of Ryazan deserves to be the hero who saved Tokyo several times. Your mind and fraternity make me feel ashamed! "It's okay, I'm used to it, police officer, please sit down.Ryazan waved his hand. "Yes!" Ayumi Ogino nodded respectfully and sat down. Mugure: Takagi:

Search for a lesson everyone: .... nonsense! JingTM is nonsense! All the policemen who know Conan on weekdays have very tangled expressions.

Chapter 37 Loyalty!

After Ayumi Ogino sat down, the search meeting officially began.As a manager, Ryazan does not need to express too many opinions. All he has to do is to listen to the clues summarized by the police everywhere and make a decision on the direction of the big search.And because Conan was there, he didn't even need to do this. As long as he sat behind the rostrum pretending to be there for less than three hours, the search meeting officially ended.The policemen attending the meeting packed up and left their seats.

Some people rushed to the four institutes, and some people gathered in twos and threes to discuss the clues shared just now.Ryazan and Mumu stood up and were about to leave when they saw several people approaching.Walking in the forefront is Coral Head, cross-ditch, "Administrator Ryazan! Long time no see! The case you solved in Izu last time was very exciting! Ryazan was taken aback for a while, and then he reacted. It should be the case of Kyogokushin. Thinking back to that criminal, he couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional. Among all the criminals he had seen, that guy should be the most famous. Besides him, who else had eaten himself and Kyung Jizhen's two combined forces-hit? In Henggou's gaze, he smiled and shook his head: "It's just luck." There is luck, but there is no way to solve so many big cases. Behind Henggou Shenyan , Cuntou male Henggou Zhongji slowly walked over. When he came to Ryazan, he stretched out his hand: "It's been a long time, Ryazan Manager Ryazan shook hands with him.He still has a good impression of Henggou, after all, the last exam was copied.Looking at Ryazan, Henggou was sighed. "The last time I met, I was taking an exam at the police department. I didn't expect that when I met again, you were already a class manager... "Don't mind."Ryazan patted him on the shoulder. Henggou raised the corner of his mouth heavily. Just when he wanted to say that he didn't need comfort, he listened to Ryazan to continue:" Maybe next time I meet, I will upgrade again.

