I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 457

"Someone at home is waiting for him to come, which feels really good." Ryazan said, changing his shoes and walking into the house.

As soon as he entered the living room, he was taken aback.

On the sofa in the living room, Belmode, a handsome figure, was sitting there.

She was wearing a bathrobe and looked like she had just taken a shower.On the coffee table in front of me, there is still a bottle of red wine in an ice bucket

These are not important... The problem is that she has changed to look like Shirley.

Ryazan blinked and smiled a little confused: "Sister Bei? Are you...?"

Although the two of them often play dress-up play, they are all small pleasures in private. Now Sister Bei has accepted the existence of Xiao Ai. After the previous three-person battle, this special relationship has been settled.

Although Xiao Ai is still living with the doctor, but the equipment is only

Over there, it's only convenient for research, and you can come here anytime.

If she sees that she and Belmode can play so well, I'm afraid it's not going to faint...

Belmode smiled slightly, raised his head slightly, and motioned Ryazan to sit over.

Ryazan naturally dare not fail, and rushed to the past.

Belmode took out the red wine from the ice bucket, poured it into the glass, and drank a little gracefully.

Shirley's appearance, combined with her unique elegant temperament, made this simple action as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Putting down the wine glass, Belmode looked at Ryazan with a smile.

She stretched out Chuan's hand, pinched Ryazan's collar, pulled his face over, and slowly moved her lips together.

Ryazan felt a little in his heart.

It suddenly occurred to him that there seemed to be such a plot before... He quickly opened a real eye and looked at the wine in the next glass.

Then he was relieved.

There are no computer accessories in the wine this time.

After confirming this, the beauty brought it to his lips, he would not let it go, and he enjoyed the emperor's treatment happily.

The two huddled together and drank the wine in Belmode's mouth.

However, just after the wine, Ryazan suddenly felt something was wrong

Ryazan almost didn't cry.

This day by day, can it be better?

He is also an organizational cadre, how can he be squeezed as sugarcane every day?

He couldn't help being angry.

While angry, he took off his clothes.

Seeing Ryazan's appearance, Belmode couldn't help laughing.

"Wait a minute, today's main course is not ready yet..." Ryazan was slightly taken aback: "Main course?"

As soon as the voice fell, he heard the door opening on the second floor.

He subconsciously looked upstairs.

I saw a young girl with short brown hair, wearing a big coat, putting her hands on the handrail on the second floor, smiling and looking at him.

That is, restored to the original, the real Shirley.

Ryazan was a little surprised: "Shirley? Have you changed back after eating yào?"

"Didn't you say that, in order to prevent the emergence of anti-yàoxing, before the development of the full version of the solution, I do not intend to change it back..."

Just after speaking, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

He widened his eyes: "Is it possible?"

Shirley smiled softly: "Yes, it's that difficult or not."

"With the full version of the information you gave, plus Noah's help, I completed the development of understanding yào half a month ago."

"Now I don't worry about anti-yàoxing problems anymore."

With that, she slowly walked downstairs and stood in front of the sofa.

Seeing Ryazan and "self" sitting together, Shirley showed a tangled expression.

But then, she made up her mind and sat on the other side of Ryazan.

There is a Shirley on the left and right, making Ryazan a little cheerful from ear to ear.

However, he has a little regret.

Seeing Ryazan’s expression, Shirley chuckled, "Let me guess, are you sorry that I changed back to the way I am now, and I won’t see me when I was a child?"

Ryazan laughed awkwardly: "Why, how could it be, no matter what you become, you are the cutest in my heart..."

Xiao Ai gave him a glance.

Then, the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Mescal, guess what, why did the solution succeed half a month ago, but I waited until now to use it?"

Hearing this, Ryazan was slightly taken aback.

Then he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

As he watched, Shirley took out a small box from the pocket of her white coat.

Looking at the box in her hand, she was a little emotional.

"Although I have an instinctive awe of super-era artificial intelligence, I have to admit that Noah's ability is indeed very strong."

"That kid, I have successfully improved aptx4869. I can use this yào now, and I will look like a sorrow at any time."

"The most important thing is that after calculation, this approach will not bring too much side effects to the body, but every time you transform, there will be a period of weakness. Therefore, you can transform at most once a week., ,

She hummed: "So, you will not only see Huiyuanai again in the future, but also have many new ways to play..."

"For example, turn you into a kid to accept the love of two big sisters?"

Seeing Shirley's smile, Ryazan couldn't help but sweat in Sichuan.

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