Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 149

When someday in the future, the blank hundred years will be exposed, the evils of the world government will be exposed, and the Tianlong people who regard humans as pigs and dogs will be hated and disgusted by people.

At a time, they did not have the strength and confidence to oppose the Tianlong people.

But power breeds self-confidence, and this self-confidence is like fire.

When someone drops this fire, the confidence and resistance of countless people will turn into a huge flame that connects them!

Looking at Robin who was lying on the roof and watching the yellow sand in the sky at this time, Natsume hesitated for a moment and finally did not bother her.

After all, some things can only be understood by yourself.

In the early morning of the next day, Robin looked much better.

After greeted her, Natsume took Kato Megumi and Black Cat to Marin Vatican.

At this time, Marin Vando was more stringent than before.

After all, yesterday, they were quietly touched by Kato and the black cat into the marshal's meeting room. It was a terrible shame.

Even if the Warring States did not blame the navy's commanders for this, they spontaneously became harsh on themselves.

Because they knew that the fanatics of yesterday will still come today.

"Do you just break in or do you?" Natsume, who was in the air, looked at the severely defensive navy below and asked.

"Don't be so troublesome, just walk in." After hearing Natsume's words, Kato Kee couldn't help but tilt his head and said.

"Kato has already developed new developments in the use of his abilities. If we hold Kato's hand, then we can be ignored." It seems that the black cat caught Kato Megumi when he sensed Natsume's doubts. He turned his hand to Natsume and said with a smile.

Then, watching Kato tilting his head to reach out to him, Natsume's face turned red involuntarily, and then he took Kato Megumi's hand.

Kato Megumi's is very white and tender. After holding it, it feels like holding a ball of cotton, warm and very comfortable.

Just after Natsume and the black cat shook Kato Megumi's hand, a faint gray light flashed on their bodies.

Natsume felt the difference in herself in an instant.

"Is that the feeling of being weakened?" Natsume looked at his body with some curiosity and said.

"More than that, this is very interesting, I will show you later!" After hearing what Natsume said, the black cat couldn't help but smile.

"Don't say it like that, I'm very troubled by this ability." After hearing the black cat's words, Kato Kee couldn't help but say a little helplessly.

"Okay, okay, let's get things done first, let's find the Sengoku and others, I don't know what they are thinking of to deal with you at this time." Natsume also said with a smile.

After hearing what Natsumi said, the two nodded in agreement.

Although the Marshal of the Warring States period gave them a very good first impression, after Natsume's analysis yesterday, at this time, their impression of the Warring States period can be said to have deteriorated sharply.

After all, attractive and cute girls who are so hot are cheating in this way. It is simply unforgivable!

ps: Thank you Mr. Hundred Thousand Millions, Book Guest 69218284880 for your blade support, Thank you Sonia for your great rewards and support, and thank you book friends for your subscription and monthly support~~

Chapter 212 Painting

Under the influence of Megumi Kato's ability, several people walked towards the navy headquarters in such a carefree manner.

This feeling makes Natsume feel very interesting.

After all, the people they guarded against were clearly in front of them, but they couldn't notice it, and even Natsume and Black Cat deliberately made loud noises and would be directly ignored.

"It's very bad for you to be like this. We are here to do business, not to play." Seeing the two happily playing with his hand, Kato Megumi felt that even he could not maintain his peace of mind. The look is now.

After all, she was quite concerned about her weak sense of existence.

And Kato Megumi's words matched her frowning expression at this time, and the bodies of Black Cat and Natsume instantly stiffened.

"Hehehe, I'm a little bit overwhelmed, so hurry up and talk to the old goatee man about the task."

The goatee old man is the nickname given to the Warring States period by the black cat.

Natsume felt quite fit, after all, there was a goat beside him and his beard was that long.

Just as Natsume walked towards the place where the Warring States Period was, the Warring States Period, Karp, and Akagi had been waiting for them in the conference room for a long time.

"Aren't they just two new-born pirates? As for such a big battle?" Aka Dog who sat aside said with some dissatisfaction.

"They are definitely not ordinary pirates. When they came to me yesterday, I didn't even notice it at all. This is enough to prove their strength!" After hearing the words of the red dog, the Warring States could not help but shake Said the head.

"This can only show that their potential strength is good." After hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Aka Dog shook his head and said.

"They defeated Krokodall and Moria. At the same time, when they arrived here yesterday, they once drew a fat cat on my desk, but I was sitting on the table and looking at the materials." As he said, the Warring States also motioned to several people to take a look at a white cat on his desk.

If Natsume is there, you can recognize at a glance that the cat drawn on the table is the teacher cat.


How should I say, the painting is super like.

In an instant, the expressions of several people became serious because of the words of the Warring States Period.

After all, the dominance of the Warring States is definitely not weak, and this cat did not appear when the Warring States was asleep, but when he was in office.

Just this matter is enough to make people serious.

After all, this time just drew a picture, what about next time?

If it is not painting, but poisoning or bombing, what will the consequences be like?

Some things shudder at the first thought!

It is also for this reason that the Warring States did not directly take action yesterday. After all, his words were not sure whether he could really take them down.

If you can, it's the best.

But if it doesn't work, then I guess I will have a long and turbulent life!

"Anyone with the ability? If it is simply silent, transparent and invisible fruits will not cause this kind of thing. After all, the experience of the Warring States period is definitely not weak." At this time, even Karp who is eating senbei can't help it. Said with emotion.

"If this ability is used to steal intelligence information, it is estimated that it will cause unforeseen losses for the navy!" Akinu's words were quickly reflected, and his expression became serious.

"Therefore, you must finish the battle this time! Otherwise, if they really escaped, it can be said that there are endless troubles!" The Warring States also said loudly.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire room could not help becoming a little serious.

And just as they were discussing how they could capture the black cat and Kato at once, the black cat standing beside them couldn't help but said in a loud voice: "Really! I thought they were good people in vain! I didn't expect it! So mean!"

"Well~ it's normal. After all, what we do can be regarded as bad people. It seems understandable to treat bad people in this way." Kato Hui couldn't help but comforted as he looked at the angry black cat at this time.

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