Henggou Zhongji: He took a deep breath and calmed his mood.Then he gritted his teeth and smiled: "In this case, I will be the first to find the breaking point! "Oh, that's great."Ryazan said sincerely. Although the scale of this case is not small, he actually has no impression and can't remember what the case is. If ls is the same as the original book, the organization sends Ireland over, Then he must be able to remember the plot instantly. However, under the premise of not appearing in Ireland, this case is actually not much different from an ordinary serial murder case. Now he really hopes that someone can come forward and solve the case. As for the case. Credit-He doesn't want to make merit at all now. In these years, the more meritorious work, the more work he has to do. Under the premise of not losing a bowl, the less meritorious thing, the better. Let's go! Dismissed Henggou's fear, Ogino Ayumi came to Ryazan again. "Administrator, please allow me to apologize again for what happened just now."Not only to you, but also to the kid's apology, because of me, his illness will be known to so many people. Then she bent down again. Ryazan glanced at a certain position impenetrably, and then showed seriousness Gaze. "Sergeant Ogino, I have a question for you.Hearing this, Ayumi Ogino was slightly stunned: "Okay." May I ask you tonight...cough cough cough! Conan jumped up from behind when Ryazan was halfway through her words, and wrapped her hands around her neck.Although Conan was very light, his neck was suddenly hugged, which was still very uncomfortable.Ryazan stretched out his hand behind his back and brought Conan to the front.I won't beat your shit out today, I think you pulled it clean! Being carried by Ryazan, Conan showed a weird smile.He raised his hand to cover his mouth, and whispered: Hui Yuan told me before that if you molested a female subordinate while handling a case, I will stop it in time and report to her, and she will give me an antidote.Ryazan: "?? ?" He widened his eyes and looked at Conan incredulously.This kid actually took a kickback from the Imperial Army?! After two seconds of contemplation, he leaned to Conan’s ear: "You will keep this secret for me. I will tell you some information about the gin at the time. Conan is in front of him. Bright this business Liu Suan! After successfully buying Conan, Ryazan breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, a middle-aged man with a beard and a crutches walked up to him. "The first meeting. Ryazan manager, I am Yamato from Nagano.Ryazan nodded: "I know you, the Yamato Police Department, who had been killed once before. Hearing this, Yamato dared to shook his head amusedly: "I didn't expect this matter to reach Tokyo.Ryazan took the initiative to stretch out his hand: "I know the abilities of the Yamato Police Department very well. For this case, I have to rely a lot on the Yamato Police Department. Yamato dared to help Weiwei-stunned. Before coming, he had used Ryazan's attitude. A rising star with amazing talent and outstanding merit is generally not very convinced of these old policemen. Especially the police who have disappeared for half a year and have only recently returned to work are easily underestimated by young people. Unexpectedly, this legend Ryazan in China would say such words. He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and held Ryazan-shook "Hearing such words, even if it doesn’t work, I have to work hard.Several county police officers wanted to invite Ryazan to have a meal, but Ryazan said that he still had a case to deal with, so he left.Walking out of the conference room, he found an empty corridor, and just wanted to make a call to Belmode, but the phone turned on first.It was from gin.He was taken aback for a moment, then answered the phone."Cousin, I'm in a meeting, why 2 suddenly called? Opposite the phone, Gin was silent for two seconds. He didn't know if Ryazan was actually in a meeting, but he knew that this kid really wanted to It's cheap by yourself. He slowly said, "Do you have any clues about the memory card? "I just opened a Tokyo-wide search conference. The police should be concentrated on the investigation soon." Ryazan said.Hearing this, Gin couldn't help feeling weird.An organization killer can make the police all over Tokyo run errands to find something by just moving his mouth. This is really amazing.When Ryazan went to work in the Metropolitan Police Department, he still felt that he was messing around. Now it seems that this kid has the foresight.Thinking of this, Gin feels very complicated.After being silent for a while again, he exhorted:'The memory card matter must not be relaxed. If this matter is resolved by Rum first, you will be very passive."Oh, I understand!" Ryazan nodded, then saluted: "Loyal!

Back to the economy


Although I can't see Ryazan's movements, Gin still feels exhausted for no reason... ls

Turned over the previous article, where the police department took the exam.Suddenly I discovered that I had written the name of Brother Henggou upside down.Can't help but slap his face.

Chapter 372 Why Lord Rum laughed

In a dark room somewhere, Rum sat quietly in a chair.In front of him, there was a laptop computer, which kept updating various information.The light from the screen reflected a strange white color on his face."Mescal took a deep breath and squeezed a whisper between his teeth. Looking at the various information on Ryazan on the screen, he felt deeply anxious. It has been decades since he joined the organization. When he first joined the organization, he thought that his biggest enemy was his teammates. Later, he secretly eliminated his teammates and secured his position as the second-in-command of the organization. Then, he thought that his biggest enemy was the governments of various countries. The investigation and encirclement and suppression. He step by step, cautious and fearful, has molded himself into a half-real and half-false existence. Most people don’t even know whether he is a man or a woman, let alone encircle and suppress him.

