I open up wasteland on the earth a copy

My copy of pioneering wasteland on earth Chapter 84

"Don't worry, now, let's start! We will see the difference soon." The mother-in-law said.

Xiao Sakura pulled out Kunai backhand, Xiao Yi also pulled out Thunder, his skin couldn't stop the sharp metal weapon.

As soon as the voice fell, the three of them rushed towards the scorpion together.

Scorpion looked at the three people who rushed, and suddenly tore off the masks from his mouth with his hands, and countless and small Qianben shot at them like bullets from Fei Liuhu's mouth.

The three people in the swift movement scattered and used their own skills, or avoided or shot down the poisonous Chibon.

Xiao Yi used the thunder to peel off the thousand books that struck at will, as well as the spare time caring for Sakura, who was struggling with his life. Although he was a bit embarrassed to dodge, but every time he was able to save the danger, he relieved his heart.

However, the money strength of Scorpion really is not to be humbled. When Fei Liuhu's mouth made an empty noise, after the launch of Scorpion's thousand books, nearly a thousand thousand books were piled up on the ground.This made Xiao Yi think of Tiantian with Chinese elements. He was so proud, but he didn't know if he would be tired of cleaning up the mess after the battle, dreaming about the scene in his mind, and almost laughed.

"Has it been seen through?" Only a squeak was heard, as if the mechanism was turning, and the metal left hand of the scorpion flew towards the three of them like a missile.Suddenly, the small iron column on the metal arm broke away from the metal arm and flew towards the three people. When they were about to touch the three, the small iron column suddenly opened, and there were countless thousands of books inside.

The three of them are walking in the garden, interspersed and dancing among countless thousands of books, dancing like butterflies.Xiao Yi was also fully focused, and did not use the power of mind to block, this kind of experience opportunity is rare.However, the result was still a bit disappointing. I felt that I had just played a dodgeball game and it was not challenging at all.

"Even the two attacks just now escaped. Needless to say, Qiandai old lady, but even these two little ghosts can do this." The two Qianben offensives returned without success, even the Scorpion was surprised.

Xiao Yi and Sakura looked at each other, and rushed towards the scorpion from two directions.

"Thousand generations have no activity, and I was underestimated. This little girl rushed directly from the front without cover." Xie glanced at Xiao Yi, who instinctively told him that the little ghost on the left was threatening.

Sakura, who was about to approach the scorpion, threw Kuwu at the scorpion's body. The scorpion simply bounced off with its tail, but the scorpion didn’t stop. Suddenly the tail poked forward. The scorpion’s tail was only a few centimeters away from Sakura’s face. , But it stopped suddenly.

"Can't move anymore? So that's it, old woman." How can Scorpion not know that he is in the calculation at this time, from the beginning to the end, he is in the calculation of the thousand generation old lady.

"It's now, Sakura, smash him!" Mother-in-law Qiandai shouted from a distance.

"Yes!" Sakura clenched her fists when she heard the voice of the grandmother thousand generations. Chakra attached to the meridians, brushed the metal tail sideways, and hit Fei Liuhu with a heavy punch. Above the ghost head, only a loud "bang" was heard, and the proud Fei Liuhu was smashed to pieces by Sakura. There were countless sawdust around, and only the only thing that could be kept intact was The metal tail was gone, and the head of the puppet was bounced aside by the blow.

Xiao Yi didn't step forward to attack, but pulled Sakura back a few steps, carrying Scorpion to counterattack unexpectedly.

Following Sakura's gasp, a black figure with black rags moved from Fei Liuhu's body to the distance.

"Finally showed up?"

Hearing what the mother-in-law had said, Sombra slowly stood up, but still turned his back to the three of them without moving.

"That... That is his main body!" Kozakura also looked at the dark shadow in the distance in surprise, and the panting slowly calmed down.

"In order to take a look at the grandson's appearance, I didn't expect to get this." The mother-in-law of the thousand generations seems to be chattering with the grandson she hasn't seen for a long time, but she was merciless when she did it before, "Twenty years have passed. , Can't the difficulty be reminiscent of the past?"

However, it is a pity that the scorpion doesn’t seem to want to reminisce about the past. The head of Fei Liuhu that fell on the ground suddenly twisted strangely. With a mechanical sound, it flew upwards. The broken head rotated in the air to adjust its posture until the neck was straight. At the two of Sakura and Xiao Yi, Qianben with venom was launched.

The mother-in-law of the thousand generations, twisting her fingers, controlled the Chakra line connecting Sakura, pulled Sakura a few times and turned over, Ann then retreated to a safe distance.Xiao Yi avoided the attack almost at the same time.

"Sure enough, it's my grandma, no wonder even the little girl can avoid my attack." A young voice came from under the black cloth, "After you see through my attack, use puppetry to chakra I manipulated the little girl, and I was very considerate. Even Fei Liuhu's tail was wrapped with Chakra. I didn't expect that before the tail movement was sealed, I didn't notice it. I attacked with kunai at first. It's time, the chakra silk thread stuck to the supremacy of kuma, was wrapped around when the tail bounced off the kuma. However, it is not easy for this kid to see through my attack. I let you go last time, but it was a wrong decision. ."

Xiao Yi wants to say that you think too much. If he didn't want to spoil the plot too much so as not to cause unpredictable consequences, he would kill you two at that time.

"I tried my best to suppress Chakra to make it invisible. It's really for you to understand." The thousand-generation mother-in-law seemed to praise her grandson.

"Of course, it's not someone else who taught me the puppet game, it's you!" Scorpion was about to tear off the black cloth on his body.

"But this game ends here now." The mother-in-law of the thousand generations felt a pain in her heart. How cruel it is for an old man to kill his grandson with his own hands.

