Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 113

So did you stop at the seventh sword?And is this the source of the pleasure of being beheaded?

"Well, other things, for example, if I want to, I can cut everything off. You know what you want to be powerful, so you don't need to say more." Looking at Hisoso at this time, Natsume couldn't help but said gently.

"Ahhhhh, I got a lot of exciting information~~" Hisoso couldn't help but smile while looking at Xia Mei's appearance at this time.However, with his miserable look at this time, it seemed very terrifying.

"By the way, you'd better abide by the agreement between me and you. When we meet, I have the ability to see whether you have followed the agreement."

Looking at this moment, Hisoso Natsume couldn't help but said seriously.

In fact, if the conditions permit, Natsume will continue to wield the sword in his hand, but when he was about to cut the eighth sword towards Hisoso, he realized that if the sword was swung down, in order to ensure Hisoso’s this For the survival of key figures, the rules of the world must act.

At this time, he had not yet reached the point of turning his face against the rules of the world, so Natsume stopped his actions, put down his sword and concluded this contract with Hisoso.

Chapter 170—Ilmi’s Challenge

The duel between Hisoso and Natsume was short, but it shocked countless people.

After all, when Natsume released his aura, although not specifically targeting other people, everyone at the same time felt the unmatched belief and power.

This kind of power cannot be resisted by anyone who is present without thinking!

Suddenly, those who wanted to challenge Natsumi couldn't help but lose their voices collectively, and then the game seemed to continue like the original.

"...Challenge...No. 407!" Ilmi, who was aliased to Jita Lagu, stood up and pointed to Gabriel.

After hearing what Il Fan said, Gabriel couldn't help standing up with a look of ill-fated expression.

"Natsume, I have to spare no effort to show my strength after losing. This way, I can relax a little bit and free up extra time to play games. You can see that you have not played any role at all!"

While complaining about Gabriel, he stood in the center of the venue.

But after she saw Il Fan, Gabriel's face became cold.

After a while, a cold smile appeared on her face: "Your body is full of sin."

"What...what...?" Because his body was full of needles, Ilmi's tone was very mechanical.

"Nothing, I hate you very much. Are you sure you want to fight with me... My character is not like that good old man. When I am self-willed, no rules can stop me. After all, even if I can't get a hunter license, there is no Too much loss."

There is no trace of falsehood, for Gabriel at this time, what she said is true.

It's a terrific thing to gain some world crystallization without completing the task, but if she really does something against Il fans, it is really possible to kill.

After all, standing opposite the angel is a demon, not a demon in blood, but a demon in behavior.

Regardless of which aspect, the sins of Ilmi can constitute the two titles of demons.

Gabriel’s words were not the pure good angels in the original work, but the angels who had experienced wars and slaying in several reincarnation worlds, so the evil people who fell under her can be said to be countless.

Although in normal times, she treats Natsume and the others casually, it does not mean that she will do the same to evil people.

After all, punishing evil is promoting good!

In an instant, the atmosphere on the court became severe again because of Gabriel's words.

"It's terrible..." Looking at the aura on Jia Baili's body in front of him, Xiaojie, who hadn't touched Nian at this time, couldn't help but stepped back three times, looking at Jia Baili in a cold sweat.

Unlike Xiaojie, because of the teachings of Yi Er fans and his family, Qi Ya at this time has come to the door unknowingly, and seems to be ready to escape and leave here at any time!

"... admit... lose... continue... challenge... No. 410..." After feeling the aura of Gabriel like a god and holy, Ilmi couldn't help but speak, and then changed the goal to the weakest Tansheng Gu Senxia's body.

For a moment, he felt a sharp look.

He knew that the gaze was warning himself that if he dared to hurt the girl, he would die.

But at the same time, he also knew that, indeed, as Hisoso and his own guess, in that team composed of all strong, there was indeed a weak!

"Don't worry about me, Natsume, I have the strength to adapt to my own words in the past few days." It seemed that he was aware of Natsume's worry, and while walking towards the center of the field, Tanshengya smiled at Natsume. .

"Well, you can rest assured that you can use your strength, and they and I will fight for you. If we are there, no one will hurt you." Hearing the voice of Dansheng Gu Senxia, ​​she looked a little nervous at this time. The young girl, Natsume couldn't help but grinned and said.

At this time in the arena, the atmosphere seemed to have solidified a bit. When the referee announced the start of the fight, when Il Fan pulled out the needle on his body, he was about to launch towards Dansheng Gu Senxia. Feeling the change in the popularity in front of me.

Transformed from an ordinary person to a person who even felt a little scared!

"Mori Summer·Dark Scripture,"

It seems to be singing, and it seems to be explaining that after the words of Danshenggu, her dress has changed. From the original uniform of a very ordinary high school student, it slowly changed to the appearance of a wizard-like magician.

In addition, she did not know when a staff appeared in her left hand, and when she did not know when there was a book floating open in the air on her right hand.

When the Dansheng Valley changed, Yi Erfan instantly overcame the aura on Dansheng Valley and quickly threw the needle in his hand.

"Under the call of love, the darkness is not so terrible, elves hovering in the darkness, listen to my call!"

When all the needles were about to hit Dansheng Gu Senxia, ​​several small, black-skinned creatures appeared in the void.

And in the hands of these elves are holding the needles with thoughts shot by Il fans!

Mind beast?Release department?Realization system?Or is it the operating system?

Several thoughts echoed in his heart in an instant.

But just as he pulled out the needle from his body again and rushed towards Dansheng Gu Senxia, ​​a pink thought suddenly attacked him.

In order to avoid being hit by unrecognizable thoughts and leading to failure, Yiermi couldn't help but use the needle attached to the thoughts in his hand to slam into the pink thought.

Quite simply, that thought was due to Ilmi’s needle deviating from the track. As Ilmi continued to rush towards Danshenggu, he suddenly felt something attacking him behind him.

Although he had tried his best to avoid him, he was still hurt.

this is?

Needle shot by yourself?!

Looking at the things that caused harm to him, Ilmi's expression couldn't help changing.

And at this moment, Hisuo's expression, who had been bandaged on the side, could not help but change.

At this moment, he was staring at Dansheng Valley, or at the dark elf beside Dansheng Valley.

Because if he didn't feel wrong, the characteristic of the thoughts emitted from the dark elf's hands is his unique power: love that stretches freely!

Because he is so familiar, Hisoso will never admit his mistakes!

In the same way, the Irfan who is very familiar with Hisuo will never admit his mistake!

If you read it, everyone should be different. Hisuo and Yier fans can be sure that the girl in front of them will definitely not have the same power as Hisoso.

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