After avoiding the governments of various countries, the undercover in the organization became his heart trouble again.He is now more and more aware that his trouble is not outside, but in Tokyo. It is with Mescal! Since the day Mescal came to Tokyo, he has not encountered a good thing.First Shirley, then Belmode, and now... even the dream wine seems to be starting to be wrong! This Mescal is obviously for himself! This guy wants to step on himself and become a new organization II Hand! Rum was outraged.Is he personally arranged several rounds, wanting to kill Mescal silently and silently as before, but the latter's strength is far beyond his imagination, not only failed, but also lost a lot of people.Later, even Curaçao, a senior tool man, lost money. While Rum was angry, he felt a sense of powerlessness for the first time.He changed his mind and wanted to use the power of that adult to directly attack Mescal.However, the adult said that he was in poor health and did not intend to participate in these things.Not only that, but before long, Mescal was promoted from a temporary cadre to a formal senior cadre! Rum was extremely shocked.He didn't expect that even the adult was not on his side.In his heart, a long-lost emotion was born out of fear.This fear was directly rushed to the top after the storage card incident.That adult actually gave this task to him and Mescal at the same time! What does this mean? This is to test myself and Mescal, which side is more capable?! Rum gritted his teeth tightly , The body trembled because of anger.Mescal is now a senior official of the Metropolitan Police Department, and he has the strongest backing in arresting people.On his own side, even the base did not dare to leave easily, lest he would be seized by Mescal,-snipe away.How does this compare? For example.... Mescal first finds the memory card and takes the credit. Then, will the adult take this opportunity to directly deprive him of 2--part and profit, hand in Give Mescal? Go on like this step by step. Without Mescal’s hands, one day, I will be eaten by countless mouths inside the organization! Looking at Rumm’s appearance, behind him, a woman in a suit slows down Slowly said: "Master Rum." Hearing this voice, Rum was slightly-stunned, and then let out a long breath.It's so risky, he almost lost his mind because of anger. He glanced at the woman in the suit."Good job, Lamondo, you are much better than Curacao in dealing with people and things." (Note) "Thank you, Lord Rum, for your praise." The woman in the suit bowed her head slightly. Rum slightly backed 0, leaning against it. In the back of the big chair.He didn't laugh: ``On the surface, Mescal is indeed very advantageous now, but...As long as I stay calm and fight steadily, what should be uncomfortable is his side."That adult’s plan is now at a critical moment. Even if he really does not want to help me, he will not help Mescal. He now needs to be stable in his organization and succeed in his plan. Before, he absolutely didn’t want to see the internal strife of the organization. “If it continues like this, maybe one day, the adult will directly give Mescal an order to transfer him out of Japan and talk about it here. He grinned and revealed a Some grinning smiles.Therefore, Mescal is the one who should really be anxious now!" He will do everything possible to force me out, and kill me before the lord gives the order, so that he can never suffer from trouble!" is "and I, As long as he doesn’t move, he can’t stand firm, and let him have great abilities, it can’t help me! Hearing this, Ramondo said: "But Lord Rum, what should I do about the storage card? Rum snorted:" Save Card, just let Mescal look for it. You order and inform everyone that you don’t have to look for the murderer who killed Jinye Shuhei. Just keep an eye on Mescal! "When Mescal gets the storage card, send the base All the power inside, destroyed him and the memory card together! Hearing this, Ramendo couldn't help but be taken aback.Unexpectedly, Rum was actually preparing to do this. At this moment, Rum's cell phone suddenly rang. Rum frowned slightly and took out the phone.Seeing Belmode calling, he showed a weird smile. "Belmode... I want to hear what she is going to say. He answered the phone: "What's wrong? On the other side of the phone, Belmode slowed down. Slowly said: "Rum, Shuhei Jinye and the memory card, you should know it. Rum laughed, "That's natural.Belmode sighed: "I just contacted Mescal, and he has no clues at all, and he has reached a deadlock." The BOSS attaches great importance to the whereabouts of the memory card. Since Mescal has no clues, only I can count on you."Is" Recently, you'd better act yourself and look for clues about the storage card.Listening to Belmode, the smile on Rum's face became more and more obvious.

He nodded:'Don't worry, I will do my best for that adult.After hanging up, he laughed.Rammondo blinked: "Why Lord Rum laughed? Rum hehe said: "I laughed at Mescal, he was anxious... In order to show me, even this kind of boring means was taken out.But... I want to-hide in the base so that he will never find it!" I want to see, what else can Mescal do? As soon as his voice fell, Ramondo suddenly picked it up After checking the cell phone, he said solemnly: "Master Rum, someone in the organization has attacked the Mi Army base! Rum

Note: La Mengduo, a name for a wine from Baidu. There is really no one under Mr. Lang's hands, so let's come out.Hold one for Uncle Lang

Chapter 37 Tiger!tiger!tiger!

