Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 154

Just like Charlotte Lingling, one of the four emperors, her physique is inherently strong.

Powerful enough to kill or kill giant elders at the age of five, and a bounty of 50 million when you go to sea at six.

After she came into contact with domineering, her words can basically be said to be self-taught without a teacher. After killing the lieutenant who used domineering to her own, she led out armed domineering in just one day.

But even Charlotte Lingling, who is as powerful as one of the Four Emperors, took a day!

However, the few people standing in front of him only spent a few minutes leading the domineering, how could this be possible!?

It seemed that he had noticed the thoughts of several people, and the corners of Natsumi's mouth could not help but raised slightly.

"Belief and unbelief are yours, but now that you have mastered this useful ability, Mr. Sakarski, be careful, I will cut off your arm with the next sword."

For a moment, the shock in Sakarski's heart was suppressed by anger.

"Boy! Don't be mad! Who do you think I am!? I'm Sakaski, the red dog!"

"Gunbit Guren! Here! Me! Go! Die!"

But just as Akinu called out this move, a sharp blade flashed past his eyes at an extremely fast speed.

Then came the fall of the arm that had not yet formed like a lava hound.

"The speed is a bit slow after all, Mr. Sarkarski."

The words of Natsumi officially announced the defeat of the navy's highest combat power, the most powerful of the three generals, Akadog!

Ask for a day off

rt, the charging cable burned within five minutes after I turned on the computer. I was shocked and hurriedly went to repair the computer to buy it. Barabara said a lot. It probably means that there is no such style as you here. I can wait for one to be picked up tomorrow morning.

So take a day off today...

Blue thin shiitake mushrooms.┗( T﹏T )┛┗( T﹏T )┛

Chapter 217 wins!Win!Win!

As Akinu's arm fell, the battle between the two came to an end.

At this time, Karp and Warring States, who were standing on the sidelines, could not help but change their colors.

Even guessed Natsume might be strong.

But they never thought that he would be so powerful.

This kind of swordsmanship, this speed, such a powerful body and domineering, even the world's number one swordsman Eagle Eye might not be able to exert this kind of power!

"How dare you...?"

Seeing the red dog who was cut off and panting at this moment, the expression of the Warring States could not help becoming very angry.

"There is nothing to dare to dare, just want to remind you. Although there is nothing wrong with defending justice, but since you are soldiers, your justice should be to guard the people, not to aim your guns at the people."

"You have to know that people who are too extreme will not be likable no matter what they do."

Looking at the red dog standing next to him and the Warring States period beside him at this time, Xia Mei couldn't help but flashed a cold light in his eyes, and said to a few people in a pointed way.

"I should have won this game."

As he walked towards Sengoku and Karp, Natsume slowly changed his expression and asked while watching them.

At this time, looking at Natsume with his back to him, the lava in Akagu's hands continued to condense, but thinking of his speed just now, after all, he did not start.

In other words, when he made the move, he was keenly aware that if he made the move, he would not end well.

Although this intuition has no basis at all, Akinu finally chose to trust his intuition. After all, this intuition has saved him countless times!

And after "seeing" Akinu gave up, the corners of Natsumi's mouth could not help but slowly raised.

"Of course you have won." Although angry, Sengoku didn't say much in the end, and just nodded to Natsume.

"But since your Excellency is to obtain the position of Qiwuhai for your companions, you should retain the minimum respect for the navy!"

Looking at the Warring States, whose responsibilities were too heavy on his own, Xia Mei couldn't help slowly becoming a little cold.

"Sorry, I'm a bit heavy, but if you were the Marshal who just left the field, I would do it like this."

"Because just before coming, because of your relationship, I saw someone crying."

"My friend is crying. As a friend, I feel like I should do something."

A substantive pressure was like a boulder in the heart of Warring States.

This feeling is...


Looking at Natsume, who was gentle and domineering at this time, Sengoku didn't say much in the end.He just cast his gaze on the black cat and Megumi Kato who were smiling and looking at him.

It seemed that he was telling Natsume that he would get back a copy of Sarkarski from them.

Facing the naked gaze of Sengoku, Natsume couldn't help but raise his chin, not paying attention to his threat.

You know, even if he can easily defeat the red dog like this, he will feel tricky when facing two people. Although the power of the Warring States period is strong, it is not as tricky as the red dog elementalization. With the black cat and Kato Ke Power can easily defeat him.

"Goatee, do you think we are weak?"

Seeing Sakaski who had been bandaged by the soldiers who came with the ship, the black cat couldn't help but said as if looking at the warring states provocation.

After all, she can tell that in the navy, except for the person who eats senbei, whether it is the Warring States Period or Aka Inu, Natsume has no affection for them.

And since Natsume didn't like them.

I will not have a good impression on myself.

"No, I never thought you were weak."

"But you will fail."

"Because... I'm even stronger, old man!"

Warring States said in a deep voice while walking towards the middle of the island.

As he progressed, the lava burning on the ground began to slowly die out.

When he got to the playing field, there was no burning lava within a thousand meters around him!

"Boy, let me tell you today... Don't underestimate the power of the admiral!"

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