Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 162

Seeing the appearance of Kato Megumi at this time, Natsume thought for a while. It was indeed the truth, so he didn't say much, and enjoyed the environment here with peace of mind.

While Natsume was drinking tea happily, Luffy and the others had been led by Mr.2 to the fortress of the black cat.

"What the hell is this kind of fortress that looks like the ultimate devil?"

Taking a further step is in the dark night, taking a step back, the scorching sun in the sky, this situation makes Nami feel a little weak to complain.

"Oh ha ha~~ This is the Night Demon Realm of the Lord of the Night Demon Queen, if you retreat now, you may be forgiven, otherwise..." Von Clay couldn't help but said with a smile covering his mouth.

"Huh! Is this the place where that nasty guy is?!"

"I must hit him!"

After hearing von Kray's words, Luffy couldn't help but said furiously, and then rushed into the fortress at the fastest speed before Nami could say anything.

When the black cat in the terrifying three-way sailing ship saw Luffy directly rushing into his fortress, he also smiled and activated the trap remotely.

It is not suitable to say that it is a trap.

It should be said to be a trial space.

For the trial space, for the time being, the black cat only set up twelve levels. The first level is just a simple desert beast, the sixth level will be the opponent they met in the original book, and the seventh level will be themselves, and then Until the twelfth level, they are all but the numbers are different.

In the trial space, if Luffy and the others do not take the initiative, the target of the trial will not take the initiative to the opponent, and here Luffy and their recovery speed will be greatly increased.

From the black cat's point of view, it is basically impossible for them to challenge the twelfth level, so they will watch them carefully and send them out when they reach the limit, and then they and Natsume will come forward to solve the misunderstanding.

But the facts are often very unexpected.

Under the strange eyes of the black cats, they constantly broke through the barriers of the trial space at an extremely fast speed.

"This is too exaggerated. Although Krokdal is a phantom that I created, it is a little dull, but it is not just to be defeated after a dozen trials, and it releases so much blood, using blood as water. Is this style of play really okay?"

Looking at Luffy with a miserable image at this time, even the black cat wanted to lift the trial space for a while.

"It's okay, trust him."

"After all... in future adventures, he will meet enemies much stronger than Krokdal."

"It doesn't matter no matter how much damage you receive in the trial space."

"This is better than receiving this kind of damage from the outside world. After all, there is no such person in the outside world who can help them heal like in the trial space."

Chapter 225 Actually everything is a misunderstanding (serious face)

Sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime.

Although as the son of the world, it is difficult to kill him if the favored one does not take action and pay a high price, but this time the task of the new world will and its behavior make Natsume feel that if Luffy is weaker, Maybe it will really pay a heavy price, even death!

At this time, although Luffy looked miserable, under the influence of the trial space, his recovery speed was very rapid.

Only Luffy's aptitude and foundation, although he is constantly injured, but his strength can also be said to be leaping continuously.

As the son of the world, not just Luffy, everyone in the Straw Hat group has a very deep foundation.

It's like Usopp, although it looks weak, but even this way, the skull can be crushed by a powerful attack and he can recover in a short time.

Therefore, at this time, although the people in the straw hat group looked very miserable, they did not suffer any serious injuries.

In other words, instead of being injured, their strength was also rapidly improving at an unreasonable speed.

Even Natsume was a little surprised at this improvement.

After all, behind this improvement, Natsume saw the will to the new world.

This kind of weird thing is combining the tasks of himself and Kato, and Natsume clearly judged that this time the new world will is preparing for a big action.

Or it was a very risky action.

Natsume could vaguely guess what the specific action was, but he was not sure.

After all, it is difficult for humans to think of God's thoughts, and what's more, standing in front of Natsume at this time is the will of the world that is more profound than the gods.

Then, under the weird gazes of several people, Luffy broke through the twelve levels of the trial space in a row.

There is no second or third gear, but it can defeat strength, and its agility is a mirror clone of himself several times.

Although there are reasons for the relatively dull fighting style of the mirror clone, it is enough to show the improvement of Luffy's strength.

Not just Luffy, the others in the Straw Hat group also made progress.

Among the levels of the trial space, even the slowest progress Nami has already advanced to the seventh level at this time, and the words of others are also hovering between the eighth and eleventh levels.

Natsume believes that if there is enough time, they will definitely be able to pass the twelve levels.

"Since the protagonist has already appeared, our words should appear too."

Looking at this time standing in the living room of his palace, shouting his name loudly, wanting to fly his Luffy.

The black cat said to Natsume while yawning.

"Yes, this "misunderstanding" is about to be solved."

Natsume also sighed and said, although Natsume hides like an ostrich these days, but when this day really comes, Natsume still feels a little ashamed.

After all, if you deceive a person who treats yourself like this, Natsume still feels very uncomfortable even in the name of his own good.

Then the black cat quietly activated the teleportation magic, and at this moment, the trial space in the castle also quietly closed.

All of them have come to the castle of the black cat.

"What? It was kidnapped?"

"No, no! I was just invited by Lord Black Cat to be a guest."

"Why stay for so long and let this gentleman replace me?"

"Because Mr. Black Cat’s friend, Mr. Kato, came to visit. They used their abilities for some things and accidentally took me to the water capital area. Therefore, it took a long time for the return journey. They just passed various methods. Come back, I'm about to go back to China after resting here for a while."

Because of Korab's words, at this time, including Wei Wei, the expressions of everyone in the straw hat group were dumbfounded.

"So, is everything a misunderstanding?" After a while, Robin turned his neck stiffly and then asked.

"Of course it is a misunderstanding, but I have received your thoughts. I will apologize to Lord Black Cat on your behalf immediately."

After hearing Robin's words, Korab looked at the straw hat group standing in front of him and his own daughter who was a little shy at this time, and couldn't help but smile.

After all, all the reasons are because of myself.

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