Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 170

But as they flew into the sky, in an instant, countless iron branches attacked them like raindrops.

In the air, whether it was Sanji Luffy or Sauron, their flexibility and combat effectiveness could be said to have drastically decreased.

After all, they are flying this way for the first time, so it is normal that they cannot master the air combat.

But for this, Qi Gong Zhiyin's words were not unprepared.

"Magic shield! Dissociation technique!"

All the iron branches were blocked by the shield in an instant, and Zhiyin Qigong's dissociation technique also shot at the ship where Tina and the others were.

In an instant, the naval battleship disintegrated, and they had no time to trouble a few people!

Update time adjustment

Recently, the work has been a bit busy, and the author's bacterial status has gradually declined.

So if you update the time, temporarily adjust it from noon to night every day.

Generally speaking, it will take a long time for the author to send out the update at around 11pm.

I hope you can understand it greatly.

ps: Shamelessly ask you for a wave of subscriptions~~

Chapter 233 The Bounty Increase... And Sophia who was offered a reward for the first time!

Looking at the two people flying away at this time, Tina's expression, who was limp in the sea at this time, couldn't help becoming very ugly.

After all, as an elite of the navy headquarters, although Tina has seen countless pirates who are stronger than the people in front of her, there has never been a group of pirates that can bring Tina such a sense of humiliation.

And at the same time, words about Smogg resurfaced in Tina's heart.

"Tina is very dissatisfied."

"But...the look in their eyes just now..."

Thinking of the few people who had just been playing a game and didn't care about their life and death at all, Tina couldn't help but slowly make a decision in her heart.

Then when Natsume and the others continued to sail at sea, the information about them had arrived at the navy headquarters.

"Wow ha ha ha! Worthy of being my grandson! Even the stinky boy Smogg is not an opponent!" Looking at the intelligence of Tina and Smogg, Karp couldn't help but walked to the front of the Warring States period and laughed loudly. While complimenting Luffy.

Seeing how his old friend looked at this time, Warring States couldn't help but slap the table fiercely.

"Kapu! Pay attention to me! You are a navy! Is it proud of you to train your grandson as a pirate?!"

"Not proud! But, I am proud that my grandson defeated your optimistic navy elite!" While picking his nostrils, Karp didn't care about the idea of ​​the Warring States that was already on the verge of breaking out.

Seeing the old clapper who looked like the meat of a hob, the Warring States period was almost distracted.

"Since Luffy's strength can defeat Smogg, the 30 million bounty is already a thing of the past. For the time being, it will be increased to 100 million Baileys."

"This knife juggler can fight Tina on a par, and he should also offer a reward. For the time being, the reward is 60 million."

"As for the chef you mentioned, he can still defeat so many navy soldiers under Tina's ability, and many of them are colonel and lieutenant officers. This is enough to show how difficult it is. A reward of 50 million Baileys is temporarily offered."

Lieutenant General Crane saw the two people who were fighting and shook his head, then said to Karp and Sengoku.

"Um... what about the last girl?"

After hearing what He said, Zeng Guo nodded involuntarily, and then his expression became a little serious.

"At present, the information our people have, the flying technique that can make people fly, the dissociation technique that can disintegrate a naval battleship in an instant, and the illusion technique that pulls the soldiers on board into an illusion. From our current information. It can be said that the fruit with so many complex abilities can be said to be rare. If it is allowed to grow, it will inevitably become a confidant of our navy!"

Yes, for the performance of Zhiyin Qigong at this time, his status in the hearts of several people in the Warring States period is greater than that of Luffy.

After all, for the average person, fruit is very important.For example, Small and Luffy.

At this time, don’t look at Lu Fei defeating Small, but the Sengoku He and the others are still not worried. After all, if they are not domineering, even if Lu Fei “lucky” defeats Small once, next time, Small As long as Ge does not bring his own ten hands, as long as Luffy and the others don’t have a sea floor stone, then Luffy will have a great chance of losing,

After all, a person with rubber fruit ability really can't attract the attention of navy leaders.

But Chiyin is different. The ability of flying is only one of the kings of the previous era in the Navy's previous records, and the Golden Lion has it.The Golden Lion also relied on this ability to become the overlord of the sea that even Roger had a headache.

Although there are various signs that the golden lion is not dead, the fruit of Zhiyin Qigong is not a floating fruit.

But there is no doubt that the fruit of Zhiyin Qigong is even more tricky. After all, the floating fruit can only affect non-living objects, but Zhiyin Qigong can make people fly freely.

And not only that, she can also use magic to instantly destroy naval ships.

If this kind of power is paired with a powerful captain, it would be a nightmare for the navy.

"If you offer a bounty, let's customize it to 300 million Baileys for the time being." He hesitated after hearing the words of the Warring States Period, and He looked at several people and said seriously.

In an instant, even Karp put down the senbei in his hand in surprise.

"Hey hey hey! The old woman's bounty is a bit too exaggerated! Although I admit that the ability is tricky, it's not worth 300 million Baileys." This bounty is not just given.

We must know that even the natural fruit ability Krokdal had a bounty of 80 million Baileys when he went to sea 20 years ago, and the subsequent natural fruit ability wet hair Capri walked most of the great channel, the bounty It was only 210 million Baileys.

Although there is a relationship because the two natural elements are not strong, even the bounty of Firefist Ace is as high as 550 million Baileys and it is not achieved overnight.

It's because of his continuous improvement in his strength in the past few years!

"I can explain this."

"Speaking of which, do you still remember that the one I recommended to you recently became Major Admiral Tanson Taniyama of the Navy Headquarters?" After hearing Karp's words, looking at the puzzled expression of the Warring States Period, Crane couldn't help but solemnly said.

"Is that little girl? It's really impossible to refuse to accept the old. If she is strong, she might already be comparable to the general. After I retire, if she is there, the three major navy generals can still continue to megapower an era."

Speaking of Tansheng Gu Morinya, the Warring States period can be said to be 10,000 satisfactions. After all, according to her performance during this period, there is no doubt that it is a gentle, kind, and enmity navy. As long as it is trained and guided, it will inevitably become the guardian navy. And the strongest shield of the world government!

"Her words are those of ability, the ability of superhuman mage fruit. According to her, there are several devil fruits in the place where she got the devil fruits."

"It doesn’t matter who collected these things. What’s important is that all the people who ate the fruits have appeared in the sea. According to her, that Sophia is one of them! She is currently the weakest person, but the potential of her fruit can be said to be very powerful!"

What Tsuru said is what Natsume and Tansuo Tani Morinatsu and Kato Ke negotiated to win the trust of the organizations behind them.

After all, Tanshengya, Kato Megumi, Black Cat, and Nanami Tomomi, although the abilities of the four are different, they can be said to be very similar in essence.

If you don't find a reasonable excuse, then it may hinder the completion of the task in the future, so they should simply formulate a reasonable excuse.

After all, in this sea, even the pure gold that can make people live forever, the rainbow and fog that can make people travel through time, etc. can exist, so the words of some strange devil fruits seem to be able to explain.

Thank you Tianzhiwu for your reward and support, and thank you book friends for your subscription support~~

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