Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 294

Just after Natsume's words, Sasuke couldn't help showing a dull face. After all, the amount of information contained in Natsume's words was too much. Even Sasuke was always very clever, and he couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

And at this time, a thunder suddenly broke through the defense of Natsume, but the target was not Natsume, but Sasuke.

Seeing the sky falling to Thunder, Sasuke couldn't help feeling desperate for a while.

After all, the power of nature is not comparable to ninjutsu, and the lightning produced by nature is not comparable to the lightning produced by ninjutsu.

If this thunder hinders him, it might make him die directly!

Of course, this was just his thoughts, and the words of the world didn't mean to let Sasuke die.

The main function of this thunder is to modify Sasuke's memory.

As long as this thunder hits Sasuke, Sasuke's memory will be purged, and at the same time, the idea of ​​betraying the village to pursue power will continue to show in his heart.

At that time, as long as the world does a little bit, Sasuke will embark on the established track.

At that time, unless Natsume restricts Sasuke's freedom, his words will no longer affect him.

After all, being struck by lightning indicates that Sasuke's thoughts will be changed and become easier to be mastered by the rules of the world!

Of course, the premise is that Thunder really hit Sasuke.

But obviously, Natsume is next to Sasuke at this time, and in this house, not only Natsume, but also Kato Kee.

With the power of both, chance is that the Thunder, which contains many world powers, did not play a role at all.

Although it was a little bit of strength, Natsumi's words were still valuable when the Thunder fell on Sasuke and shattered them!

"this is...?"

Seeing Natsume holding the wooden sword in his hand at this moment, and thinking about the matter just now, Sasuke couldn't help but ask with lingering fear.

"It's the weather. I didn't expect the current weather to become so weird."

After hearing Sasuke's words, Natsume said while retracting the wooden sword to his waist.

"Well, for the sake of Itachi's safety, I hope you can leave it alone. After all, if you know it, you will have one more chance of exposure. If Itachi is really exposed, you should know the consequences. "

"The weather is a little weird. The words at my house have been chopped up, so it is not suitable for entertaining. I will send you back now."

Looking at Sasuke who was in a daze at this time, Natsume tidyed up his clothes and said with a smile.

After sending Sasuke back to his home.

Natsume sensed some changes in the world, a change that contained a temperamental atmosphere.

And at this time, something slowly happened in various parts of the world.

Without warning, Payne directly issued the task of starting to collect the tail beasts, and the rest of Akatsuki also moved at the fastest speed. Even Itachi was devoted to the work wholeheartedly.

In less than a month after Natsume smashed Thunder, apart from the eight tails and nine tails, the tail beasts of the Ninja world had basically been collected seven or eight.

At this time, the information with soil was passed on.

At the same time, not long after the intelligence of bringing the soil came, Penn had already reached Konoha, ready to attack Konoha and retake Nine Tails!

Chapter 349: The choice of the world, the Datongmu clan!

At this time, Nagato is no longer Nagato himself, so it is not accurate.

To be precise, more than half of Nagato's consciousness was already occupied by the rules of the world.

So even if Yahiko appeared in front of him at this time, even if all the people he cherished in his heart appeared, he would not change his behavior.

In other words, he has no way to change.

But at the same time, Nagato's power can be said to have been greatly enhanced.

At this time, even if Natsume and the others don't make a move.

Even at this time, Shisui, Futake, Jiraiya Tsunade and others existed in Konoha Village.

But even so, Nagato can push Konoha one-on-one.

However, if Natsume and the others are there, it can be said that there is no such thing as pushing Konoha flat.

Therefore, at the next moment when he sensed Nagato's approach, Natsume took care of it himself.

But Nagato's words were also the last temptation in the world.

His death and the failure of the world plan caused the rules of the world to completely abandon the scattered power and concentrate the power to completely eliminate or drive away Natsume and the others.

Because Natsume and the others possess the title of savior, so the world can directly use its own power to elevate individuals so that some people can gain the power against Natsume and others.

For example, if the original strength of this person is 1, under the blessing of the world, it can cause 100 damage to others, but the damage to Natsume will only be 1.

But this 1 will not be affected by the title of Natsume's savior.

Simply put, in the setting of this world, those individuals who originally possessed that kind of power will not change.

So although the temporary ninja can't deal with Natsume and the others, it doesn't mean that there is no existence in this world that can defeat them.

For example, the Datongmu family.

Datongmu Kaguya, six immortals, Datongmuyu village, Datongmu peach style, and Datongmusheren are the world's ultimate means to deal with Natsume and the others.

And if Natsume loses, then the whole world will be planted infinite monthly reading.

And in the illusion space of unlimited monthly reading, they will go back to their lives, the life of the established procedure.

After that, after the end of what has been experienced, the rules of the world will reverse the changes between reality and reality.

In this case, everything will return to its original state, and this world will become a world without encountering Xia Mei, which will slowly move towards reincarnation and destruction.

"The temper of this world is really bad. It just went wild."

Natsume thought that it would wait until three years later, when Shippuden was opened, but didn't expect that not long after defeating Nagato, the world made up its mind to start a decisive battle with Natsume and the others.

"That's for sure. If you don't make effective changes, the story of the world will explode completely, and it's the kind of explosion that cannot be repaired."

"Although the rules of the world have no subjective will, they are not stupid. On the contrary, they can be said to be very smart and decisive."

"There was no direct action at the time just because we were not sure of our destructive power and strength."

Looking at Natsume in front of him cautiously at this time, Gabriel on the side couldn't help but yawn and said.

"But this kind of behavior that directly condenses the boss looks like cheating, it should consume a lot of world power, if we rely on the will of Naruto and the new world, we can easily defeat him."

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