Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 323

Looking at Natsume who was smiling at this moment, Jia Baili couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

At this time, she seemed to understand why Morgana liked to call Kaisha Bitchi!

"Well, in fact, it doesn't matter if she is there, or it will be safer?"

"At least facing the combined formation of Morgana and Carl, we will not lose out."

Well, even if Natsumi feels that Gabriel keeps this hairstyle good, but I don’t know why, every time I see it, I can’t help but stretch out my hand and rub it in a mess. Then after being seen by Keisha again, Kay Sha will help Gabriel restore her hairstyle again.

From a certain perspective, part of the reason Gabriel's bad mood at this time was due to Natsume herself.

"I said you didn't do this because of the beauty of the parents!"

Looking at the appearance of Xia Ming at this time, Jia Baili couldn't help but said angrily.

"In your heart... I seem to be getting unbearable."

While rubbing Gabriel's head fiercely, Natsume couldn't help but said helplessly.

"Ahhhhhhh! Going crazy! We obviously killed Morgana's body, and she also got mixed up with Carl, why didn't she come to avenge her!"

"If they stay with Azi Earth, will we still live with those angels!?"

Thinking that they have begun to care about their own games recently, Gabriel's expression can't help but feel bitter.

"Don't worry, it won't be long."

"After all, even if we are willing, the world will not."

Although Natsume and the others have basically completely suppressed the rules of the world, this suppression can also be controlled.

When Natsume hopes that the rules of the world will not affect the world, then everyone will do what best suits what they are doing at this time.

That is to say, what Morgana, Carl, and Keisha did was based on this situation.

And when Natsume hopes that the plot can make some progress, he relaxes the suppression of the world rules, then even they will be guided by the world rules, and then slowly start to do what they do in the plot.

But because Natsume and the others are not very good at controlling this ability at this time, there may be some deviations from what they imagined.

That is, the world has an influence on the characters in the plot, but it will not be an inevitable influence, and there may be changes in it.

Generally speaking, this kind of change is not a good thing for the patrons like Natsume and others.

After all, in the original plot, because of some mistakes made by the comic author, some characters will always make things that do not meet the set.

These settings may seem foolish to bring them into reality, but they are a way for the benefactor to easily defeat the enemy.

But at this time, it is impossible for Natsume and the others to wait for Karl and Morgana to be stupid because of the small influence.

After all, it was impossible for Natsume himself to count on the god with a life of 30,000 years to make mistakes.

However, it didn't take long for Natsume to reach this conclusion before he was slapped by reality.

Carl and Morgana had been hiding well before adding Rose, and the things that happened between the few people in the past few days Natsume felt that they could be made into a TV series.

In terms of origin, it was roughly that Dukao used the time and space crystallization brought from Super Seminary to his daughter Qiangwei.

And Morgana or Liang Bing, in addition to spreading the thought of degenerate freedom, what she loves in this life is to study time and space.

And Rose, who is a crystallization of time and space, has a fatal attraction to Morgana.

After a chance encounter in a shopping mall, Morgana became entangled with Qiangwei.

Originally, the relationship between them should be similar to the food chain.

That is, Carl likes cold ice, cold ice likes Qiangwei, and Qiangwei is the person at the top of the food chain.

But because the time and space crystallization in Qiangwei's body at this time was not the first generation time and space crystallization, it was after the upgrade.

The upgraders were Liangbing and Karl, so from a certain perspective, Qiangwei's genes were the result of their joint efforts.

Therefore, Carl's mood for Qiangwei is also very complicated.

On the one hand, he thought Qiangwei would be the biggest obstacle between her and Morgana.He always wanted to get rid of the rose.

But on the other hand, Qiangwei is the culmination of the joint efforts of him and Liang Bing in a certain way, and it is the only work of the two of them.It is an extremely precious memory, so protect her.

The intersection of the two thoughts is a mess.

Natsume feels a little stomachache through Kesha's monitoring in recent days. This relationship is simply too messy.

"So, should we do it now?"

Looking at the plot that seemed to be developing towards Qiong Yao's drama at this time, Natsume asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, after all our words at this time can't be completely certain that these things are true, not the trap that Morgana and Carl lured us into."

"The battle between gods and gods is not that easy. Let's observe it for a few years."

Seeing Keisha's seriousness at this time, Natsume felt that she had nothing to say.

Chapter 377 The Particularity of the Earth

In a few years, Natsume was a little indifferent, but it is estimated that Gabriel is staying with Keisha, and she might run away!

"Will it be too long for a few years? After all, they are close at hand at this time. If it is delayed long enough, something will happen."

After all, there is a saying called Binggui Super Speed.

"For a god, a few years is not a long time. Although they seem to be relaxing at this time, they are actually on guard."

"After all, they are evading my pursuit at this time."

"But after a few years, it will be different. With Morgana's character, she will relax a little."

"After all, I know her character very well."

Seeing Natsume's strange expression at this time, Keisha stretched her waist and then glanced at the sky.

"If the war starts now, we cannot send Morgana and Carl, who are already phantoms, to other planets. In this way, once the war starts, the earth will suffer heavy losses, and even the Sun Star or Virtue will reappear. The tragedy of the Nuo galaxy is not necessarily."

"After a few years, although it is not certain whether the technology can be researched to that extent, at least there will be ways to deal with it, right?"

Keisha's words made Natsume a little silent.

Indeed, as Kesha said, the battle between God and God is too harsh.

If the Earth is careless, a huge problem will occur. The Sun Star is split in half, and the Deno Galaxy is transformed into cosmic dust. Natsume doesn't want to happen to the Earth!

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