Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 118

"There will still be a lot of people who care, such as those kind-hearted people killed by them because of their money, or those nosy people like us who can't get used to their behavior."

Looking at the black cat looking at the sky at this time, Natsume couldn't help but smile.

"If this is the case, why should we be with these little ghosts, and why should we wait until they find their friends before doing it." Seeing Xiaojie jumping up and down like a bear kid, the black cat couldn't help but complain. Tao.

"Ma Ma, don't pay attention to these details. After all, our words casually inserting the plot will cause some other problems." Well, to be precise, Natsume feels that it is safer to do that. After all, they are not going to directly challenge the rules of the world. , So it’s better to be safe.

Of course, the deeper reason is roughly because Natsume feels that this plot does not require his own intervention, and it is also a rare plot in this world that is more in line with Natsume's values. Subconsciously, Natsume does not want to change this plot.

Of course, because it was a subconscious problem, even Natsume himself hadn't noticed it.

"It's a perfunctory answer... I've known it a long time ago and acted with Qi Mu. Although it's cold, at any rate, people seem to work harder. If you are with you, it seems that the angel with a broken hand will win this time." Thinking of Gabriel winning. After all the arrogant things he would do in the future, the black cat couldn't help but have a toothache.

"Haha, this is not necessarily because of her enthusiasm, it is easy to fall into the ocean of the game, so Qimu-student has a greater chance of winning." Natsume couldn't help but stretch out looking at the black cat pouting at this time. He said after rubbing her hair.


Looking at Natsume, who was smiling and using the head to kill him, the black cat couldn't help but flushed, and then slapped his hand fiercely, "I'm not a kid, can I not use this way of comforting children? Perfuse me!"

"Sorry, sorry..." Looking at the black cat who was complaining about herself at this time, but did not show any unhappy expression, Natsume couldn't help but shook his head and smiled helplessly.

In fact, as a purely assassin organization, beating the enemy is not very qualified. After all, there is no assassin organization that uses its own lair as a scenic spot except for them.

But in addition to this, everyone in their family is a professional killer. With the peak of human strength in this world, they have completed countless assassin tasks that are called unfinished, and they have added a lot of legend. .

When Natsume Black Cat and Xiaojie arrived in the Republic of Batokia together, after bidding farewell to Xiaojie and the others, Natsume decided to find some upright people with a certain status in this country because he couldn’t hold on to Black Cats. Elect them to the top with strength.

But after three days, the black cat lay in the room like a salted fish.

"Unbelievable! It's incredible. Although they say that politics is the dirtiest thing in the world, it's too exaggerated."

There is no reason why the black cat complains like this, because in the past three days, the black cat has used magic to detect a series of people including the president of the Republic, but none of them is really serving the people. .

Because of a series of factors such as power, wealth, lust, desire, etc., behaviors that use power for personal gains at high positions are basically everywhere.

"It's hard for me to imagine that this kind of country has not yet died." After hearing the words of the black cat, Natsume also said with emotion.

"From the presidential level to now we have begun to screen the mayor level, I suddenly felt that we can't save this country. Suddenly there is a kind of wanting to destroy this country and establish a new regime on the ruins of this country." The black cat couldn't help but aside. He said while rolling on the bed.

"If you want to establish a new regime, you also need high-end political talents. We can't manage it." Even Natsume couldn't help but feel a little discouraged for a while.

At this time, he fully realized Lu Xun's big sentence: Studying medicine can't save the Chinese people's helpless feeling.

He's meow, a country rotten in the bones, Natsume can't find a way to help them!

"I feel that we can declare gg in advance. After solving the problem of beating the enemy, let's just choose a country again." The black cat hesitated and said directly.

"Let's talk about this. Let's just change our minds these days, go somewhere else to relax and solve a few people who are too dirty and leave here." After hearing the black cat's words, Natsume also said with a sullen tone.

"I thought you would never say such a thing." After hearing what Natsumi said, the black cat couldn't help but smiled and touched Natsumi's head.

"?? What?" After hearing the black cat's words, Natsume couldn't help but ask a little curiously.

"Frustrated words, frustrated words."

"Um.. Everyone would say something like this more or less," Natsume couldn't help but smile after hearing the black cat's words.

"But you are different, you are Natsume."

ps: You can never guess what I did to code this chapter. When I finished coding the last chapter, I found that the power bank and mobile phone were out of power. I originally planned to go to the Internet cafe code word after arriving at the station at more than five in the morning. Who knew that getting out of the car under the bunk at three o'clock woke me up. After I went to the toilet, I suddenly saw a thread plugged into the small stool aisle in the corridor, and then a bold idea appeared in my mind.

So the author tried to pat a big sister who was sleeping soundly at the risk of being beaten, and after some communication, she occupied the charging position.

Wake up at three o'clock in the morning without being beaten. Now that I think about the author, I am really lucky. Thank you very much to that big sister.

Chapter 176 News of Seed and Mustache

Looking at the black cat's lowered eyes and the trust hidden under her eyes.A smile appeared at the corner of Natsumi's mouth.

"That said, as a hero who is determined to become a great hero, wouldn't it be embarrassing to be defeated by such a simple thing? Let's go, even the dead wood that rots to the root will leave seeds. I don't believe we can't find it. To that seed."

"Natsume, don't pretend to be art." Seeing Natsume who was confident again at this time, the black cat couldn't help but curl his lips and said.


Looking at the black cat looking at her with disgust, Natsume shook her head.


The Republic of Batokya, border, in a very ordinary village in a small forest.

"Captain, we have been delayed long enough here. If we don't go back, the MPs will definitely find ways to make things difficult for us." Wells looked at Alan, who was still looking into the distance at this time, couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Said.

"We have received intelligence that robbers will attack this place tonight. And this village is the most likely place to be attacked."

After hearing Wells's words, Alan couldn't help but said quietly.

"But! If we stay here, we will most likely be made things difficult for by those congressmen. At that time, all the feats you have accumulated, Brother Allen, will be ashes because of their words!"

Looking at Alan, who looked around without changing his face at this time, Wells couldn't help but said anxiously.

Unlike other flattering people, he grew up watching the man in front of him.

There are dozens of scars on his body, all of which are his military merits. None of this scar is on the back.All battles are born to protect civilians.

Because of his prestige among the common people, the mayor and councillors recruited him.

But after recruiting, they gave him a big enough name, but they didn't give him the slightest right.

At this time, the people around him were all people who stood out because they admired what he did.

"Wells, when do we care about the merits? Don't the things we want have not changed?!"

Looking at Wells, who looked at him anxiously at this time, Alan's expression did not change at all, he still gritted his teeth and said.

" can only help more people in a high position. If it's just like this..." Wells couldn't help gritting his teeth after hearing Alan's words.

"Wells, if there is nothing wrong, I remember that you and I are orphans born in a slum." Looking at Wells beside him at this time, Allen couldn't help but say.

"Yes... Captain, most of us are from that kind of background." Wells couldn't help but speak after hearing Alan's words.

"In the past, when you were being bullied, did you ever imagine that there was a hero, or that there would be big people who would lend a hand, even if it was just a few words, and a piece of bread?" Alan asked with a smile and looked at the distant sky.

"Of course! But the captain.. You know, these are just fantasy!" After hearing Alan's words, Wells couldn't help gritting his teeth.

He knows that there is no such thing as a hero in the world, and big people will never show so-called kindness.

Their hearts are like jackals, and their blood is all black!

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