Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 208

"What does the difference mean? Is it the rescue of the monsters?"

After hearing what Natsumi said, Usopp who was on the side could not help but ask strangely.

" has nothing to do with monsters, Natsume-kun should be talking about the configuration of Demon Slayer Order!"

Looking at Natsume who was about to explain at this time, Robin couldn't help but think about it.

Chapter 268 The arrival of Karp, the approaching date of travel

"The configuration of the Tu Mo Ling? What is that?"

Just when Robin said that, Sanji on the side couldn't help but look at her curiously and asked.

"Generally speaking, Tu Moling will deploy five lieutenants, but this time, only four were dispatched. This is undoubtedly very unreasonable."

"So, was the lieutenant general stopped by Natsume-kun?"

After hearing what Natsumi said, Robin couldn't help supporting his face with his hands, and asked with a smile.

After a series of battles, Robin has truly returned home.

And at this time, she had completely got rid of her own inner demons, and could freely say the taboo words that were originally taboo in her mind!

"Um... the same can be said. In fact, most of the time I drink tea at the navy headquarters."

After hearing Robin's words, Natsume nodded and said with a smile.

"So it's just a way to save us?!" For a moment, Nami felt the great power in her body about to burst out again, and while raising her fist, she roared loudly at Natsume.

"Don't be impulsive..." Looking at Nami's appearance at this time, Usopp and Sanji on the side could not help but pull Nami quickly.

But Sanji's words, speaking of Lanamei, are actually licking oil.So Nami soon discovered his intentions, a thunder fell from the sky, and Sanji fell to the ground again.

"Originally, the better I was in the navy this time, I couldn't deploy general-level combat power, but the navy played a word game with me and dispatched Karp and Tenson Valley. Fortunately, I reacted faster and let the monsters go. Support you."

"Then the navy made a bet with me in order to reassure me. In the end, I won the bet, so the navy didn't steal the chicken and lost the rice. When the victory was about to win, I was finally driven by me."

The general Natsume said what he had done in the past two days, and finally slowly calmed Nami who was about to fall into a runaway.

"Kapu!? You beat Grandpa back!?"

In an instant, Luffy, who was playing with Chopper, rushed to Xia Mei at an extremely fast speed and said in disbelief.

After all, in his heart, Karp can be said to be invincible.

He has been under his fist since he was young, and at this time he has become a little famous!

"It's not a defeat, right? It's just because they retreat directly after they are sure they won't win."

But at this time, compared to Luffy's surprise, the others were even more surprised.

"Cap? Monkey D. Luffy? Monkey D. Cap? Luffy, your grandfather is the naval hero Cap!?"

Several people couldn't help but said in shock.

Grandpa is a navy hero and grandson is a pirate. The combination of this picture is really amazing and surprising!

"Aha? What are you doing so surprised? Didn't I tell you?"

Seeing how the few people looked, Luffy couldn't help scratching his head strangely and asked.

"Idiot! If we say that, will we be so shocked now?!"

After hearing Luffy's words, several people couldn't help but scolded.

In the ensuing quarrel, several people finally accepted the fact that the grandson of the naval hero was going to become the One Piece.

Later, when they returned to the City of Seven Waters, Lu Fei and the others were holding a banquet to celebrate Robin's rescue.Mr. Bingberg and Frank also decided to make a perfect ship for Luffy.

For Adam Wood, Frankie didn't buy it because he didn't grab the money.

But because Frankie didn't grab the money, and Bingberg happened to participate in the black market fair, Adam Wood's words at this time were on Bingberg.

"It turns out that you are the bastard who recognized Adamwood and made its price so high!" Seeing that the iceberg showed off the Adamwood at this time, Frankie couldn't help but madly said.

"Adam wood is something that only boat workers want to own. The purpose of boat workers owning it is to build ships, so whether it is in terms of its own value or for the sake of ships, it should not be taken away in the form of leaks. Buy it."

In fact, even if there is no iceberg, the price of Adam Wood will not be copied by Frankie with the land price.

After all, the place where this thing appeared was the black market, and the most common drama staged in the black market was to release a valuable treasure.The owner pretends to be ignorant of the goods, and when he is recognized later, someone will always bid.

With the loneliness of this kind of bidding, a lot of people will be attracted in front of the booth. This is a very convenient way to advertise.

"I don't care what the reason is for you! At that time, when you bid with me, you must have recognized me! You must be laughing at me, right!" After hearing Bingberg's words, Frank couldn't help being angry. Said.

"Hehe, don't worry. I don't have time to mock you. If you have the ability to fight with me, you should think about how to build a ship!"

Looking at the iceberg that showed "I'm just watching you joke, but you can take me to the ground", Frankie couldn't help but slam the floor with his fist in anger, then turned around and started working hard.

A lot of trivial things happened in a few days, and during this period, Luffy's grandfather still entered the City of Seven Waters to visit his grandson under the persuasion of everyone.

And after undergoing a series of shocks, under the reminder of Natsumi, Nami finally let him explain the domineering arrogance to the Straw Hat group.

Afterwards, several people felt full of power in their bodies, but they seemed to lack any guidance.Basically, he was on the verge of awakening domineering.

And with the passage of time, in the endless banquet of several people, in Nami's desperate eyes.

Although the straw hat group did not spend 300 million Baileys this time, they also spent 150 million Baileys under frequent banquets.

As a result, the distressed Nami couldn't sleep for several days, but in the end Nami looked away.

After all, it didn't cost them a cent to build a new ship, and Nami, who visited the new ship, didn't know that she was making a lot of money.

Although it is still very distressed, but at any rate it is able to sleep.

Then, in the reluctant farewell.After all, Frankie joined Luffy’s team, but this time, it was not Robin who attacked his Beep Beep with his hand—but Nami struck his Beep Beep with lightning—

Regarding this behavior, although Nami said that she was purely a mistake, but even so, even Sanji, the flower protector, did not dare to get too close to Nami during a certain period (one hour), for fear of Nami. Invite a thunder again, and then slam on Beep Beep——.

Chapter 269 Megumi Kato, a wealthy boy!(on)

On the Wanli Sunshine, everyone was running like Sahuan at this time.

Although everyone has a deep feeling for the Meili, even so they have to admit that the Wanli Sunshine is indeed much stronger than the Meili in terms of the performance of the ship.

If nothing else, the area is not of the same level.

In the boat, individuals basically get the space they like, and everyone is very satisfied.

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