After making a phone call with Gin, Ryazan was about to call Belmode and he saw Conan running over.Seeing Ryazan holding his mobile phone, Conan was slightly stunned, then pursed his lips.If nothing happens, Ryazan should be here just now, calling the people in the organization.For a while, Conan felt that his mood was extremely complicated.Ryazan put away his phone and waved to Conan.Conan walked over slowly.Ryazan leaned against the wall next to him and said, "How is it? You have listened to the meeting, did you find anything?" Conan pondered for a few seconds, then slowly said: "I didn't expect anything for the time being, although the murderer stayed. I got the clue of mahjong tiles, but the amount of information was too little, and I didn't understand what he wanted to express. "Tsk, what's the use of supporting you."Ryazan curled his lips. Conan couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Yes, it's better than a guy who has to rely on elementary school students to solve a case."Ryazan: Seeing Ryazan's expression, Conan couldn't help but feel a little dark.Knowing for so long, it is rare for him to take advantage of it.As I was thinking, I saw Ryazan stretch out his hand to touch his waist. Conan was taken aback: "What are you doing?" Ryazan said:" I will help you recall the feeling of being knocked out by a stick.

People can’t, at least they shouldn’t! However, when Ryazan mentions the stick, he wakes up Conan. He hurriedly said, "Let’s not mention those... what about the information about the gin? He said: "Yes, there is still this thing.He thought for a while, then knelt down and beckoned. Conan came over knowingly.Ryazan whispered: ``Gin... He always wears a black coat, right? Conan nodded subconsciously."Many people think that he always wears one piece of clothing without changing, or there are more than a dozen sets of black coats in the closet. But, in fact, he actually bought a lot of black coats, all kinds of famous brands. Yes, I just don’t take a closer look.” Is in Conan’s gaze, Ryazan gave a thumbs up: “How about, such confidential information,-ordinary people can’t find it. What a shit! "Conan couldn't help but grab his hair. "Why should I study an uncle's dressing hobby?!" He stretched out his hand and grabbed Ryazan's clothes: "This doesn't count. Give me some serious information, yes. The kind that would help destroy the black organization! Ryazan was immediately unhappy: "That won't work. Didn't I become the second and fifth boy? Conan wants to tell him that your various actions are already full of There are two or five elements. But, if you really say that, Ryazan is afraid that he is not going to throw him downstairs. I don’t know why, this guy is obviously not soft in doing things about the organization, but he just doesn’t admit it. If it weren’t for his backstab, he might not even know the code names of gin and vodka. He hurriedly put on a cute expression: “Of course Ryazan’s brother is very sincere to the organization. I know very well.... However, the people of the organization will show off for too long, it is inevitable that there will be swelling emotions. If they do not set them a little setback and test, will they slowly regress? After hearing this, Ryazan thought Expression.--After the meeting, he nodded: "It makes sense."Okay, let me tell you another piece of information." Moreover, this piece of information has more weight than Mengjiu's information! Conan's eyes lit up.Ryazan grinned: "Gin is actually just a high-level cadre in the organization, not the real decision-making level. "LS Chizhili, there is a powerful figure second only to BOSS, codenamed Rum!" All organizations There is a shadow of Rum behind the major actions here!" Hearing this, Conan couldn't help being a little surprised.Second only to the existence of BOSS... This is a super big fish! Ryazan said that he is loyal to the organization, and his body is still very honest! He hurriedly said: "So what? Where? What does it look like? "Ryazan rolled his eyes: "What do you mean by telling you everything? You have to check these yourself."However, I can tell you a secret... Rum, who is currently plotting to attack the base of the US Army in Japan! "If he succeeds, what changes will happen to the relationship between the two countries? Do you think you are looking forward to it?!!! Conan's eyes widened, his body was shaking, his hands and feet were cold.

If what Ryazan said is true, then this thing... is really terrible! "Is the news accurate? He couldn't help but ask. Ryazan shrugged: "I can't guarantee 100% accuracy, but it's also / Hearing this, Conan took a deep breath, said nothing, turned around and ran in the direction he was going.One thing he didn't tell Ryazan was that a dubious English teacher came to their school.In an accident, he discovered that the English teacher is actually a member of FB! He has not made much contact with the English teacher for the time being, afraid of revealing his identity.But... now the matter is very important, he must find a way to remind her! Looking at Conan's back, Liang praised the corners of his mouth, called Bellmode again, and summarized the information from the previous search meeting. Give it to her.And that night, there were three huge explosions at Yokosuka Naval Port! Even the residential areas in the distance could see the flames of the red sky! Three explosions destroyed a lot of weapons and equipment, and caused a small number of casualties.Upon hearing the news, the cabinet almost fainted. However, the imaginary accountability did not come. The U.S. Army just organized an action team and searched the surrounding islands and mountains.This made the second monk in the cabinet puzzled.Ryazan rushed to the Metropolitan Police Department in the middle of the night and smiled after hearing the information. It seemed that the information for Conan was already in place... while he arranged tasks for the following and sent the police to maintain order while waiting for the news.After a while, Curaçao sent a message.[The deep mountain base quickly shrank and all defenses were removed. Everyone was dispersed or hid inside the base. After a while, Keir also sent a message.[The northern base shrinks, all defenses are removed, and all personnel hide inside the base.Ryazan squinted his eyes.

