Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 191

Is this long circle island?

In other words, in the morning, did they encounter the general blue pheasant here?

(The silver fox incident in the manga and the subsequent encounter with Kuzan happened on the island of the old man on stilts. But in the anime, these things happen on different islands. Here we take the manga Happening.)

After a while, in Nami's explanation, Natsume finally understood the whole story.

"So, it's no wonder you look a little depressed."

"But you don't have to be too low. If you follow your speed, you may be able to defeat the generals of the navy someday."

Natsume couldn't help but smiled and comforted.

"How is it possible! That is the admiral! The world's highest combat power! We can't even hold on for a few minutes in his hands!"

Looking at Natsume who was grinning at this time, Nami couldn't help but sigh.

Looking at Nami's appearance, Natsume couldn't help but smile and said, "Although it is said that, but in fact, you don't need to look at them too much."

"Some time ago, I also fought against the generals in the navy. The strength is also within the level of your efforts to defeat."

Well, this is nonsense by Natsume.

After all, in the world of pirates, the strength of the three generals in this period is slightly against the sky, and they are monsters.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is been been played?! Natsume played against the general too!? Is that the one that uses ice?

After hearing what Natsumi said, Chopper couldn't help but said in shock.

"No, it's Akadog, a lava fruit capable person. But I don't like that guy very much."

"Mol...Mol...Lava!? Isn't that scarier than ice!?"

After hearing Natsume's words, several people couldn't help but looked at Natsume in shock.

After all, the frozen people may be able to rescue them, but if Luffy and the others are soaked in lava, then it is estimated to be suspended.

"Alright, I actually like the one that uses ice better than the one that uses lava."

"But for now, let's not think about it."

"By the way, this time, I have prepared a nice gift for you."

"Now that you are so hit, let's take it out first to boost your morale."

Natsume rolled her eyes when she looked at the people, and then spoke.

"Gift!? Is it gold!?"

In an instant, Nami expelled the fear in her heart and asked Natsume.

"How is it possible...Nami, don't you think Natsume the same as you!"

Hearing Nami's words, Usopp couldn't help but said helplessly.

"How come! If I think Natsume is like me, how can I ask him for gold!"

Indeed, if Natsumi's personality is the same as Nami, it is estimated that everyone can take Pele out of his pocket.

"Forget it, I will announce the answer directly."

"It's this thing!"

While talking, Natsume took out the devil fruit from her bag.

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell to the fruit.

"Devil fruit!?! You have made a fortune! This is a treasure worth more than 100 million Baileys!"

"Natsume, you really understand me!"

In an instant, Nami rushed over from a place five or six meters away from Natsume, and then said with some surprise.

Seeing Nami's appearance at this time, Natsume couldn't help feeling a little helplessly on the back of his head.

"This thing is not for you to sell for money!"

"It's for you to eat!"

Natsumi's words surprised Nami, and then said strangely: "Why do you want to eat it? Isn't the devil fruit used to sell money?"

For an instant, Natsume felt like she was defeated.

"Isn't it supposed to be common sense that devil fruits are used to eat?"

"Selling money is common sense!"

"Wow hahaha~~ Miss Nami is so cute~~"

Looking at the few people whose topics were completely deflected, Natsume couldn't help but sit on a chair aside and scratched his hair.

"You guys, don't make too much noise."

Seeing Natsume's helplessness at this time, Sauron couldn't help rubbing his head and said.

And watching the few people temporarily kept quiet because of Sauron's words, Natsume couldn't help but continue to speak: "Everyone has seen the power of this fruit, and there is the power of the god in Sorashima."

"It is known as the thunder fruit among the most powerful fruits of the devil!"

"Although this fruit can't give you the power of Anilu all at once, no matter who eats it, it will be a powerful increase in our strength."

Seeing the expressions of several people gradually becoming serious at this time, Natsume couldn't help but said with some emotion.

"Now, think about it. The only ones who have not eaten devil fruits in our dress are Sauron, Sanji, Usopp and Nami."

"The fruit is up to you to decide who will eat it."

While smiling, Natsume placed the devil fruit on the table in front of the others.

And just after Natsume finished this sentence, Sauron was the first to give up: "Although I am very powerful, I believe in my sword even more. I want to become the world's number one swordsman!"

Not long after Sauron gave up, Sanji hesitated and chose to give up: "My dream is to find all blue! If one day I find it, I am indeed a land duck, it would be a shame!"

Not long after Sanji gave up, Usopp and Nami also said at the same time, "I give up too!"

"Don't talk like me!" X2

"This is the devil fruit that countless people in the world dream of! And it's also a very powerful thunder fruit in the natural element! Do you want to lose face so much!"

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