Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 199

In the evening, Mr. Bingshan was attacked. Although he did not die, he was seriously injured.

The next morning, Bingberg regained consciousness.The person who assassinated him was Nicole Robin of the Straw Hats.

For a time, the whole city of Seven Waters was raging, and Lu Fei's people were instantly wanted by the whole city.

"Is this really good?" In a room that is hard to be noticed, Nami couldn't help sighing as she looked at the excited crowd outside the window.

"If you want to completely cut off the darkness in Robin's heart, you can only do this." Natsume couldn't help but speak as he watched the somewhat low expressions of several people.

Yes, yesterday, when I met the cp person, Natsume had already told a few people about Robin after returning.

"Damn CP dare to let Sister Robin go through such a childhood, I must teach them well!" Sanji said while smoking a cigarette.

After hearing what Sanji said, everyone present couldn't help sighing.

"Robin has lost her home, but it doesn't matter. She still has our family."

"So please everyone!"

"Let Robin truly join our home!"

Luffy pressed his straw hat and looked at a few people and said seriously.

After experiencing a series of things, Luffy had already agreed that Robin was his crew.

Therefore, as the captain, Luffy has the responsibility to help his crew get out of the darkness and completely join the Straw Hat Pirate Ship family!

Suddenly, a trace of firmness and coldness flashed in everyone's eyes.

Even the most timid Nami, Chopper, Usopp, faced with Natsume's proposal to attack Judicial Island and trigger the Demon Slayer Order without the slightest fear.

In other words, there is a feeling of fear.

But there are always things in the world that can suppress all fear.

Go ahead to dangers.

Some people want to use this to prove their bravery, but some people don't.

Luffy and the others belong to the latter kind.

There is something more important to them than life.

That is to protect the lives of companions!

And Robin is a companion they have already recognized and will not give up anyway!

Even if the enemy is the navy and the world government, so what?

Although thousands of people are coming!

Chapter 260 Selection and Admiral Kuzan!

"Although it has been decided to rescue Robin, I hope everyone can calmly work out a perfect countermeasure."

In the house, Natsume couldn't help but said seriously, looking at the appearance of a few people.

"After all, what the CP9 people hold at this time is the Demon Slaying Order that has left a shadow in Robin's heart. If this power is deployed, there is no doubt that your power at this time will be considered powerless. Up."

"What's more, if you set foot on the Judicial Island, you will face more than these enemies!"

Yes, because of his relationship with Chiyin.By the time Judiciary Island operates, perhaps the enemy that Luffy will face is not just cp people.

Perhaps there will be admirals and even naval heroes in Judicial Island!

After all, it is too close to the navy headquarters...

"Sister Robin made her own snare for our safety, so no matter how dangerous it is, I will not back down!"

After hearing Natsumi's words, Sanji lowered his head slightly, and then said solemnly.

Yes, in Robin's view, the combination of Demon Slayer Order and CP has been able to destroy Luffy and them.

"Indeed, no matter what the reason is. We absolutely don't allow partners to sacrifice themselves to protect us!"

Seeing the excitement of several people, Natsume couldn't help but took a sip of tea from the cup.

Natsume said that he just wanted to remind you that the battle of Judiciary Island may be very difficult, so don't let your strength rise.

Now it seems that they definitely got it wrong.

Just when Natsume was about to say something, Nami's brows suddenly frowned.

"I heard Mr. Bingshan where something seems to be happening! Someone wants to kill him!"

Looking at Nami's expression at this time, Natsumi's expression also became cold.

Are your own words taken as deaf ears?

It really feels uncomfortable.

"Can you be more specific about the specific content?"

After hearing Nami's words, Sauron couldn't help standing up and then asked seriously.

"It seems to have something to do with Robin. Under the threat of the CP person mentioned by Natsume, Robin attacked Mr. Bingshan."

"And at this time, the CP people seem to be slaughtering the boatmen! I just felt the sound disappearing!"

In an instant, Luffy's expression became serious.

"Damn it! I'm going to fly them!"

For a moment, everyone turned their eyes to Natsume.

"Natsume, it seems that your threat seems to be useless..."

Chiyin Chiyin said jokingly.

"Let's talk about these things, now you should save people!"

Strictly speaking, the people of CP9 attach great importance to the words of Natsumi. Although the boatmen seem to be miserable at this time, in reality, no one died, they were just knocked out.

Nami's mastery of seeing, hearing and color is based on Anilu's control.

The biggest shortcoming of Ainilu's sight is that, of course, the coma just disappears, and he will naturally think that the person is dead.

But in fact, in the battle, the thunder and lightning of Anilu hardly killed anyone...

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