Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 226

"Just kill it directly."

For a moment, Gulgo felt a chill pouring directly from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

"This is the first time I have seen such a domineering Xiaojia. Since you gave up the position of captain, you have grown a lot, Xiaojia."

Seeing Jia Baili's appearance at this time, Winai couldn't help but said with great relief.

"What's the matter with your "daughter grows up, mother is very happy" expression!"

After hearing what Winai said, Gabriel couldn't help but vomit.

"How come, mom... I'm just very relieved!"

After hearing Gabriel's words, Winai couldn't help but said with a smile.

But obviously, her words just betrayed her.

"I treat you as a friend, you want to be my mother, it is too much!"

After hearing Vina's words, Gabriel couldn't help but said angrily.

"Ahahahaha...Don't think about it so much, let's defeat the enemy first!"

While talking, Vinay lifted the steel fork in his hand and attacked Gulgo like a fork.

At the same time, watching Gabriel’s "super fierce" gaze, several people joined the battle.

And just after the three of them joined the battle, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who saw the performance of the others at this time, didn't even release a word of cruelty, and fled directly!

After all, the other party directly has three more powerful people than himself, and it would be life-threatening if they stayed behind.

Even Kaido is not willing to die at this time!

After all, he likes suicide, but it does not mean that he likes death!

Soon, Gulgo fell into the team of the three.

After his death, hundreds of people appeared instantly in the same place.

"Damn it! It fell short!!"

Isaac, who was badly injured, looked at the scene in front of him, and closed his eyes in despair.

"It seems that this world is really coming to an end... What you do today will be cursed by countless people!" Wilson lying on the ground couldn't help but say.

"At this time, why bother to speak quickly."

Looking at the appearance of Isaac and Wilson at this time, Shanks on the side couldn't help but chuckle and said.

At this time, everyone who came out of the impulsive space looked at the miserable sight of Mary Joa at this time, and the appearance of Wilson and Isaac at this time, their expressions could not help but be surprisingly angry.

"Untouchables! You dirty slaves! You dare to trample on the supreme glory that belongs to our holy!"



A piercing scream came from the body of a group of bloated Tianlong people.

At this time, the entire sky became gloomy with their words.

"King, Uranus, follow your master's call!"

"Show your incomparable power to this world!"

"Destroy the world!"

Countless words fell from the Denonians' mouths like arias, and as their words appeared, the sky around Mary Joa began to darken.

"Hahahaha! You are done!"

"No one can save you anymore!"

"Let us pay so much heritage! You are dead!"

The body of the dragon people, or the bubbles on them, slowly changed, and then they were wrapped in them.

Then these bubbles absorbed the energy in the sky and emitted an extremely dazzling light.

At this moment, looking at the clouds above his head, Shanks suddenly laughed.

"In ancient times, there were three ancient weapons with the title of "God" that could destroy the world, namely Pluto (Pluto), Sea King (Poseidon), and Heavenly King (Uranus)."

"Pluto is a battleship, the owner can destroy the power of an island with one blow. It is a powerful weapon developed by a huge kingdom."

"The sea king is a biological weapon. If you control her, you can control the sea kings in the entire sea. It is the second ancient weapon developed by the Great Kingdom."

"The first two weapons can be said to be very powerful, but compared to the third weapon, the King of Heaven."

"These two weapons seem a little weak."

"After all, in a hundred years of blank space, those who had surrendered to the huge kingdom with bad hearts, stole him when the people of the huge kingdom gave everything to study the king."

"And using the power of the king, defeated and destroyed the huge kingdom!"

"In the legend, the whole world is a spherical shape, with more than a dozen continents. There are always countless wars in each continent."

"In order to prevent the continuous wars, the Great Kingdom decided to develop powerful weapons to form a deterrent and to suppress the peace of various countries with a powerful force."

"Neptunus and Pluto are failed products, and Heavenly Kings are successful products, but they were stolen by you."

Looking at the Tianlongren who looked very ugly at this time, the smile on Shanks's mouth became more open.

"Since you understand so clearly! Then you must know the power of the king very well!"

"In that case, why do you dare to challenge our Tianlongren!"

Seeing Shanks' expression at this time, a Tianlongren couldn't help standing up and asking loudly.

"Of course I know the power of the king of heaven. In ancient times, there were more than a dozen continents on the ocean. But now there are only red earth continents on the ocean. This is caused by the king of heaven."

"Destroyed all continents, killed more than 90% of human beings in the world, and allowed people to enter the ocean age from the land age!"

"And you people who occupy the heavenly kings have also become the most noble people in the world."

"But your ambitions will eventually stop today!"

Looking at the Tianlongren who was panicking in front of him at this time, Shanks couldn't help laughing.

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