Almost at the same time, the information of success arrived.[The outlying island base shrinks rapidly and the personnel retreat, but the main defensive weapons are retained and the radar is still operating.] Ryazan grinned.

The rum of the outlying island base is really boring enough.Unexpectedly, hiding in the outlying island base after hiding for a long time.He sent an email to his mailbox.[Noah, the target outlying island base, you can start the action.] Just after the email was sent, three words appeared on his phone screen. [!!!]

Is there a fart in Chapter Three and Seven?

In the next two days, the Metropolitan Police Department continued to investigate the mahjong card murders. Yamato Gansuke, Hengzou Shigeo and others-they were still full of energy at the beginning. By the second night, they couldn't hold it anymore. , Ran downstairs from time to time to buy coffee

Even so, the case is still nothing and progress.After the explosion in Yokosuka Port, many police officers were transferred to maintain order, and the progress of the case was even slower. These elite policemen are expert in solving crimes on weekdays and are confident in their abilities.Suddenly encountering such a big setback, I have a little doubt about life for a while.Instead, it’s the Metropolitan Police Department, like Mumu and Shiratori, who should go to work, work, and work, nothing unusual at all.

Seeing the performance of these Tokyo colleagues, the county police could not help but feel a little ashamed.Once downstairs, Yamato Daesuke happened to take an elevator with Takagi.Looking at Takagi, he opened his mouth and said, "I remember, your name is Takagi, right?" Takagi nodded quickly, "Yes, yes! Yamato dared to help and sighed: "I used to think that the police who work in Tokyo, Nothing special, everyone is human, who can be worse than anyone else?" "But now, seeing how you look like, I changed my mind."In the face of such a big and difficult case, you people from the Metropolitan Police Department can maintain a calm mind from top to bottom, not rushing or impatient. It seems that I still have to learn very well." Tilted his head, showing a puzzled expression.He scratched his head: "Isn't this normal?" Huh?" Yamato dared to help for a moment. Takagi grinned: "Cases are difficult to solve. We used to rely on Kudo-kun's help. , After Kudo-kun disappeared, the case was basically solved by the Ryazan manager. It is useless to follow the troubles. It is better to wait for the Ryazan manager to find the murderer, and we just go straight to catch it... Yamato dares to help: "? ??" Looking at Takagi taking it for granted, he almost didn't stare out his eyes.

God TM dare to love these guys from the Metropolitan Police Department. The reason they are not in a hurry is because they are used to salted fish, and even turned over? The Metropolitan Police Department pills! The elevator door opened Takagi nodded at him and walked out of the elevator. .

Yamato dares to stand in the elevator, speechless for a long time.Tangled-after the meeting, he didn't go to buy coffee at all and just pressed the floor button.After a while, the elevator came to the floor where the first lesson was searched.Yamato dared to help out the elevator and walked straight to the manager's office.Knocking on the door, Ryazan's voice sounded inside.

Yamato dared to help with a walking stick in one hand and opened the door with the other. "Excuse me." He walked into the room. Ryazan was a little strange to see Yamato dared to help.The old fox suddenly came to ask for what he was doing. After receiving a signal from Ryazan, Yamato dared to pull a chair and sit down."Manager Ryazan, do you have any thoughts about this case?" Hearing this, Ryazan raised his eyebrows."It's okay, there are some clues, but they are not perfect. Sure enough! Yamato dared to help a flash of helplessness in his eyes. As expected, he is a man who can train the Metropolitan Police Department to search for a lesson. When he had no clue, he had already found a clue. He couldn't help asking: "What clue is it? Ryazan rolled his eyes in his heart.He has a clue to the fart.The reason why he is not in a hurry is because he feels that with Conan, the case will be solved sooner or later. These police officers are only required to collect information.However, this must not be put on the surface.He coughed-"I'm waiting for the informant.

