Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 275

While the meditator, the immortal Zhima said.

But at this moment, when she took Jilai and arrived at the residence of the big toad immortal, when she was turning around, she was suddenly shocked.

"The Natsume clan? That clan in charge of the demon world in the legend? Isn't that a legend?"

"After all, you are immortal and immortal. Even if it is a monster that will not leave a trace on the body even after thousands of years, how can a monster that controls the power of nature exist?"

Seeing Jilaiya who walked into the residence of Immortal Big Toad at this time, Immortal Zhima opened his mouth but finally turned his body, and then walked outside the door.

At this time, watching Zi Lai also walk in, the big toad fairy did not fall asleep, but stared at Zi Lai.

"Little Jiraiya, do you want to ask the Natsume clan?"

"Did you dream of the big toad fairy?"

"No, I heard it when you asked Zhima just now."

After hearing what Jiraiya said, Immortal Big Toad couldn't help but said calmly.

"The Natsume clan, the legendary taboo clan, mastering the demon world, maintaining the balance of the demons, etc. are all weighing on them."

"I remember when I was very young, when I was a little monster, one day because of playfulness and slugs, the old snake went to the sacred tree to play together, and ate a few leaves of the sacred tree under the greedy mouth. I feel my strength has grown stronger."

"So the slug and the old snake couldn't help but tempted to eat."

"Later, we learned that that power was Chakra. The appearance of Chakra eroded our original pure demon power, so we lost the qualification to go to the demon world, and we have survived lonely in the ninja world until now."

"I didn't expect to hear about the Natsume clan from your childhood since I was young. If you can, can you talk to me?"

Looking at Jilaiya, Immortal Big Toad couldn't help but curiously said.

Jilai did not hesitate to directly tell the information he got from Lu Jiu's mouth.

Then the big toad immortal could not help but fell into contemplation.

"This way, it turns out that a way has been developed to prevent the demon power from being corroded by Chakra."

"No wonder the monsters and Natsume clan who have been living in the monster world will reappear in the ninja world."

"It would be great if this method appeared earlier."

"Little Jiraiya, if you can, please ask the heir of the Natsume family, if he is similar to me, he can become a monster again."

With a faint sigh, Immortal Big Toad couldn't help but speak.

"If this is the case, I will ask, but Immortal Toad, do you have any specific information about the Natsume clan?"

Seeing the volatile big toad immortal who was rare at this time, Ji Lai couldn't help asking seriously.

"Resources? In the bookshelf next to you, the most dusty one above is almost the record of the Natsume clan and ancient monsters."

"Well, let's say so much today, I'm tired too, it's time to sleep."

Chapter 330 Xiao Naruto's Mission

Soon, Ji Lai put all his spirit into the sea of ​​books.

In the evening, after confirming that there was no information about the Natsume clan in the bookshelf in front of him, Jiraiya returned to Hokage's office again.

"Jilai, you are back."

"Our words have been obtained through Tsunade's information that the Natsume clan actually exists, and youkai are the same. Do you have any special information about your words."

"After all, you seem to have stayed in Miaomu Mountain for a long time."

Seeing Jiraiya's expression at this time, Sarutobi Rizen asked while smoking a small mouth.

"It is indeed a big gain."

"But to put it simply, the Natsume clan's life characteristics are just responsible for the monsters. Unless it is the monster cholera world, then they generally choose to live together among ordinary people."

"At least there was such a rule in ancient times, but after the emergence of the ninja, the Natsume clan has been living in the demon world. At this time, if it reappears in the ninja world, it will keep the original habits, no one can say."

Zi Lai also then told some information he had read from the book among the big toad immortals.

In general, the Natsume clan will choose one to ten people as their helpers among the demons.Or how powerful the previous monsters were.

"So, Kato Megumi and the others are probably the demon helpers chosen by Natsume?"


"In this case, should our attitude towards him change in the future?"

"No need for the time being. After all, there are many examples of the Natsume clan moving because they were constantly harassed by local powerful people."

"So I suggest just maintaining the status quo."

Afterwards, after some discussion, several people finally decided to maintain the status quo towards Natsumi at this time.

Don't provoke or ask for help, just treat him like an ordinary teacher.

However, despite maintaining this policy, it can be seen that Natsume's status in the village, or in the hearts of the high-level Sarutobi Hisaki, is rising.

After all, powerful people are respected no matter where they go.

At this time, Natsume didn't know the psychological process of Sarutobi and the others, and what he said at this time was just a headache for some trivial matters.

For example, at this time, Sasuke and Naruto, who were blocking his house, looked at him with vigour.

"What's wrong with you?"

Squeezing the cheeks of the two of them casually, Natsume asked strangely while opening the door for the two of them to tea.

"Why did Teacher Natsume not go to class yesterday!"

After hearing Natsumi's words, Sasuke couldn't help but asked angrily.

"Of course it's because of the task. Didn't Mr. Iruka tell you about this?"

After hearing Sasuke's words, Natsume touched his head and said.

"Huh! It's too much!"

After hearing Natsume's words, Naruto couldn't help but said angrily, and looking at the angrily Naruto at this time, Natsume couldn't help but be confused.

After all, Natsume couldn't tell what he was angry about at this time.

But in the follow-up Natsume's deliberate guidance, Natsume got a dumbfounding answer.

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