Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 152

What she said yesterday also overheard the conversation between Klockdal and Robin, so looking at Natsume at this time, she couldn't help but have some guesses in her heart.

"Follow him, Natsume must be right anyway, this Akakin doesn't look like a good person." After hearing Kato Kei's words, the black cat couldn't help but tilt his head and start thinking.

But after a while, the black cat gave up thinking and came to a very arbitrary conclusion.

Yes, after getting along with Natsume for a long time, the black cat has become very dependent and believe in Natsume.

So for her, since Natsume thinks Aka Inu is a bad person, then Aka Inu must be a bad person!

"Have you chosen the location of the battle? Although I hate some of your generals, these navies are innocent. I don't want the battle between us to affect them." Natsume's own words will basically not affect them. To them, but Akinu's words are not necessarily true.

After all, the red dog's ultimate skill is the same thing as a map cannon. If the two fight here, then it is estimated that this place will sink a small island.

Therefore, if you want to fight, it is better to choose an uninhabited island.

In the face of Xia Mei's words, the Sengoku also agreed.

After all, not to mention the strength of Xia Mei, that is, if the power of Karp and the red dog are shown here, the damage to the navy headquarters can be said to be very serious.

"There is an uninhabited island in the south of the navy headquarters, which is quite suitable for everyone to fight."

Looking at the people of Natsume, the Warring States expression flickered and said.

Chapter 215 Fighting and hidden power!

The uninhabited island is a good place to deal with Natsume and them.

After all, for them, whether it is victory or defeat, then there is no big deal.

After all, they will all be trapped in the uninhabited island, and there will be no ships to receive them around. As long as the navy blocks the sea area, countless ships can be transferred from the headquarters to launch the killing order on the island in an instant.

At that time, even if your strength is overwhelming?

This is the closest place to Marine Vatican Headquarters!

The navy is the strongest here!

At this time, even though Natsume was aware of their intention, he didn't care at all.

After all, ordinary pirates, even if the four emperors are all present, are trapped in the island, they can only be caught blind without a boat, but Natsume is different.

They can fly...

Therefore, although the few people seem to be discussing very harmoniously at this time, they can all be said to have a ghost in their hearts.

"Little devil, since you are here to challenge me, then you should do it first." Looking at Natsume who was standing in front of him and looking at him with a smile, Aka Inu couldn't help but said with a grin.

He is confident in his strength.

In other words, he was very confident, so even though he felt a strange sense of danger in Xia Mei, he still didn't care.

After all, he is Akakin Sakaski, one of the three most powerful generals in the Navy!How can a child be defeated!?

Facing the red dog who despised him, Natsume just smiled indifferently.

"Is that so? Good too..."

Just as soon as the voice fell, Natsumi's figure flashed behind Akinu, and a sword stabbed in Akinu's body.

So fast!

At this speed, even Karp and Sengoku couldn't help being a little surprised or looking at Natsume seriously.

At this time, they are beginning to face the strength of the person in front of them!

"Fast speed, but kid, you have chosen the wrong opponent! Haunted Dog!" Looking at the sword on his body, Sakaski couldn't help but grinned and then looked at Natsume with a big smile, and then slammed his right hand at Natsume. Then, the lava attacked Natsume at a very fast speed.

In the face of this situation, Natsume didn't panic at all, but calmly pulled Toya Lake from the body of the red dog, and then quickly blocked all the lava.

"Very good swordsmanship, but this kind of power is ineffective against me. Although it is not invincible, for you little ghosts like the sky and the earth, my power is unmatched!! Great fire breathing!"

Looking at Natsume standing in the distance, Akinu waved his hands again, and instantly attacked with a huge lava fist made up of lava and slammed towards Natsume's place!

The power of the fire-breathing is enough to instantly crush and evaporate a large iceberg dozens of times larger than the giants.It is a very powerful force!

But even if it is strong, what about?

The sword can cut everything!

"Flash!" Natsume looked at the huge fist made of lava that was about to reach him at this time, and the two words were gently spit out from the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, everyone just felt a cold light flashing, and the huge fist made of lava had been cut off by the sword of Xia Mei!

And not only that, the cold light also cut off towards the distant Sarkarski at the fastest speed.

Because the speed was too fast, Sakarski did not dodge and was directly beheaded in half!

"You completely offended me!" Sakaski, who was cut in half, slowly turned into lava, and then slowly turned into a human form. At this time, he looked at Natsume and said with some irritation.

Although there is no slightest damage, but in front of Karp and the Warring States, being beaten like this by a kid, this is intolerable to the arrogant Sakaski!

Although Sakarski was very angry at this time, he also felt that Natsume was very tricky.

Although not domineering, Natsume's exquisite swordsmanship and powerful flying slash also made Akinu feel very tricky.

However, at the same time he was able to detect the weakness of Natsumi.

That is, his body is a mortal no matter what, as long as his lava falls on him, he will surely be able to injure him in one fell swoop!

But in terms of his speed, his speed is a little slower after all.

Since this is the case.

Then let this island become an island of lava!

In just a moment, countless thoughts slowly surfaced in Akinu's mind, and then Akinu made up his mind.

"Burn everything up... Stream! Star! Fire! Mountain!"

Suddenly, the red dog jumped high, constantly waving his fists to produce a large number of huge lava punches from lava. His fists were like the lava of a fire meteor shower. This attack was not just aimed at the place where Natsume was. The whole is covered in the whole island!

The power of lava turned the earth into a sea of ​​lava, and slowly with the continuous release of the power of the red dog, most of the ground of the island was covered by the power of lava!

"What a cool power." Looking at Natsume who kept dodgeing, the black cat said to Kato Megumi with a grin.There is no worry in the words.

"Well, indeed, there is also a meteor shower of fire in my spell, which can't cause such damage at all." Hearing the words of the black cat, Kato Kee nodded and said.

At this time, after hearing the words of the two, the heart of Warring States couldn't help but sink.

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