Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 257

Facing the girl's surprise look, Itachi suddenly felt his own despicableness for a moment.

"How has the task been completed recently?" Itachi's tone was a little stiff because of the long Anbe life.

"It's nothing compared to Itachi-kun." Although Itachi's tone was cold, but I don't know why, looking at Uchiha Itachi standing next to him, Izumi felt that his mood had become brighter.

"It's just tasks like catching pets and caring for children."

After hearing Quan's words, Itachi couldn't help but relax a little. I don't know whether it was because he knew that Quan would not perform dangerous tasks, or Quan's feelings for him had not faded.

They are lovers. Although they maintain their relationship, to be honest, it's just because Itachi can't refuse someone who is really good to him.

After confirming the relationship of love, Quan was very happy, although because of the task, there were not many opportunities to meet and talk between him and Quan during the year.

(The relationship between Uchiha Izumi and Itachi is super weird. It looks like a friend’s relationship in anime, but when the author read the novel, he found that the two are lovers. It’s not just Futake who thinks so. In the novel Itachi himself admitted it-although it was when killing Quan...

There is a big difference between anime and a novel, so the author's relationship with Itachi and Izumi will take part of the setting of the novel and part of the setting of Itachi.)

"Let's go for tea together."

Looking at Quan, Itachi suddenly said.


Izumi Uchiha was a little surprised. In her opinion, she was very happy to be able to talk to Itachi.

Although it wasn't that Itachi had never been invited, but after Itachi joined Anbe, he never had such an invitation again.

"Go to that meatball shop, it's been a long time."

Itachi said like this.

Looking at the girl's pure eyes at this time, Itachi felt the guilt in her heart more and more.


Everything is for the village.

Thinking of this, Itachi's expression became firm again.

Three days later, in the selection of Hokage, as expected, Uchiha Tomitake failed.

There are three stages in the selection of Naruto. The first generation is nominated by Naruto, the second is selected by the village, and the third is agreed.

Generally speaking, the most difficult are the first and second levels. For the third level, for the daimyo, especially for the daimyo of the country of fire, it doesn’t matter who is Hokage—as long as he is not too much. Annoying person.

Uchiha Tomitake rushed through the first and third items, but fell above the second level.

After all, although the reputation of Uchiha's clan is strong, Uchiha Fudake's reputation is completely incomparable with Jiraiya.

In particular, it is comparable to Jiraiya, who is supported by the third generation of Hokage and Tsunade.

However, after Jiraiya became Hokage, it seemed to comfort the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, Uchiha Itachi was specifically promoted to become the captain of Hokage directly under Anbe.

In the composition of Anbe, there is no such thing as an Anbu minister, or that Anbu's words are directly responsible to Hokage.

Under Naruto, the most powerful group of Anbe is the captain of several Anbe. Each captain of Anbe has at least six and at most twelve team captains.

And each team leader has three to four elite ninjas.

This time, Jiraiya has not only promoted Uchiha Itachi from an ordinary Anbu member (Itsuki was promoted to the team leader after Shisui died, so at this time, he is still an Anbu member.) to the Anbu leader. position.

He also said that among the dark captains under the name of Itachi, the Uchiha clan can decide whether to join after their own trials.

In other words, the Anbe unit that Itachi was in was completely assigned to the Uchiha clan!

Regarding this concession, although the Uchiha clan did not get the position of Hokage they dreamed of, they also got higher benefits, so they accepted it with pleasure.

After all, most of the Uchiha clan is very satisfied to get so many rights without sacrifice and sacrifice.

And precisely because of this, Jilai did not show the slightest wave of waves at the Hokage's succession ceremony.

At the same time, in order to complete the task, Uchiha Itachi, who had obtained the position of Konoha dark unit commander, delegated all the rights of selection to his father.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, in order to demonstrate his reputation as Konoha's first noble clan, he also transferred the elite ninjas of the clan into Anbe.

Suddenly, the team belonging to the Anbe that Uchiha Itachi belongs to seems to have a tendency to become the most powerful team in Anbe.

"I always feel that Fuyue is so easy to be fooled."

Thinking of the red-faced Uchiha Fudake these days, the black cat couldn't help but vomit a little helplessly.

"Originally, I was just a monk hitting the clock for one day, and now Muya is completely regarded as his own home. No matter what the task is, it's the same as fighting with chicken blood. Sarutobi is really terrifying."

"I used to feel that I was working hard and I didn't have much hope. Now I remember that some time ago, Sarutobi and Jira also expressed their optimism about Uchiha Itachi. They meant to train him to become the sixth generation of Naruto. Of course Mr. Tomitake would be like this "After hearing the black cat's complaint, Natsume couldn't help but said with a smile.

Indeed, as long as ordinary people can work hard to see hope, who would want to resist?

The Uchiha clan in the past felt that they had no way out. They paid so much for the village, but they were targeted, so they wanted to rebel.

But now there are three kaleidoscope towns. Instead of aiming at themselves, the village has given up on itself instead.

Under such circumstances, who would go to the rebellion without having anything to do.

At this time, their mood is roughly the same as that of the Uchiha clan under Uchiha Madara.

The days are so easy, don’t mess up and enjoy...

Chapter 313: Xia Mei's little relief

But Uchiha's people don't want to do things anymore.

But obviously, the Naruto assistants-Sarutobi Hisaki, Mito Menyan and Zhuan Koharu are not at ease.

After all, with the incident of Uchiha confronting the village just now, not to mention the result, but it made a very bad head.

In addition to the strengthening of the Uchiha clan’s power at this time, it seems that there is a village-in-the-mura situation. For them, although there is no firm intention to destroy Uchiha, they also have to beat and find a way to destroy Uchi. Bo returned to the village system, or Hokage's system.

At this time, unlike the village’s headache for Uchiha’s clan, Natsume’s words also had a teacher’s addiction, and not only that, but also enjoy the fun of squeezing students' rest time.

However, contrary to Natsumi's expectations, Sakura's talent was not as ordinary as he thought at the beginning.

"Sakura is also a genius."

Seeing Sakura walking on the river, Natsume couldn't help but said with emotion.

It has only been less than a week since he opened the small stove for Sakura alone, but Sakura has already passed the stage of climbing trees and stepping on water.

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