Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 311

Ask yourself, those who advocate Morgana's liberalism, which can bring the evolution of life on earth, do they like the baptism of nuclear bombs and genetic viruses, a city can only survive the evolution of dozens of people?

Morgana's so-called expression of freedom is actually a deep level of evil in nature.

And the words of the angels, among the choices of the people on earth, choosing to respect the choices of the people on earth, and willing to take on countless angel warriors to protect the earth, it can be said that the word of justice is truly implemented.

If they were just to destroy the enemy named Morgana.

They can absolutely not ask the opinions of the earth over Juxia City, or they can sit and watch the earth being violated by Morgana and Carl, and then directly bring Morgana and the earth that has been controlled by Morgana to trial together.

In this way, at least there is no need to sacrifice the lives of countless angel warriors.

As a king, Divine Keisha is not qualified. After all, what the king should do is to protect the people of his country from harm. As for the life and death of people in other countries, what does it matter to me?

But as a god, Kesha is undoubtedly very good for a god who leads the called justice order.

It is precisely because of this that the angel civilization can become the highest civilization in the known universe, the king of the gods.

Chapter 366 When you come to the earth, you should have the consciousness of leaving your life behind

Of course, the angel civilization has many good points.

But there are also some things that make Natsume feel wrong.

That is, they regard life as a bargaining chip, and use civilization and biology as a weight ratio to judge whether they should do that.

In Natsume's view, in a sense, every life is priceless.

If the lives of millions of innocent people are exchanged for the long-term stability of the country, it is better not to have this stability.

After all, the meaning of a country's existence is to protect its own citizens.

Not to mention the lives of one million people, even one hundred thousand, ten thousand, one hundred people shouldn't do this.

Although it seems stupid-sacrificing a few people can trade the peace of more people.

However, life is not only determined by quantity, nor is it determined by the so-called weight ratio.

In this case, not only the lives of a few people are sacrificed, but also people's awe of life.

In the end, it will lose the ultimate bottom line of being a human being, and transform it into something else.

Just as Gabriel was "brainwashing" Ducao, Natsume also sighed and walked outside the door.

"In the angel's code, invading other civilizations is a typical evil, and in our team's perception, this behavior is also evil."

"So, when you come to Earth, you have to hold the consciousness that will leave life behind."

At this time, there are already aliens in the earth, or alien gods have descended.

It was Snow under the command of the death god Carl of the Styx galaxy. His words this time were mainly to help the gluttonous army release the super warrior crocodile god Thornton that Carl created in the earth thousands of years ago.

Snow's combat effectiveness was not really strong, after all, it was obvious that Thornton, who had just been resurrected, could run out.

But the fact that the combat effectiveness is not strong does not mean that he himself is not strong.

After all, in the subsequent theocracy meeting, Morgana said that Pan Zhen can remove the sun when dealing with the earth, and Snow can cause various natural disasters on the earth!

It is not just one kind of two kinds, but various kinds.

Therefore, Snow’s ability, although one-on-one, is not too powerful, but it does have a great threat to a civilization!

When Natsume sensed Snow's breath and arrived on the earth and then drove away, Snow had released the crocodile god Thornton.

"My lord, if you don't make a move, we may not be his opponent." One of the senior leaders of the gluttonous advance fleet could not help but respectfully said the stag.

"If I act, it will arouse the alert of the angels who are descending on the earth at this time. Moreover, at this time, the crocodile god Thornton has just been resurrected by my god Carl with great power, and is in a weak state. The power of this must be successful!"

Snow couldn't help but speak after hearing what the Bucks said.

"In this case, I will stop the capture of the crocodile god Thornton." After hearing Snow's words, Feng Lei, another commander on the side, couldn't help but speak.

"Go faster! Otherwise, it will be a trouble to be found by the angel."

But just after Snow finished speaking, he suddenly felt something wrong.

In an instant, before he moved at an extremely fast speed, he saw Feng Lei beside him and the fallen corpse of the stag on the ground.

"Who are you!? Why attack us!"

"If a god like you personally takes action on me, it will cause a fight between the main gods!"

"My god Karl is one of the most powerful gods in the known universe, so I advise you not to mistake yourself!"

When the series of threats passed, Snow found that he was no longer on Earth at this time, but on Mars.

"When you start a war of aggression, you should think that one day you will be beheaded."

Looking at Snow, who was a little bit stubborn, Natsume couldn't help but sighed.

"War of aggression? No? We are just offering death like my god Carl!"

"Do you want to stop your words?!"

After hearing Natsumi's words, Snow couldn't help speaking loudly.

"Block? I don't know if I will block."

"After all, killing you is a means for you to dedicate your death to your god Karl."

"So actually think about it, what I am killing you now is not to kill you, but to help you like your god Carl to give the so-called gift of your death?"

Natsume, who placed his hand on the hilt of Lake Toya, looked at Snow in front of him at this time and sighed.

"Natsume-kun, there is still cooking in the pot. Although I asked Liuli to take care of it, at this time Liuli was patronizing the arena to fight against Gabriel, so it's still a question of whether he will watch it."

Kato Megumi could not help but said.

"Sorry, sorry, do it now, do it now."

In the next instant, volcanoes, lava, and the earth began to tremble, and the hills began to collapse.

The whole Mars seems to have a feeling of destruction.

But when Snow was preparing to hide from natural disasters, and then took out his shovel to launch a surprise attack on Natsume, Natsume had already appeared in front of him.

In the next instant, in his unbelievable eyes, the sword of Xia Mei had already slashed his body.

After a while, his side had been cut into several segments.

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