Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 115

After all, if Danshenggu's thoughts spread, it is estimated that the entire dark world will use all their power to erase her!

"Are you afraid of me being hurt? Don't worry, if they are there, I won't have any problems." After hearing President Nitro's words, Dan Shenggu couldn't help but pointed at this moment with a smile. And the black cat who was arguing with Gabriel said.

For a moment, Nitro's heart couldn't help but let go.

"Indeed, if they are there, ordinary people will be scared away even if they are near you."

This sentence is not a false statement. If the thoughts in the Hunter World are strong enough, and the circle and aura released are strong enough, it will shatter one's fighting spirit and belief.

For example, in the ant chapter, Nobu had white hair overnight after seeing Xiao Yapuf's powerful and evil thoughts, and then he was bald, so he had no choice but to withdraw from the fight.

At this time, Natsume's thoughts in each of them were much stronger than Xiao Yapuf's, but because there was no malice attached to their thoughts, they didn't let their beliefs collapse.

If someone insists on being an enemy of them, Nitro even believes that as long as they unreservedly release their thoughts, all those who want to be hostile to them will be destroyed in an instant, and then fled!

Just when Nitro was thinking about this, the game was just like in the original book. Xiaojie was knocked out by Hanzo, then Hanzo gave up, and then advanced all the way, but before Qiya played against Ilmi, everything seemed to be against Natsume. They are not the same.


Looking at what Yi Erfan said to Qi Ya at this time, and his performance at this time, Xia Mei couldn't help but flash a strange light in his eyes.

Slowly, the thoughts slowly gathered in his eyes. At this time, in his eyes, an inexplicable connection between Qi Ya and Yi Erfan slowly appeared.

"I don't want to kill anymore..."

Looking at the Yi Er fan in front of him, Qi Ya's voice slowly became firmer.

If it was the past, he didn't care about killing or not, but after meeting Xiaojie, his innocence and straightforwardness moved him.

He slowly began to think about things he never thought about before.


Is it really suitable for your own life?

Do you really want to keep your hands full of blood because of the expectations of your parents?

Do not!


"I think... and Xiaojie, be friends! Play like an ordinary person!"

Yes, there is no other reason. He wants to be with Xiaojie, so he doesn't want to kill people.

Because although Xiaojie doesn't care, he does. He doesn't want Xiaojie's friend to be a killer!

"No, you only need to decide whether you can kill him when facing a person. You don't need to think about other things. It is your nature to kill someone. Sooner or later, you will kill him. Maybe today, maybe Tomorrow, do you want to try?"

The words of Yi Erfan completely made Qi Ya determined.

"No! I won't do this!"

And at this time, after hearing what Ilmi said, Leoli finally couldn't help standing up and shouting to Qi Ya: "Qiya! Whether he is your brother or not! But please listen to me!"

"He is not worthy of trust! After you get rid of him quickly, go through the level quickly!"

"You said you want to be friends with Xiaojie!? What are you thinking about!? You are already friends!"

"At least in Xiaojie's heart, I have already regarded you as an indispensable friend!!"

Leo Li's words made Qi Ya's eyes firmer, and at the same time, a wave of irritation emerged in Ilmi's heart.

"It's very difficult to do this. The killer doesn't need a friend. Let me kill him for you."

"But killing the candidate now seems to be disqualified, um... in this case, wait until I pass and kill him."

He is serious!

Qi Ya knows his brother's character very well, so at this time he can judge that his brother is serious!

Do not..

Can't watch Xiaojie die...

In an instant, his emotions fluctuated!

How should I do it...


Just when Qi Ya's heart changed.

"Although this is your own business, I shouldn't care about it, but just now, I seem to have heard that you are going to kill Xiaojie, can you not do it? We still feel pretty good about him, if he If we die, we may be very troubled, and then we don’t know what we will do."

Chapter 173 Influence

Xia Ming's words made Il's fans startled for a moment, and then his face became a little hard to look.

After all, he can bear many things, but he can't bear to be interrupted by his manipulation of his brother!

Only Qi Ya can't do it!

But despite thinking like this, the thoughts that flowed through Natsume at this time seemed to tell him what would happen if he continued to do something!

"Since he has your asylum, I am naturally not good at talking."

After expressing to Natsume that he would not do anything to Xiaojie, Yi Erfan once again turned his attention to Qi Ya.

"Follow your own heart. You are born a murderer. Only killing will satisfy you. Don't suppress your emotions."

"At this time, do you feel that you are almost unable to suppress your desires?"

"If you stay with them, one day you will be unable to suppress your desire to kill them!"

Yiel's mystery slowly shattered Qi Ya's inner defense, and a desire to kill slowly boiled in his heart.

Ilmi's words appeared in his heart again.


Sooner or later...

Will kill Xiaojie...

Do not!

Will not!

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