Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 174

"No! I'm going to the sky island!"

In an instant, the navigator and the captain clashed.

"Magnetism has been attracted here, so we can come anytime if we have time."

"Now, let's go to Gaya Island to replenish food. After all, there is not much food."

Seeing how the two were about to fight, Natsume couldn't help but smile.

"That's right, after all, if we can't find a way, we can only stay here forever."

"And the magic of Miss Sophia can't support it for too long, so let's add some food on Gaya Island and figure out where to go slowly."

Sanji also suggested.

Looking at the appearance of the few people, Luffy still raised his head unwillingly.

After all, he really wants to go to the sky island!

"Don't worry, Luffy, I promise you. If we don't think of a way on Gaya Island this time, we will keep thinking of ways there." Looking at Luffy, Nami couldn't help but comfort.

Well, the real idea is that after arriving on Gaya Island, Nami wants to ask Natsume about Golden Country carefully and where to find Golden Country.

As for why Nami firmly believes that there is Golden Village there, it is basically because of her trust in Natsume's character.

After all, Natsume had said that the man called the big liar would not lie.

The character of Xia Mei should not deceive, so the person called the big liar by the world is credible.

In the same way, Golden Town is credible!

Chapter 237 Arrived on Gaya Island... and Nami's transformation!

After Luffy tried countless times and found that he really couldn't fly to the sky island, Luffy had to accept Nami's proposal and head to Gaya Island.

"Boss! Look! There is a ship there! It flew down!"

When the Golden Meri landed, the members of the Orangutan Pirate Group in the Saruyama Coalition Army that were engaged in fishing operations accidentally discovered the Meri.

"Falling down? Doesn't this happen often? Doesn't it mean that we have business again?" After hearing his little brother's words, the ape (his name is called this... his brother's name is ape.) couldn't help but laugh. Said.

"No boss! It's not the same as before! It used to fall from the sky! This time it was from the sky!"

"Isn't falling down the same as flying down?" said the ape in doubt.

"Boss! Your IQ is really the same as that of a monkey!" The crew couldn't help but said helplessly as they looked at the puzzled personnel.

"Do I have such an ape-like appearance?" After hearing the words of his crew, the crew couldn't help but stroke their cheeks, and then exclaimed.

"Ah!? Orangutan?!"

Just when the crew was ready to answer his question, Lu Fei, who landed on the Meili beside their ship, couldn't help but speak loudly after seeing the apes.

After hearing Luffy's words, Nami couldn't help but help her forehead.

"We originally planned to ask them about the location of Gaya Island ahead. You scolded people like this. It seems that this plan will be ruined."

But just after Nami finished speaking, the ape suddenly jumped from his boat onto Luffy's boat.

"Hey! Boy! You have great eyesight! Am I really that ape-like?"

While showing his muscles, the ape said to Luffy.

"Well, you are not ape-like, are you a monkey?"

Looking at the happy ape at this time, Luffy couldn't help but speak.

In an instant, the joy on the ape's face couldn't help but become even greater.

Looking at the smiling orangutan at this time, Nami didn't know how Daofei had a good relationship with him, but she still directly expressed her thoughts.

"Is the magnetism taken away? What a misfortune!"

"Originally, our pirate group also had the business of taking people to Gaya Island for a fee, but since you are so insightful, then you don't have to pay for it!"

The words of the ape instantly made Nami's eyes sparkle.

"I didn't expect that you not only look like a monkey, but you are also so good!"

Well, through the conversation between the orangutan and Luffy, Nami basically confirmed the orangutan's preference.

Later, because the two did not become stunned because of the salvage ship, Lu Fei's temperament is still very simple and familiar with the apes.

Under his leadership, Luffy and their ship moved towards Gaya Island at a very fast speed.

"Gaya Island must be Spring Island, this kind of breath is really wonderful."

Lying on the deck, Chopper couldn't help but said comfortably and cheerfully.

"Not only Spring Island, Gaya Island is still an illegal zone."

"There are many villains in various regions on the island, which is a relatively dangerous zone."

Just as Chopper was feeling emotional, Natsume also looked ahead and said.

Unlike what they saw was a coast, what Natsume saw through his own perception and seeing was an island full of pirate boats.

"No. No.. No! Illegal area!?"

In an instant, because of Natsumi's words, the expressions of Usopp, Chopper and Nami couldn't help but become frightened.

"Hey, there are no strong enemies there. Basically, they are little pirates with a reward of no more than 100 million. Basically, anyone with a reward of about 50 million can dominate there."

Natsume couldn't help but comforted, seeing the appearance of the few people.

However, it was clear that Natsume's comfort did not play a role at all.

"Fifty million! Natsume, you mean a pirate worth fifty million there!?"

Chopper's eyes widened, and he looked at Natsume with fear and asked.

"Don't be afraid, Chopper. Actually, the strength of Sanji, Sauron and Luffy is enough on the island."

"If you just use the bounty to divide the strength of a few people, all three of them will have a bounty of over 100 million."

Natsume didn't know if Nakayamaji and Sauron had the ability to bounty over 100 million at this time.

But the three people who passed the black cat's trial space can definitely be said to have this level.Even among the one hundred million Baileys pirates can be regarded as the best.

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