Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 315

"Isn't fighting evil itself a very common thing?"

After hearing Morgana's words, Natsume caught a moment and came directly to her behind with a flash, slashing Morgana's wings with a sword, and said.


For a moment, Morgana almost couldn't maintain her body because of the pain.

But even so, Morgana fell towards the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Although Morgana's flight does not rely entirely on wings, wings are also a decisive factor. Therefore, after losing her wings, she must not be able to fight Natsume and the others in the air battle, so Morgana simply gave up the air battle. Preparing to delay time on land awaiting Carl's support.

The divine body in the super seminary world is, to put it bluntly, super genetic life.

Therefore, every part of its divine body can basically be said to have its own unique use.

Especially the parts that are different from ordinary people, such as the wings of angels and demons.

Generally speaking, what is loaded in the wings is the ability to fly, and part of the dark energy storage capacity.

It was like in the future when Zhixin was fighting a void warrior, he lost the ability to fly after his wings were closed.

At this time, Morgana had her wings beheaded. Although it was not as miserable as Zhixin, it was the most disadvantaged place in this situation in a sense.

Because Natsume's words were honest, and they didn't really adapt to air combat.

Although they all have the ability to fly, and they fly very fast.

But it can be seen from their daily lives-if you can take the cat teacher plane, you will never fly by yourself.

Under such conditions, to be honest, they can be said to carry a debuff that reduces their air combat ability by 20%.

Therefore, after Morgana fell, all kinds of magic directly hit her face in an instant, and the accuracy can be said to be improved several times.

And it's not just that, because Morgana's wings also contain some dark energy storage, so at this time, the confinement in her body can be said to be continuously decreasing.

"Go to hell! Satania!" Gabriel couldn't help raising her horn and rushed up looking at Morgana who was under her at this time.

"My old lady is Morgana, an incomparable queen! It's not a Satania!" A horn from Gabriel hit the ground fiercely, Morgana said in anger while coughing up blood.

"Of course I know this! But my weapon has characteristics, and it has a special effect when calling out that the enemy is Satania."

While grabbing her hair, Gabriel glanced at Morgana with her own eyes.

For an instant, Morgana couldn't help being surprised.

In the next instant, Morgana felt that the little dark energy left in her body had all disappeared!

"What? There is no good debuff at random, and I even called the name of the little idiot, and there is no debuff that triggers the debuff. How low is this trigger probability?"

Gabriel couldn't help complaining as she watched Morgana with an incredulous face at this time.

Well, if the Mind reduction buff is basically triggered, it will instantly weaken the enemy's IQ to the stupidest time of Satania.

It belongs to the kind of stupid that can walk with the left foot and the right foot. It is more powerful to take up a weapon to hit one's own person than to hit the enemy, and it often accidentally hurts oneself.

If Morgana was hit by this buff at this time, it would basically be a mortal with Carl's assistance.

At this time, Natsume's sword and Kato Megumi's magic fell at the same time.

Although it was able to escape the sword of Natsumi, this time Kato Megumi's magic directly hit Morgana, who was not protected by confinement.

In an instant, Morgana's body was filled with injuries, and his defense was weakened by more than one layer.

However, although it looked very miserable, Natsume knew that if he was supplemented with energy, this injury would be able to recover for Morgana within a year or a half.

Therefore, the sword of Natsumi couldn't help but hit Morgana's neck fiercely.

In the next moment Morgana was stunned by Natsume.

But at this moment, Morgana's head disappeared in front of Natsumi.

But it was Carl who was far away in the Styx galaxy took the opportunity to teleport Morgana's head.

At this time, I looked at a familiar place, a familiar smile, and my state at this time.

"Fuck! Carl, you are a deadly pervert, you must be deliberate!"

Chapter 370 Two choices, Carl’s mind

The four generations of divine bodies are immortal existences in a sense.

Even under the action of a supernova, Keisha was bombed into atoms, and was directly scattered to various places in the universe with a big clock. Even so, 300 million years would be enough for Keisha to recover.

And Morgana's words are the same.

Therefore, although the body is lost on the earth, if the main part of the head is present, it will not die.

However, most of the methods have been lost. At this time, when facing Karl, there was no other method except to speak harshly.

And not only that, Kesha's words can also rely on the mutual positioning of atoms to resurrect.

But at this time she was very bad.

After all, she really wanted to get her body if it was taken by those guys.

For example, cut dozens of pieces and then seal them, or for example, break them into atoms and put them in the middle of the sun.

It can be said that God has so many ways to deal with her body that she can't rely on the autonomous positioning system to connect her body to her head in her entire life.

Therefore, it can be said that the fourth-generation divine body she just upgraded is completely abolished.

"How come? My queen, you need to know that I have done my best to do this in front of so many gods."

"And know that in order to save you the queen, I have offended an incredible god."

Looking at Morgana's head in front of him at this time, Karl couldn't help but smile.

"What a god? Come on, besides my sister Keisha, there is a god you are afraid of in the universe?"

As an old classmate, Morgana knew that in the entire universe, except Kesha had the means to suppress Karl, in a sense he was invincible with a big clock.

"Although I am strong, there are still ways to destroy, such as a supernova, or two-way foil."

Seeing Morgana's appearance at this time, Carl couldn't help but speak.

"Come on, supernova can destroy you, but when you hide from the dark plane, the supernova can't blow you up at all, it can destroy you with a hammer."

"As for Erxiang Foil, with your ability, you can escape when he launches an attack."

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