Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 291

"In other words, it is better than you think, or worse."

Seeing how Jiraiya looked at this time, Natsume then fiddled with the thread in his hand.

In the next moment, the lines were connected by Natsume, forming a circle.

"It's not that this world has no future, but that this world will always circulate in a circle."

"After the destruction of this world, I will go all over again."

Looking at the coil in Natsume's hand and hearing Natsume's words, Jira couldn't help but feel a little confused.

For the first time, he felt that his IQ seemed a little insufficient.

"To put it simply, all the components of this world are an established line."

"Although this line doesn't care about the small things you usually do, some points that he thinks must appear must exist."

"For example, the appearance of the Six Dao Immortals, the spread of Ninja Sect, the battle of Ninja clan, the emergence of Ninja Village, and even Konoha Village, Sannin, etc. are the most important points that constitute this line."

"And when all the points that make up the line appear, the world will be destroyed, and then the original point will appear again."

Looking at Jiraiya who was confused at this time, Natsume couldn't help but point to both ends of the line and said.

But slowly, because of Xia Mei's words, Ji Lai Ye's expression could not help but become serious.

After all, if it is exactly what Natsume said, then things are simply too bad!

"What is the reason for all this, how did you know it, and what are the important points you said?"

Looking at the way Natsume was smiling at this time, Jiraji also showed a very serious and serious expression for the first time.

"I don't know the reason, but I can tell the reason, because I communicated in the previous cycles through various methods, and the different memories I left behind."

If he wanted to persuade Jiraji to help himself with all his strength, Natsume still had to tell the bad news and the truth.

"This world exists in cycles, and in each cycle there will be a Jiraiya, and there will be a Dashewan. They are not the same individual, and they are not connected to each other."

"But their words do the same thing in every cycle."

"With the help of this connection, I have acquired some memories I have observed in the past, and I have come to conclusions after a long period of research."

"That's the conclusion that the world I told you just now is a line!"

"If you don't change it, the civilization of humans in this world will disappear completely in a hundred years, and then the world will transform into the ancient times again, and then it will evolve step by step into what it is now, and there will still be you at that time. One me."

"But at that time you and I are no longer who we are now,"

Seeing Jiraiya's appearance at this time, Natsume couldn't help but said seriously.

"Will the world be destroyed... Is there any evidence to prove that the world you said is true? Also, since you have said it, there must be a way to solve it."

"Is Naruto the son of destiny who will play a decisive role?"

Chapter 346 The person who fiddled with the world line, was fooled and lame Jilaiya

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Natsume couldn't help but smile, and then stretched out his finger to point. In a flash, some of Natsume's memories of Hokage poured into Jiraiya's mind.

"this is...?"

After a while, Ji Lai, who was disturbed by Xia Mei's methods, couldn't help but said in surprise.

"The world is a line, but the line is not static."

"Although it will cycle, although there is no future, I also see some differences."

"Some things will not be recorded in the world. For example, on January 2nd, Konoha 60, you eat omelette in the morning, but at this time in the next cycle, you eat ramen."

"Similar to this trivial or unimportant point, it will develop casually."

"But the words of some things have all appeared in several rebirths, and both the words and the things that happened remain the same."

"Of course, in addition to this world, after all, I have also changed the line in the memory of the previous few times."

"In my words, everything in this world line is divided by weight ratio. For example, the emergence of ninja and ninzong are important points that constitute a world line without a future. For example, I give Every thing that happens in your memory will lead the world to an extinguished future."

"These world points form a world line that is heading towards extinction."

"Then I put forward a hypothesis, if all these important points are changed, then whether the world will change from inevitable destruction to an unknown future."

Seeing Natsume talking in front of him, he slowly combined the memory in his mind when he came back, and understood the meaning of Natsume's words.

"So, without your intervention, the world will become what I remember in my mind. The Uchiha clan was annihilated, and the teacher died in the Konoha collapse plan?"

Looking at Natsume, who was standing in front of him at this time, Jiraiya murmured while flipping through the memories in his mind.

"It is true, or even though I have changed so much, some things are still inevitably happening."

"There seems to be a kind of will that is controlling people's thoughts, just like the big snake pill a few days ago. It is clear that the third generation of Hokage is only in a balance, but his head is twitched to use the ghoul to seal, and You obviously have many ways to kill him after catching the Hidan, but you want to give it to the deer of Nara's family to do it, and let Kamaru do it.

"Even if you know the news of Akatsuki, there is a trace of evil in where Itachi is sent as an undercover agent."

The more Natsume said, Jira also felt colder all over her body.

After all, there are many things in the world that can be said to be extremely scary!

"But since you have changed many things, it shouldn't happen logically, but why do they still happen?"

Thinking of the memories that Natsume had transmitted in his mind and his own memories, Jiraji also shuddered.

"It's closing."

"It is the dissatisfaction that the World Line has changed those points for me."

"If the world line surgery is successful, then it is very likely that our world will still turn into a world without a future this time."

Seeing Xia Mu's serious face at this time, Zi Lai Ye also became a little worried.

Although the old saying goes that children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, but in the case of Jiraiya, as Hokage, I hope that the village of Konoha can be passed on forever, instead of turning into ruins after decades!

"Do these have anything to do with Naruto?"

After a while, Ji Lai asked bitterly.

"Of course there is. The future of the world's destruction is due to the existence of those points that make up this line."

"According to my theory, as long as this point is changed, there will be major changes in the world, perhaps changing the destiny of inevitable extinction."

"But some points are difficult to change even if you know it, because the world will hinder you,"

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