"I think so too. But can you do it? Grandma Chiyo." At this time, Scorpion tore off the black cloth and appeared in front of the three of them.

The grandmother Qiandai looked at the scorpion who hadn't grown up at all in front of her with shocked face, her pupils also dilated.

Scorpion has short hair that is as fiery red as Gaara, and his age is the same, with a delicate face, it is hard to imagine that he was the one who spoke the words of horror before.

Chapter 109 Three Generations of Fengying

"What's the matter, grandmother thousand generations. I'm so touched that I can't even make a sound? No wonder, twenty years of reunion, let you see a great one by the way." Scorpion ignored the shocked grandmother thousand generations, and took care of himself. As he said to himself, a dark green scroll slipped from his sleeve and fell into his hand, "I will accept your gratitude. I finally got the treasure that I got after killing him."

What catches the eyes of the three is a big "three", under the three characters are complicated runes.

"And it's my favorite collection." With the infusion of the purple chakra, after a burst of smoke dissipated, a puppet that looked like a real person stood in front of the scorpion.

"This... This is... Could it be that..." After seeing the puppet summoned by the scorpion, the mother-in-law Qiandai no longer had the calmness she had before, staring at her with wide-open eyes.

"What? What's the matter." Sakura couldn't help but ask when seeing the thousand generations of mother-in-law who had been extremely calm.

"That's three generations of Fengying." Xiao Yi told the true identity of this puppet instead of the thousand-generation mother-in-law. "More than ten years ago, Fengying suddenly disappeared. Even if Sawa tried her best to search for it, she still couldn't find it. Killed by a scorpion and made a puppet."

"Yes, as Xiao Yi said, but I still have many things to worry about before I die. My grandson, it’s okay to just join the evil party. I didn’t expect you to betray the village. Master Fengying attacked me! Killing Gaara’s father, although the fourth generation of Fengying was Dashemaru, you were the one who helped. In addition, this time I Gaara’s voice from the three generations of Fengying’s mother-in-law followed The words became more and more powerful, and at the end he could no longer speak.

"Hey, I don't know about the Four Generations of Fengying. It is my subordinates who do the internal response." Scorpion did not argue with his previous actions, but did not approve of Sifengying's death.

Xiao Yi would like to say what is the difference between this and your own hands, can you justly say that it has nothing to do with you!The mother-in-law of a thousand generations also questioned this.

"It's true that Akatsuki joined hands with Dashemaru before and did a lot of things." Scorpion said with a smile, as if it were a glorious thing.

Xiao Sakura showed a terrified expression on her face when she heard Scorpion's words, as if she was reminiscing about the past, but thinking of Sasuke, who is now uncertain about her life or death, she looked firm and gritted her teeth and asked: "You... Have you teamed up with Oshemaru? In other words, I know about Oshemaru... Then I have a lot of things to ask you."

Sasuke deserves to be Sakura's spiritual support, and she has no fear in the face of powerful enemies at this time.

"Unfortunately, I have to clean up you and have to catch Ren Zhuli just now. I hate letting others wait and don't have time to answer your question. Okay, let's do it now." Scorpion raised his head and smiled, as if to Xiao Xiao Sakura's threat was not taken care of.

I saw the blue chakra of the scorpion turned into a thin line, and the connected three generations of wind shadows flew towards the nearest Sakura with the sound of joints.

Seeing that Sakura's situation is not good, the mother-in-law of the thousand generations hurriedly pulled back in the air, and she pulled her back more than ten meters.

"Go to death." Scorpion's hands slammed from back to front, and saw that the five fingers pierced by Fengying's right arm were actually the blades of the sickle. The sickles were extremely sharp, and each sickle had purple. The shadow, obviously, was also poisoned on the blade.

"It's fast." Even a thousand-generation mother-in-law couldn't think of the puppet's speed so fast. Seeing that Sakura was about to be divided by a sickle.

At this time, a cyan figure appeared in front of Sakura.

"Have you forgotten my existence?" Xiao Yi held the thunder sideways, lightly blocking the scorpion's inevitable blow.The third generation of Fengying is not Kai after all, and the physical strength is at the average shadow level, even if it is made into a puppet, the strength does not increase too much.

Seeing the situation change, the mother-in-law of the thousand generations hurriedly manipulated Fei Liuhu's tail and pierced the three generations of Fengying.

Scorpion moved his hands, and the three generations of Fengying broke away from the confrontation with Xiao Yi, tearing Fei Liuhu's tail with one palm.

"It's no wonder that it can collide with Thunder without breaking. It doesn't seem to be ordinary metal." Xiao Yi brushed Thunder's sword. Although Thunder's spirituality was temporarily hidden, its material was not an ordinary object. many.

"Not bad, kid, then, what about this." Scorpion finished speaking and waved his right arm. The other hand of the three generations of wind shadow puppets spread out like a satellite, and the flaky muscles spread out like bamboo slices. There are some unknown symbols.With the sudden appearance of the blue chakra, the place where there was a spell immediately stretched out countless small hands out of nothing, forming a tornado, like a poisonous snake, snaking towards Xiao Yi.

The scorpion actually changed the target of the attack, Xiao Yi didn't dare to hold it big, and jumped back, jumping out of the puppet's attack range.

Countless little hands hit the ground, and the strong impact aroused a burst of dust.

"It seems that the opponent's speed is faster than his own. It is the nemesis of the puppet master." Xie secretly thought, "The little girl the old lady is operating is endless, very annoying."

"That's it." As soon as the scorpion said, a small arm stretched out from the many arms, and a purple smoke sprayed out of the small arms. "Hehe, poisonous smoke has nothing to do with action."

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