Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 302

"I have stayed in that world for a long time, and I have met a very good witch, but because her role in the world is too powerful, there is no way for her to live in heaven." Here, Gabriel could not help but feel a little regretful.

But regret only lasted a short time.

After all, at this time, the three powers of salvation have been condensed in her body. At this time, even if she returns to that world and takes the witch into heaven, the world can only watch, there will be no trace. Resist.

"As for the world you chose for Natsume, I don't know it very well, but my original captain has studied this world."

"Or basically everyone on the technology side has been to that world."

"After all, the use of so-called secondary biological engines to create gods is too enlightening for them."

While looking at Natsume, Gabriel recalled Okabe's occasional description of the world.

"Huh? It shouldn't be like this. If this is the case, the world should have been saved long ago, and we won't be saved until now."

Natsume was a little curious about this.

After all, even though at this time, Natsume has accumulated three lights in the savior's halo because of his own particularity, and it can be said that he is regarded as the foremost group of people in the entire Yunzhong City.

But it was not just one person and two who saved the world in Cloud City, but twenty or thirty teams.

The fact that they can help the world out of the cycle without being familiar with the plot is much better than Natsume.

Therefore, in Natsume's view, if all the technology teams have been to that world, then their abilities should be able to save that world.

After all, what can be developed to the side of science and technology can be said to be the existence of the big boss.

"The words of that world have long been saved, and now it has become a world that cooperates very closely with our Reincarnation Space Cloud City."

"Generally speaking, the technology side enters here and develops the fastest. The reason is the existence of that world. After entering the space, the holy pond walks to the peak of all attributes, and then takes some rare materials to go to that world. After I came out, I stepped into the realm of gods and then continued to level up as I continued to understand it. It was simply incomprehensible."

"At this time, the world you see Natsume was also born on that world, but there are subtle differences. Some tech-savvy bigwigs walked a few times and determined that this world and the saved world are Contact, but not absolute."

"It's like the big river drama we often watch, with various versions."

"The one that was rescued was a version of the Dahe drama, and the one that has not been saved is the version B of the Dahe drama. Although the results are the same, there are still big differences in many nuances, so the words at this time are still Did not stand up directly to choose this world."

Although it was awkward, Natsume understood.

To sum it up in one sentence, the world being saved is a world that has absorbed the information of the Super Seminary and has grown into a world, and the world that has not yet been saved is the world that has absorbed the information of the Xiongbing Company series.

The Xiongbing Company is a replacement version of the Super Theological Academy, so the plot is very different from the Super Theological Academy, so the big guys on the technology side, although they have pulled the Super Theological Academy out of the quagmire, they don’t have much confidence in the words of the Xiongbing Company. So it has been put down.

"In fact, it’s good to go to this world. At least there are a lot of games in this world. If Natsume is sure, let me first go to Okabe Runtaro and the others. , This might be helpful to our mission."

As if thinking of something, Jia Baili couldn't help but speak.

"What is it?" Natsume couldn't help being curious.

"Look at Erxiang Foil."

After hearing Xia Ming's words, Gabriel couldn't help but said with a smile.

For a moment, Natsume couldn't help but shudder.

The two-way foil, dimensionality reduction strike, seems to be the most powerful force on the technological side in Xia Mei's impression.

Of course, there may be more incredible abilities, but at least at this time, if the lethality in the impression of Xia Mei is stronger than the two-way foil, it seems that there is no.

"With this thing, do we go to destroy the world or to save the world!"

"It's just with it, I didn't let you use it. When carrying this thing will let the world create an identity for us, combined with our legend, it will give us a super cool identity."

After hearing Xia Ming's words, Gabriel couldn't help but said angrily.

Chapter 357 What are you looking at

To be honest in the world of the Xiongbing Company, a good identity can play a big role.

Take an angel, for example. If you are an ordinary person with no status, people probably won't even look at you.

Even for a Chinese admiral like Dukao, the original war madman Keisha of the Deno galaxy limited the time between him and himself after seeing him. On the other hand, Ge Xiaolun, because he is the successor of the power of the galaxy, if If you don't fall, you can become the main god.

So Kesha not only chatted with him for a while, but also gave him Yan Xu, really envy and hate.

Well, this state of mind was the state of mind when Natsume saw that section at the time, and now I don't have much envy.

Because the world of the Xiongbing Company is a restart of the Super Seminary, certain settings are also common.

Therefore, Gabriel would think of the two-way foil to find a good identity for everyone.

By the way, this identity affected by the two-way foil will dimly ask the user what it means.

In the world of Ultra Theological Seminary, in order to pursue coolness, Okabe Runtaro had to connect the world from the mad scientist Phoenix Academy and Ixiang Haki.

Ever since, the identity of Okabe Runtaro became the inventor of the two-dimensional foil, the most terrifying weapon maker in the universe.

He was chased and chopped by angels without a few words.

The reason why they weren't cut into eight pieces was probably because Makise Kurisu and the others were better formed at the time. Under their persuasion, the angels finally gave up half-believingly and continued chasing Runtaro Okabe.

"This thing tells us that if you don't die, you won't die."

"In that world, demons really exist, and they can be regarded as a great power in opposition to angels."

"So it's black, don't you think about combining your night demon queen and the like. If Chiyin Chiyin is yours, magical girl is enough, delete the word demon king, Dan Shenggu... well, two lives Chitose mage, the magic of love and justice seems to be nothing worth emphasizing."

In an instant, the expression of Dansheng Gu Senxia, ​​who was smiling and groaning, instantly became weird, and then grabbed Gabriel's shoulder at an extremely fast speed, shaking and loudly saying: "Who would do such a thing! "

"Hurry up and apologize to the IQ and integrity that I have recovered!"

Originally, Tansheng Gu Senxia thought that with the passage of time, sooner or later he would be optimistic about his performance in Secondary Two.

But who knows that six years have passed, and instead of seeing this matter, she has a deeper obsession.

In the past, no matter who it was, as long as she said something in front of her, she would have the urge to die and to sew in the ground.

Now, she wants to let the other party die with her..

Looking at Gabriel who was still watching Gabriel with dead fish eyes at this time, and Tansheng Gu Senxia, ​​who was holding Gabriel's shoulder and seemed to die with her, Natsume couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pull Tansheng Gu Senxia down.

"Xiaojia, you'd better get the two-way foil quickly."

"Senxia, ​​you should read a little bit more."

In fact, what Natsume wants to say is that there is nothing bad about Secondary Two. Wouldn't you just have a great time playing Chion?

Natsume only said the above words in his heart. After all, the last time, because of similar words, Danshengtani can be said to "chase and kill" Natsume for a whole week.

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