Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 185

Although Luffy's words were vague, Gan Fuer could understand.

After all, he was once the god who ruled the sky island. Before Anilu defeated him, he was committed to wanting the Shandia and the sky island people to live together peacefully.Therefore, I know something about Sandia and Shandora and Rolando.

He is very clear that all the mistakes are on his side.

But even so, he could not give up the island.

Because the words there represent the Kudao people's longing for mud and Qinghai, even he himself can't let go.

It is precisely for this reason that his negotiation with the Sandia has been stuck at this step.

If it weren't for Ainilu to be killed so that the two have a common enemy, it is estimated that this problem will not be resolved, even if it is a few hundred years later, the two nations will still be full of struggles.

"Are you going to the gathering place in Shandia? The old man hasn't seen them for a long time. If we drop in, we can go together."

Seeing Luffy who was smiling in front of him at this time, Gan Fu's heart suddenly moved.

For some reason, when he saw him, he felt that what he had been pursuing could be achieved in him.

And at this moment, because of the Shandia's whistle, Shandia's warriors appeared.

"Gan Fuer? Ruber, did he do anything?" Weber could not help but say loudly when he saw Ruber and Gan Fuer who seemed to be confronting him.

As a descendant of Calgella, Weber is known as the ghost of war. It can be said that he does not have the slightest affection for Gan Foer. He is the main warrior.

Because he wants to ring the lamp of Shandora in place of his ancestor Calgola, and convey what they want to convey!

"No! Weber! Look at him!" After hearing Weber's words, Ruber couldn't help but pointed to Kulick.

Because of Ruber's words, everyone turned their attention to Kulick.

"Chestnut head...could it be..."

"Roland is a descendant of...?"

Looking at the person in front of her, Raqi couldn't help but said in surprise.

The friendship between the great warrior Calgra and the benefactor of the Sandia, Rolando, is like an epic, sung by mouth among the Sandia.

"Yes! Sister Raqi!"

"Mr. Kulik is the descendant of the benefactor!!"

"He also brought the benefactor's logbook."

"Even at the last moment, he is still not worried about his life, but about our safety."

Hearing what Raqi said, Ruber explained all the exchanges between him and Kulick.

"So I think it's an insult to them just to welcome them into our camp, so I blew the whistle."

Looking at Ruber who was showing extremely serious expression at this time, Weber and Laqi looked at each other.

"You are right!"

"I believe the people of the tribe will welcome them very much!"

After saying this, Webber cast his sights on Kulik.

"My name is Webber, the offspring of Calgola! Before you leave, we will definitely light the lamp of Shandora!"

While saying these words, Webber couldn't help but stretched out his hand to Kulik.

"Well, I will definitely listen to that beautiful voice instead of him." Looking at Webber with a serious face at this time, Kulick's expression became serious, and he sternly held Webber's hand and said.

"Webber! You can't go there anymore!"

"The power of Anilu, I think you should have noticed it!"

"Before you find a way to deal with him, if you act rashly, you will die!"

While watching the two people conclude an agreement, Gan Fore hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but speak.

After all, the ability of the Thunder Fruit is basically an insoluble existence for them!

"Oh, I'm different from you who accepted my fate, Gan Foer."

"We have been looking for a way to deal with him, and now we have found it."

"When we Shandia people return to that land and ring the lamp of Shandora, our grievances with you should also be settled!"

While talking like this, Webber motioned to his people to lead Luffy and their ship towards the camp where he was.

And Gan Fore hesitated for a while and finally followed.

In the camp, because of the message of Kulik's arrival, all the Sandia people in the camp at this time were caught in a carnival, and a grand banquet was held in the camp.

After the banquet, looking at the statue of Calgella, Weber and Kulick, the protagonists, told each other the subsequent stories, and everyone present couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

"It doesn't matter if it's a god or a ghost that occupies there! I must fly him!"

At this time, Luffy patted his chest angrily after knowing what Ainilu had done.

"Kulick's friends don't have to be like this! Tomorrow, you only need to help us find the golden clock after I defeat the god."

"Although those people in the sky island haven't found the golden clock for hundreds of years, we believe that the golden clock must still exist in that place!"

"Wait for us to defeat them! Let us ring together and light the lamp of Shandora!"

Looking at the confident Weber, Luffy was not saying anything under the pull of Nami and Sanji after all, but obviously from his eyes, a few people can know that he will find that god tomorrow. Then hit him!

Chapter 247 is very unscientific, but very comic

In the camp, looking at Luffy who was still filled with righteous indignation at this time, Nami couldn't help but said, "Luffy, although I know you are very angry, these things are Shandia's affairs."

"Although I don't know much about them, according to the performance of the name Weber just now, they must be a race that regards honor as more important than life."

"In this case, if we intervene, they will not appreciate our kindness, but will blame us!"

After hearing Nami's words, Sanji who was on the side nodded and said: "It's exactly as Miss Nami said. In the story between Rolando and Calgula, the description of Sandia is A tribe of warriors."

"In this kind of tribe, sometimes reputation is more important than life."

Seeing that he was persuading Luffy and Nami, Robin at the side seemed to think of something, and looked at Nami with a smile and said: "Nevertheless, Nami, you surprised me. I thought you would persuade Lu. Fei and Weber are going to Sanctuary together."

"Why should I do this?" Nami asked strangely when she heard Robin's words.

"In the case of Golden Country, it's in the sanctuary without surprise..."

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