"Informant?" Yamato dared to show a puzzled expression.Ryazan nodded: "Yes, informant, I have already found-a person with a clue in his hand, but that is a hard bone,-it will be difficult to chew it down in the first half. What he said, strictly speaking, is not It's a lie. He is really waiting for Conan to give clues. You can say that Ryazan is very sure about what he said, but Yamato dares to help but is a little skeptical. If there is such an informant, just catch it and interrogate it, so why bother? Is it so annoying? He just wanted to ask, but the phone on Ryazan's desk rang suddenly. Ryazan was about to interrupt the topic. Hearing the phone ringing, he answered without hesitation: "What's the matter?

On the phone, there was a bit of excitement."Administrator! There is a painter named Xin Dong Dong, who just contacted us and said she wants to tell us the identity of the murderer." Because Mumu's voice was so loud, Yamato dared to help sit at the opposite side of the office table and could hear it.Hearing Mumu's words, Yamato dared to help.Really a wired person! He looked at Ryazan's gaze, and it changed.is No wonder this man can become the hope of the Metropolitan Police Department.No wonder he can solve all kinds of major cases. This ability is simply against the sky! Ryazan was also a little surprised by Mumu's words.However, he still nodded: OK, you immediately take someone over and pick her up to the Metropolitan Police Department! After speaking, he hung up the phone.But Yamato dared to help here, stood up without hesitation, and saluted."Your Excellency, I apply to go together!

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Ryazan nodded. Yamato dares to salute again, his eyes full of admiration, and he quickly left on crutches.As soon as he closed the door, Ryazan took out Nokia and dialed a number. "Kier, I remember you are on location in Nishitama right now? Across the phone, Mizumi nodded: "Yes, Mr. Mescal , I'm in Nishitama City.

Ryazan nodded with satisfaction:'You immediately go to the nearby/Prince City and find a painter named 4 Xin Dong Dong. I will send you the address in a text message."She is an important target. If someone else gets on the ground first, you know. Hearing this, Mizumi couldn't help but groan, and her legs subconsciously clamped. She nodded quickly: "I understand, I understand, Let's go!

On the other side, the outlying island base.Rum put down the phone and grinned."Hachioji City is very good, Ramondo, immediately send someone to rush over,-before Mescal’s people arrive, he must first capture the new counr! Ramondo nodded, just about to leave, Lang Mu suddenly said-"By the way, the defense system of the base must be checked at any time. Now is the most critical time. Mescal may jump over the wall at any time and forcibly attack all lands. If it is true, he must be allowed to come. No reply! Ramon nodded more: "Please rest assured, Lord Rum, our defense system is seamless. Even if Mescal can get missiles, it's useless! After hearing this, Rum nodded in satisfaction. In order to relax-lower your brain , He decided to watch TV news. As soon as he opened it, he saw a report. [Dear friends, the final-time program debugging of the lunar probe "Swan" has been officially completed!] [Rocket with the probe, It has arrived at the launch site and will be launched in one day! [After the rocket reaches the earth's orbit, it will orbit the earth for two and a half weeks, and then it will fly directly to the ball...Looking at the news screen, Rum smiled disdainfully. Exploring the moon? There is a fart.

Chapter Three Seventh Five Goes Out to Catch People!

Putting away his mobile phone, Shui Wu Rina didn't hesitate to take a sick leave, and drove straight to Prince City.When she was training in CA, she used to practice drag racing.

Occasionally, when the pressure is high, I go to the underground racing circuit to play two, which is considered to be a waste of learning.Today, this ability finally came in handy!

Let Mescal know-next, what she learned in CA back then! Next, she suddenly fell silent.I’m so happy to be here! The skills I learned in CA came in handy for the first time. I actually worked for the organization! Absolute! Shui Wuren wanted to cry without tears, but the body still started the car honestly. The accelerator rushed out.Nishitama City and/Prince City are very close. Under the circumstance of rushing all the way, Mizumi arrived at the location designated by Ryazan in less than an hour. She got out of the car and went straight to the third floor, Xintang. Dong's room, when she arrived at the door, she was taken aback.The door is concealed.

