Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 172

"Ehahahahaha~ But don't just talk, how do you deal with this ship?" After hearing several people's words, Chiyin Chion couldn't help but let out his own habitual laughter, and then pointed to the huge on top of the Meri. Said the sailboat.

The sailboat smashed down from the sky has been suspended in the air by Chiyin Chiyin using magic.

However, because the caster was on the ship, the wreckage has been floating above the ship.

"The ship floating in the sky, is this the legendary ghost ship!?"

Looking at the wreckage of the ship floating above his head, Luffy patted his head suddenly and called out loudly.

Then, before everyone could react, they directly used their abilities to jump to the top.

"Ahhhhh! It's a ghost ship! Will Luffy be caught?"

And just as Luffy went up, Usopp and Chopper on the boat could not help but rushing around and making a loud noise.


In a moment, because of their noise, Nami's fist had fallen fiercely.

"Which of you have ever heard of ghost ships floating in the sky!!"

"You mean, it's not a ghost ship?!"

"Um, no..."

After hearing Nami's words, Usopp and Chopper couldn't help but let go of their hearts, and said with a big smile.

"Well, if you have nothing to do now, you can go up and see what treasures worth looking for in the boat."

"Although I don't know why the ship fell from the sky, there should be something special!"

Looking at the curious people at this time, Nami couldn't help but waved her hand and said helplessly.

After obtaining Nami's permission, Sanji Solon Usopp directly came to the ship in the sky through various means.

"Why don't these guys have the same curiosity as Natsume and Sophia? This way I will save a lot of worry."

While talking, Nami looked at her own hand. In an instant, Nami's expression suddenly changed, and her eyes suddenly stared like a copper bell!

"How come! There is a problem with the floating pointer!"

Because she was so surprised, Nami's business seemed extremely huge.

And it is precisely because of this that the few people who had just started searching from above turned their heads down and looked down.

"Miss Nami? Is something wrong?!"

While talking like this, Sanji used his own feet to get rid of the planks floating on the boat.

And the moment he came down, looking at Nami's expression and the floating pointer in Nami's hand, his expression became flustered.

After all, in the great sea route, the floating pointer is basically the second life of the ship.

If this thing is really broken, then unless you have bad luck, you can basically just wait for death!

"It's not that the pointer is broken, but the magnetic force of the pointer is taken away!" Robin said suddenly.

"The magnetism was taken away!? What does that mean?" Nami asked in a panic.

"The magnetic force of the pointer was taken away by the sky island. This kind of thing often happens when sailing on the great sea route. I have seen this thing in some books."

Robin said to several people while flipping the book in his hand.

And just as Robin said this, Luffy among the ships in the sky was suddenly startled, and then jumped off as fast as he could.

"Sky Island?! Is it an island floating in mid-air!? What is that!?"

Obviously, looking at Luffy's expression at this time, Nami could not help but feel an ominous premonition in her heart.

"Accurately speaking, it is not an island floating in the air, but the sea..."

"The more you talk about it, the more I feel I don't understand it. It should be because the pointer is broken."

Nami rubbed her head and said helplessly.

"It's not that the pointer is broken, Nami." Looking at Nami's distressed look at this time, Natsume couldn't help but smile at her.

"In the great route, the last thing a navigator can doubt is the pointer in his hand."

"When the pointer is in the air, what you think should be how to get the ship into the air, rather than doubt the pointer in your hand."

"You have to know that on the Great Sea Route, all the common sense you have ever known is useless."

Natsume’s words made Nami start to look at the sky thoughtfully, and Robin also said at this time: "Indeed, it’s just like Natsume said. But most of the words about Skyshima in the books I read It's very cryptic, so I can't be sure."

"But there is only one thing I can be sure of!"

"That is, there must be islands in the direction pointed by the magnetic selection pointer!"

"And this is why the pointer is round!"

Looking at Robin who was serious at this time, Nami couldn't help but exude her admiration for this sea area.

But just as she was about to say something, bursts of golden light flashed in the eyes of Lu Fei on the side.

"There is an island in the sky! Good! Go right away!"

And Usopp, who was on the side, also began to shout and join in the fun.

"Brothers! Put the rudder up! The next stop is empty island!"

Seeing the two of them, Nami couldn't help but touch her forehead.

"You guys... you must know that there is no way for the rudder to move upward."

At this moment, Sauron also jumped from the ship in the sky.

However, because he didn't grasp the direction, he jumped directly into the sea and swam away from the ship.

Seeing him deviated from the ship for the third time under everyone's reminders and his own gaze, Natsume couldn't help but somewhat helplessly took Sauron back directly.

"Sauron, they are messed up enough, so don't mess with me like that, okay."

Nami looked at Sauron weakly and said.

"Who's messing up! I just happened to want to swim!"

After hearing Nami's words, Sauron's face turned red involuntarily, and then he said loudly.

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