Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 165

"Is it possible to be a capable person?"

Various speculations gave Natsume a trace of mystery.

"You are so annoying! Whatever it is! As long as you can really find the food, it's fine!" Bonnie said impatiently when she heard the guessing sound of her own men while eating.

After hearing Bonnie's words, several people were startled.

Then he said in unison: "Yes! As long as there is food!"

Why do they feel that they are even more than Luffy... ah.

Natsume couldn't help but feel a hint of rude thoughts in his mind.

While Natsume was thinking about it, Mr. Cat had already thrown several very large fish out quickly under the boat.

"What a great cat! If you have him, wouldn't you worry about eating on the boat in the future!"

Bonnie murmured while motioning to the crew to prepare the fish.

In an instant, her eyes turned strange when she looked at Xia Mei.

"Hey! Boy, you are good enough to be a crew member who can barely become a crew member, how about it, take that cat to join our Bonnie Pirate Ship!"

"Sorry, I already have my own captain, and there is no idea of ​​changing captain yet."

After hearing Bonnie's words, Natsume couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

"Well, that's really unlucky."

Bonnie didn't force her when she heard Natsumi's words, and then she turned her gaze in the direction of the kitchen.

"Since the food has been handed over to you, then we will leave first."

Looking at Bonnie, who was urging her crew to cook while keeping her saliva, Natsume couldn't help but smile.

"Leave? Don't we need to see you off?" Bonnie asked strangely after hearing what Xia Ming said.

"No, we have a way to leave. This time, we won't make a mistake like just now, do you think so? Teacher?"

Looking at Mr. Kitty who was squinting in his arms at this time, Natsume couldn't help but sigh.

Chapter 228 Joelie Bonnie and the landmark historical text!

After hearing what Xia Ming said, Teacher Cat could not help yawning and said, "As long as you watch C, don't let her stabbing me with a knife."

While talking like this, Mr. Mao Mi changed to the original appearance, and then Natsume and Shi sat on Ms. Mi again.

But at this moment, because of the figure floating in the air after the transformation of Teacher Cat, Bonnie's eyes suddenly changed.

"Hey! Boy, don't leave in such a hurry! We haven't got a cleanup yet!"

"Huh? Isn't the meat enough?" Natsume couldn't help but scratching his head, looking at Bonnie, who was looking straight at herself at this time, as if she was looking at some treasure.

"Cut~ If the same meat is used to convert the cost of ship repairs, at least you have to stay with me to the next island to offset it!"

"However, it looks like you are in a hurry, so I will let you off with reluctance, so let's, as long as you promise me one thing, we will be settled!"

Looking at Natsume, Bonnie couldn't help but said loudly.

Although she tried to pretend to be indifferent, her trembling hands had already betrayed her.

"Talk about it, if it is something I can do, I will definitely help."

After hesitating, Natsume looked at her calmly and said.

But after hearing what Natsume said, Bonnie was overjoyed, and then turned back and walked into the captain's room of her pirate ship. After a while, under Natsume's strange gaze, Bonnie put a paper two to three meters high. It turned into a scroll, and then threw the scroll to Natsume.

"My name is Joelie Bonnie! Sooner or later the pirate will be famous."

"If one day you hear the news of my death, if you still remember the agreement, you can rub this thing and spread it to the sea."

"By the way, if you can, please give this item to the White Beard Pirates and tell them that we will never forget their life-saving grace!"

Bonnie's words made Xia Ming's expression change involuntarily, and then looked at Bonnie in disbelief while playing with the scroll in her hand.

"This thing should be very important to you, isn't it appropriate to give it to someone like me who has only met me for less than an hour?"

"It's just a bet on your character. This thing will only become useful in the hands of useful people. For ordinary people, it can be used as a table pad."

"As for you, it feels different to me from ordinary pirates, so I will do a double insurance."

"After all, I still want this thing to be done personally to repay my father's kindness. Besides, in the sea, there are many people who can defeat me, but there are very few people who want to catch me. Yeah!"

Looking at Bonnie, who was proud of her chest, Natsume groaned for a moment and then replied: "If one day, I really hear the news that you were executed, I will do it."

After that, Natsume and Mio continued to head towards the South China Sea on the cat teacher.

On the way to the South China Sea, Natsume also opened the scroll that Bonnie gave him.

To Natsume's surprise, the text on the paper Natsume is very strange, but the shape of Natsume is very familiar.

"The historical text?"

"Is this the secret hidden in Bonnie?"

Looking at the ship that had disappeared in her eyes, Natsume couldn't help but think of Bonnie in her memory and the plot related to her, and then guessed like this with some uncertainty.

Although it was unfounded, Natsumi's guess was still inevitable.

Bonnie is not from the Whitebeard Pirates.

Her words came from a country sheltered by the White Beard Pirates.

Because she has faced the ravages of pirates and even the navy, she respects and appreciates the white beard very much.

For Bonnie, her ideal is to join the White Beard Pirates, although this ideal is easy to realize.

But she didn't want to be so easy and simple to realize what she said, she wanted to be upright, and to use the feats that all the sons of the white beard father could not do to become the proud daughter of the white beard.

So in an opportunity, Bonnie got a message.In other words, a message was deliberately revealed.

Regarding the historical text, it is precisely the news about the historical text of the landmark.

Therefore, Bonnie, who sincerely hopes that Whitebeard can become the One Piece, decides that she must find the historical text of the landmark by her own power, and then rub it down and give it to Whitebeard.

After various investigations, she finally succeeded in mixing into the world government by virtue of the power of her own fruits, and then successfully rubbed the historical text.

But when she left, her behavior was eventually discovered by the world government.

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