Shui Wurenai's heart murmured. With a heavy heart, she took out her pistol and slowly opened the door, and she saw a mess in the room, with obvious signs of struggle and struggle.She walked into the room, took a quick turn, and finally confirmed that there was no one in the room.°0? "Shui Wu Rennai uttered a mournful cry. Last time she monitored the northern base, it was not easy to successfully complete the mission. She didn't find a moth. She thought she was transported. Unexpectedly, she overturned the car so soon ... She bit her lip. The mission failed. I don't know how Mescal will punish me.---. I hope I don't hurt my brother.

If Mescal is really angry and must be punished, let him punish herself! She stretched out her hand, touched her chest, made up her mind silently, and then took out her phone to call Ryazan.After a while, the phone was connected. Shui Wu Reina took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly."Mr. Mescal, I'm sorry, I have rushed over as fast as I can, but when I arrived, Shintang was gone. "It's gone?" Liang Zan raised his eyebrows, "Why can't you see it?" The room was very messy, it was supposed that someone forced a room and took Xintang away.Hearing this, Ryazan's eyes lit up.It has been less than forty minutes since Xintang re-reported the case.) The prince is a suburb in the suburbs, where the birds do not shit, the organization has not set up a stronghold there.Therefore, even if Rum has eyeliner in the Metropolitan Police Department, it is basically impossible to send someone there in such a short time.Is the new director "... was taken away by the real murderer!

"Good job, there will be rewards when you come back." He said casually, and hung up the phone directly. Seeing the hung-up call on the phone screen, Shui Wu Ren was stunned for several seconds. Mescal----not only did not Angry, and boasted of herself? Obviously, she had failed her mission? After thinking for a while, she suddenly understood.Mr. Mescal... is to encourage himself! In order not to lose confidence, Mescal did not blame her even if the mission failed. .. Is aware of this and feels the warmth of his belly Eloquent.How long has it been since the death of her father that no one cared about how she felt? She was really tired along the way, with countless thorns and bumps.Training and fighting, she can endure even the scars, and she has never flinched. When receiving torture training in CA, she was beaten with whips by female instructors and tortured with all kinds of strange torture instruments.These pains, after a few sleeps, are basically forgotten..--. The mental fatigue,-is always accumulating.After accepting undercover tasks and joining the black organization, this fatigue has multiplied.CA didn't care about this pressure for her.What CA wants is intelligence.If her life can be exchanged for important enough information, presumably CA will abandon herself without hesitation. She would have done it a long time ago.Until just now, Ryazan told her that after returning home, he would sell her encouragement.A simple sentence suddenly caused Shui Wurenai's heart to break into the dark, and she couldn't help but come up with a thought.0 Fruit.. .. Mescal really succeeded,-staying in the organization for the rest of his life, maybe it is also a good choice?

After hanging up the phone, Ryazan didn't hesitate to leave the manager's office and walked to the parking lot.As soon as I went out, I met Shiratori who came to report to him. Seeing Ryazan, Baiwu was slightly taken aback: "Administrator, you are going to Hachioji City! Under Shiratori's gaze, Ryazan took a look. He "coincidentally, Shiratori, come with you too. With that, he continued to move forward.

Bai Wu hurriedly followed: "Go to/Prince City? Haven't many people rushed past?" "There are so many people and powerful." Ryazan said cheerfully.Shiratori:

He didn't know where to start complaining for a while. When he came to the parking lot, he originally wanted to be a driver for Ryazan, but Ryazan got into the driving seat by himself, and he even got into the co-pilot.Ten minutes later, Shiratori regretted it.Taking someone else’s car to ask for money, riding in Ryazan’s car... is really terrible! He can be regarded as an old driver, and riding in Ryazan’s car, he was afraid of the road for a long time! All the way down, he almost didn’t vomit! The most outrageous thing is that Mugure, Yamato Kousuke and others set off more than half an hour ago, but they arrived almost at the same time!

This man-is he really a 0 graduated from the police academy? Isn't this a professional racing driver's career change?

