Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 201

For a moment, Kuzan's mind came to Kuzan's narrative about the power of Tanson Gu Morinya about Natsumi, and the information contained in classified documents of the world government.

"It deserves to be called a powerful person who can rival the Four Emperors Pirates."

"I will pass on your words. As for the result, I will not make any guarantee."

Afterwards, under the gaze of Xia Mei, praise slowly walked out.

"After these few days, I am afraid I will be offered a reward by the world government."

"But... I have reached the City of Seven Waters. Then the last moment is not far away."

Yes, after the City of Seven Waters, there is the Three Terror Sailboat, and then the Battle for the Top.

And if you don’t guess wrong, the key point of this mission is the battle on the top.

"Luffy... I hope you grow up soon."

"Otherwise, you will lose your most important relatives at that time."

"At that time, our words may be weak."

"After all, the world's final counterattack and madness, even we have always been able to suppress it."

Slowly the outside began to waver, and as Luffy hurried away, the CP people had already evacuated.

Although there was a short fight, Luffy and Sauron were at a disadvantage.

After all, it was the first time to fight with unfamiliar moves, especially the six-style moves, even if the strength of Luffy and Sauron were improved, they were also at a disadvantage in the joint attack of several people.

However, because of Natsumi's relationship, the few people did nothing, but took Robin and then Frankie in the small room under the bridge.

In the following night, under the advice of Bingberg and Granny Coco Lo, Lu Fei decided to use the water train in the warehouse to go to Justice Island!

"This time, in addition to the cp9 people, there will also be five lieutenants and ten major generals entering the battle."

"My words will drag everyone above the lieutenant general and create conditions for you to rescue."

"I hope you can succeed!"

Before the water train, Natsume couldn't help but smile while watching Luffy's excited look.

"Yeah! Don't worry! We will definitely bring Robin back!"

After hearing Xia Ming's words, Luffy couldn't help speaking confidently.

"Ahhhh, obviously you are the combat power on our ship, why do you always play Missing!"

Looking at Natsume who was showing apologetic expression at this time, Nami couldn't help but said madly.

"If you want to face the three major generals all year round, I can take action this time."

After hearing Nami's words, Natsume couldn't help but smile.

And hearing the words of Xia Ming, Nami couldn't help but think of Qing Ha X3 and chasing herself, but she extinguished this plan in an instant.

"After thinking about it, I feel that we can't rely on you Natsume! We must continue to improve!"

Looking at Nami, Natsume couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Don't worry, with the power of your fruit, as long as you are careful to prevent being attacked by the sea floor stone, then there will be no problems."

Indeed, at this time, if everyone in the room flooded into Judicial Island, Nami would undoubtedly be the easiest one.

After all, the nature of the Nature Element determines that in addition to the domineering lieutenant general on the Judicial Island, other people can only hurt her with the sea floor stone.

But Nami's speed is lightning. In theory, the speed of lightning is not much different from light!

Coupled with Nami's knowledge, there is no doubt that she is the safest one!

"Although I said that, it's the first time I was treated as a main force on the battlefield."

Hearing Natsumi's encouragement, Nami couldn't help but move her wrist stiffly.

"Well~~ Don't worry, you will get used to it quickly."

"After all, on our boat, you have been pressing on the heads of Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji."

"That's because they also know that they do something wrong sometimes!"

Seeing Natsume's teasing eyes at this time, Nami habitually raised her fist, but after a while she let it go, and then explained helplessly.

But obviously, this explanation is too pale.

The 262nd chapter is about to start the battle, the navy vs the monster!

On the Judicial Island, Lu Fei quickly killed several people.

The thunder fruit of Nami's nature system obviously gave the navy stationed above a big surprise.

The ordinary navy can basically be brought down by Nami's mine in an instant, and in the perception of Usopp and Nami, Robin's position is unreservedly exposed.

While Lu Fei and others were fighting with CP's people, Spandam received a call from Kuzan.

Then, in Robin's desperate gaze, he pressed the button to issue the order to kill the evil.

In an instant, the warships that were ready to go at the naval headquarters moved forward at a very fast speed.

"Although I don't think that the Straw Hats will be able to break the Judicial Island. However, there must be a special place on the Pirate Ship that can accommodate people like Takashi Natsume!"

"But even in special situations, when they choose to fight the world government, their destiny will no longer change!"

"Undersea prison or hell will be their ultimate destination!"

The navy headquarters, watching the straw hat group raging on the Judicial Island, the voice of the Warring States Period could not help becoming extremely loud.

"Although you say that, the Marshal of the Warring States Period, you really value them, don't you?"

"Among the five lieutenants are the naval hero Karp, the admiral's alternate peach rabbit, tea dolphin, and the other two are also ghost spiders and Huoshaoshan. Among the ten major generals, there is also the Dansheng Gu Morinka, known as the Naval Nova. "

"You really bother me so much."

Seeing the Sengoku chatting in the meeting room, Natsume couldn't help but said helplessly.

And at the moment his words fell, the expressions of Warring States and Kuzan couldn't help changing.

"When did your excellency come here!"

Looking at Natsume, the look of the Warring States Period couldn't help but become very ugly at this time. After all, it was a shame to be invaded into the office silently!

"Relax, I don't have such a strong concealment ability."

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