Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 232

"Of course, this is just an example. After all, new worlds that need to be saved are often born in space. Therefore, even if the world is saved, it will not become easier to save the next world."

"But even so, every time a world is saved, the entire space will become stronger. This is not only reflected in the space itself, but also in the new will of the world."

"Each world where the new world is saved will make the new world will become smarter and personified, and the goals will become clearer and clearer when the mission is released."

"And this change will become more obvious in the face of people with the title of savior!"

"And this time Natsume's mission has changed because of this."

"Because you have saved the world, the will of the new world chooses to trust you and is desperate to complete the task. Therefore, after calculating your existence, after a rigorous analysis, it has found a way that is more than 80 feasible and will It turned into a task and left it to you."

After hearing Makise Kurisu's words, although there were still some doubts, the doubts belonged to the kind of level that can be understood by going back and thinking carefully.

"It turned out to be like this, is the self-help action produced by the world itself?"

"It really makes people feel... a little dreamy."

"But I really look forward to that day-there is only one world that needs to be saved in the entire universe, so I can feel how easy it will be..."

Natsume couldn't help feeling full of emotions for a while, and his mood became a little weird.

Chapter 290 The Entrustment of Rentaro Okabe

In fact, the theoretical words are very simple, roughly the IQ of the new will of the world was originally 100, and each time saved a world +1 point.

As for ordinary reincarnates and patrons, because they don’t understand them, the will of the world will choose the most secure way and guide the reincarnations to complete their tasks in a progressive manner.

But for Natsume they are not the same, Natsume and the others are teams that have saved the world.

It belongs to the famous kind in the circle of the new will of the world.

Therefore, in the face of Natsume and others with the title of savior above their heads, the will of the world will have a sense of trust.

Then just like pouring beans, explode all their plans, hoping they can complete the same,

To put it simply, probably the daughter of a wealthy businessman was kidnapped, and he wanted to get someone out.

At this time, an unknown man came. He would definitely not dare to directly entrust him to save his daughter. So he would only tell him a few simple things to test whether he was really capable of saving his daughter.

But Natsume's words are equivalent to famous heroes in the world, so if Natsume and the others appear, the rich merchants will directly ask Natsume and them to help him save his daughter.

"Wait until there is only one world left to be saved? If that's the case, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing."

After hearing Natsume's words, Makise Kurisu couldn't help but speak.

"Shouldn't this be a good thing?"

Natsume looked at Makise Kurisu with some doubts and said.

"A scientist once mentioned a theory that the universe will not expand endlessly. When the universe expands to a certain point, it will stop expanding and then begin to shrink."

"This contraction will directly shrink the entire universe into a single point, and then the point undergoes compression and explosion, forming a new universe."

"The cyclical world that continues to appear represents that the universe is moving and is still expanding."

"And when one day no new world appears, then we might be in trouble."

Makise Kurisu couldn't help smiling and said.

"Even if that kind of thing happened, it should be hundreds of millions of years later. By then, we will be able to live to that point, and we will have earned it no matter what, if the time comes, it may be good to die together in accordance with the laws of heaven."

Rentaro Okabe couldn't help but said with a smile.

"That's it."

For a moment because of his words, Makise Kurisu and Natsume couldn't help laughing.

Later, at the invitation of Okabe Runtaro, Natsume went with them to their residence, a combined building full of futuristic technology and mysterious side appearance.

Perhaps it is because I have been in the space for a long time, so I cherish the companions I come with.

So Rentaro Okabe and the others all live together. At this time, in addition to Okabe and Makise Kurisu, there are Phyllis, Hashida Zhi, Dudulu and

"Speaking of which, I have something to ask you."

"What is it? Please tell me."

After the meal, Okabe Rintaro suddenly spoke, and after hearing his words, Natsume directly agreed.

"In the next world, if my feeling is not wrong, you should meet our friend. I hope you can take good care of him at that time."

"Huh? Is this predictable too?"

For a while, Natsume became curious, after all, if he could predict it, he wanted to give it a try.

Speaking of which, I miss the monitor, Nishimura, Kitamoto, Tanuma and Multitrack.

Although they won’t be able to directly exchange tokens like Nendou Li and Haito Shun to bring them in, if they enter for other reasons, Natsume's heart will be a little happy...

"Well... it's not a foreknowledge. My talent perceives it."

"Your line of fate is entangled with us in the future, and although it is entangled, it is entangled with people who do not belong to us at this time, but entangled with a person who has the same breath as us. Body."


Looking at the talkative Runtaro Okabe, Natsume felt a pain in his head and couldn't quite understand it, but he understood what he meant.

In other words, when he was dreaming, he dreamed that Natsume returned to the space with a friend of them...

For the average person, this may be an ordinary dream.

But for Natsume and his group of patrons, this dream is absolutely extraordinary.

After all, in terms of their physique, sleeping is generally not dreaming.

If dreaming in the mission world, Natsume estimated that he would believe it 100%.——That is probably a reminder from the world based on the patrons.

And Natsumi's words are absolutely unpredictable in terms of talent.

Although Okabe Runtaro doesn't have it either, but he is capable of receiving information from the world, filtering and sorting from it.

So at this time, he said this sentence, so in all likelihood, in the near future, in the new mission world of Xia Mei, he will really meet his old friends.

"I don't know who will come, it's Suhuazi or Lingyu~~"

Looking at Natsumi's back, Makise Kurisu couldn't help but said with some expectation.

"Tooturu~~ Maybe it will be Xiaoyan~! Maybe it's Miss Kiryu."

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