After getting out of the car, he went directly to the third floor.Mu. Yamato dare to help the others when they saw Ryazan coming, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Ryazan waved his hand and walked directly into the room.

His eyes began to become deep, and a large amount of data began to flow rapidly in his eyes.After a while, he raised his mouth.The scene this time is very fresh.He, a fake demon hunter, can finally show his skills! Mumu walked over, a little ashamed. "Sorry manager, we are late, we are already...

Before he finished speaking, Ryazan suddenly said, "It's okay, I already know where the prisoner is going.

Even Mumu showed a surprised expression: "Really? Where is the prisoner?

Ryazan turned his head and glanced into the police team to confirm that everyone was looking here, then he grinned."Follow me, I will take you to arrest people."

"Go and catch the man who killed Jinye Xiuping and also took the new counr off!" When Is heard this, a policeman in the crowd became nervous.With his hand in his pocket, he edited a text message and sent it out!

Chapter 376 Gin: Speed ​​up

Last time I went to Ubing Ridge with Belmode, because the time passed so long, there was no trace of the scene.Even with the real eye, it is difficult to find any clues that this time is different. The traces on the scene are very fresh, and you can easily follow the traces along the way.The person who attacked the new director did not kill the new director on the spot, but took the new director into a car and drove all the way to Tokyo.Ryazan took out the walkie-talkie."Attention to all departments, inform the prince, Nishitama, and other places along the road to send jiāo police to block the road, check all passing vehicles, and arrest people when they encounter any special circumstances! Hearing the instructions, Mumu and others hurriedly took out their mobile phones and started Call. That's right! All intersections along the road must be blocked! "Yes-yes! Set up checkpoints at the highway exit of Nishitama City,-no cars are allowed! "The other party may have weapons, remember to be prepared! Wait for all After the department told me to go down, Ryazan said again: "Pull the siren."After hearing this, the co-pilots of all police cars took out their police siren lights and put them on the roof and turned on the switch. In the afterglow of the setting sun, + several alarms sounded at the same time, and the red and blue lights moved inside! Seeing this team , Other cars gave way. Many people looked through the car windows in surprise. "What happened to this, why are so many police cars dispatched? "It is estimated that there is a big case!"

At the same time, emergency cards were set up at all expressway exits.A large number of police cars rushed to the scene, jiāo police-vehicle inspection, followed by armed police with live ammunition-time, several + kilometers long highway, similar scenes abound.The killing atmosphere caused many drivers who were inspected to swallow.As soon as the car of Ryazan and his group arrived in Hino, the sound of the night was heard in the communicator. [Administrator! Just received a report that the target was intercepted on a viaduct on the Central Expressway, Nishitama Section! 1 [In the back seat of the car , Found the kidnapped painter's new director! 1 Ryazan showed a black smile: "Very good! Tell the people on the scene not to act rashly and wait for me to pass! [Understand! 1 West Tama City, very close to Hino.

In the absence of traffic jams, more than ten minutes is enough to arrive. At this time, the sunset has gradually sunk.The last touch of red brilliance dyed the city with a psychedelic color.Behind the dream, night has slowly crawled.

Ryazan took out his phone and sent out a text message

On the viaduct, several police officers got together and pressed a thin young man to the ground.The latter struggled frantically and kept shouting, "Let go of me! I want to avenge Nana!" "Only the last two!"Although he looked thin and weak, the intensity of his struggle made several well-trained policemen feel a headache.This is probably the craziest murderer they have ever seen. Several police officers from the bào cracking team wanted to check the car but were stopped by several criminal police officers."There is an order from the Metropolitan Police Department. Until they come over, the scene cannot be searched." One of the criminal policemen in a suit said in a deep voice. Hearing this, the person in the bào crack processing team was taken aback: "What are you kidding? Wan There are zhà bullets in the car, who will be responsible? The detective showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, but still shook his head and said, "Let’s listen to the above, just to prevent -, let our people stay away from the car.

Seeing his appearance, several other people also looked over.! "What's wrong?"

The detective in the suit was a little puzzled: "I seem to hear the voice of straight + machine. But now I can't hear it anymore. "At this time, the sky is completely dark. The city in the distance is already brightly lit.

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