Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 167

Nami couldn't help but rubbed her head and said helplessly.

The black cat's performance can be seen by anyone with normal IQ.

But in my own pirate group, there are just a few people who have IQs compared to normal people...

I'm not going to talk about the issue of IQ.

Yes, not only Chopper believed it, but their captain believed it, even Usopp believed a lot of black cats...

Chapter 230 The Reluctant Farewell and the Pursuit of Smogg

At this time, half of the people in the straw hat group would have become the so-called family members of the black cat if they hadn't stopped them by themselves.

Well, Chopper (because of fear), Luffy (because of fun), Usopp (because of both), Sanji (because of the black cat)...

Although she knew that her crew had some shortcomings, Nami said that she had no idea that her crew would be so easily fooled.

Looking at Nami who was sighing and Robin who was sitting aside smiling, Natsume then threw a scroll in her arms to her.

"I met a very interesting group of pirates on the way to the South China Sea, and then their captain gave me something."

After hearing what Natsume said, Robin couldn't help but smiled and stood up to see what the present Natsume brought to him.

But just after unfolding, Robin's expression changed.

"this is..."

"The rubbing of historical text?!"

After hearing Robin's words, Nami who was on the side also looked at Natsume in surprise.Regarding the importance of historical texts, Natsume told them, and in Alabastan, they secretly followed Natsume’s words and sneaked into the royal tombs to check. Although they don’t know what it was written on, look at it. The look of Robin knows that it is a very important thing!

"Historical text? This is something I remember Robin has been pursuing? How did you have Natsume?"

"I was also surprised to get this thing, I can only say that it was just the right time." Looking at the doubtful people, Natsume told her encounter with Bonnie.

"Is it the white beard crew member? If it's the people under his command, it can be said clearly." Wei Wei said with some emotion.

Unlike Lu Fei who had no idea about the name White Beard, Wei Wei, a princess of a country, knew a lot about the new world and even the Four Emperors.

After all, her surname is Neferrutari, a descendant of the twenty kings who founded the world government, and has greater rights in the world government than in ordinary countries.

"So, did the person named Bonnie ask you to give this thing to White Beard?" Nami couldn't help but asked, holding her head.After all, this matter is very troublesome.

"No, she meant that if she was arrested by the Navy and executed, then we can copy this thing and spread it out. If we can meet someone with a white beard, just give it to him. ."

"If we haven't heard the news of her death, we should keep this thing by ourselves. After all, this thing should be a gift she wants to give to the white beard, and if it is a gift, it is best to give it yourself."

After hearing Nami's words, Natsume couldn't help but shook his head and answered with a smile.

"Huh~~ That's good!"

"Speaking of Whitebeard, isn't it the pirate group that Ace is in?" Luffy's focus is always different from others.

"Speaking of it, when we entered Alabastan, we met Luffy's elder brother, Firefist Ace, a big pirate with a bounty of up to 500 million. He seemed to be a cadre under Baibeard!"

"Hot Fist Ace? I've heard his name, but I have a hunch that although I haven't seen him this time, I will see him in the future voyage."

Yes, if Natsume didn't guess wrong, it wouldn't take long for him to see him again.

At that time, I will appear in Malin Vandor with the straw hat group!

"My brother is so reliable, but my brother..."

Looking at Luffy, Nami couldn't help but said with emotion.

"Hahahaha! Don't say so much! Now that Natsume has returned! Then let's continue our banquet!"

After hearing Nami's words, Luffy couldn't help but say loudly.

Looking at the way Luffy looked at this time, several people couldn't help but glance at each other, and then shook their heads with a somewhat helpless smile.

"That said, now that Natsume is back, we will take a day off and our ship will set sail again!"

Sauron couldn't help but speak.

"Eh? Are you leaving so soon? Then Miss Black Cat~Miss Weiwei~Do you want to go together?"

Sanji couldn't help looking at the two with peachy eyes.

The atmosphere couldn't help but become a little low in an instant.

Of course, it wasn't because of the black cat that it was low, but because it was slightly low.

After all, they all knew that even though the crisis was lifted, Wei Wei still couldn't take risks with herself.

After all, she is the princess of the kingdom, and the only princess.

If she chooses to take risks with herself, she will undoubtedly bring danger to her kingdom.

As far as Wei Wei's character is concerned, this kind of thing will never happen.

So this kind of thing has no choice in the beginning.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone in the straw hat group got up early, and then quietly walked towards the distant ship.

And following them is Wei Wei, who also got up very early.

Both sides knew each other and saw each other, but they didn't break it.

When the ship left the harbour, the slight gaze intersected with them.

The hearts of each other are constantly interacting through that sight.

Some people only appear in your life for a short time, but in this short time, they can bring people an unforgettable memory for a lifetime.

Obviously, the encounter with Lu Fei and the others gave Wei Wei a few more friends, and at the same time, she also had precious memories that she would never forget for a lifetime.

Just when Luffy and the others were crying, several naval ships suddenly appeared before and after their ship!

"Straw hat boy! You can't run away!" Standing on the deck watching Luffy who was already surrounded by him, Small could not help but say loudly.

"Isn't it just a little pirate who offers a reward of 30 million? As for such a thriller? Tina is very dissatisfied!"

And looking at Smogg who was excited at this time, Tina who was beside him couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied, or said indifferently.

After all, for her, in the great channel, the 30 million bounty is just a small level.

"That guy is different!" After hearing Tina's words, Smogg couldn't help but speak.

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