Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 326

"Recently, Qiangwei is very upset, because as long as she goes out, she can meet her no matter where she is, even at the base."

"But you also know that Qiangwei belongs to that kind of arrogant type. Although it seems difficult to attack, as long as you have patience, you will still get results."

Seeing Ge Xiaolun with a dazed face at this time, Natsume couldn't help but continue.

"But, even if she is arrogant, Qiangwei won't be easily attacked by girls!"

Looking at Natsume, Ge Xiaolun always felt that he was teasing himself, but even if he was teasing himself, the cold ice in front of him felt very dangerous.

In other words, he had a hunch that Qiangwei might be abducted if he didn't make a move faster.

"Xiao Lun, what age is it, why is your outlook on love still so simple?"

"Haven't you heard that sentence?"

"What are you talking about?" Ge Xiaolun asked, scratching his head.

"The opposite sex is only for the reproduction of offspring, only the same sex is true love."

In an instant, because of Xia Mei's words, Ge Xiaolun's expression could not help becoming serious.

"Indeed, this kind of thing is indeed possible! No! Natsume, if you tell me the task quickly, I will complete it as quickly as possible!"

"No matter what, Qiangwei will never give up!"

Looking at Ge Xiaolun who was full of power at this time, Natsume couldn't help but smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, with Qiangwei's character, even being attacked will take time."

"It takes time to avoid her being attacked."

"But you have the task now, so you can only see Qiangwei soon after you finish the task with peace of mind."

"So, don't run away in a hurry. This may affect the efficiency of the task. The more anxious you are, the longer the delay will be. If you delay it for a long time, maybe when you come back, Qiangwei's children will get soy sauce. It."

Seeing Ge Xiaolun's appearance at this time, Natsume Qiang suppressed a smile and said.

"How could it be possible that Qiangwei and this person are both females and have children!"

Although he was a little stupid, it was just a little bit. Seeing Natsume's unstoppable smile at this time, Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but speak.

"Of course it was adopted, dumb."

"Well, I won't tease you now and tell you about your specific tasks."

Seeing Ge Xiaolun's appearance at this time, Natsume couldn't help but coughed, then said.

"This is my god, called Kyle (the name Natsume used to conceal Kesha's identity). I came to you this time to let you and her study how to change the world."

"Change the world? Just me?" After hearing Xia Ming's words, Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but said unconfidently.

"Don't worry, we all have specific plans, and you just need to cooperate."

"You have the anti-empty engine, and her words have the empty engine. In the binary code, your words happen to become 0 and 1. In this way, they can be combined to change the world, even out of energy conservation!"

"But you can't do these things now, so Kyle will weave some programs with you, and you only need to import and cooperate with her."

Looking at Ge Xiaolun with a bewildered face at this time, Natsume couldn't help but slowly said.

"Just cooperate, right." Basically Natsume said so many things, and at this time, Ge Xiaolun roughly understood this sentence.

"If you think this way, there is nothing wrong with it. You can only cooperate with Kyle. You can do whatever she asks you to do."

"In this way, you will probably succeed soon."

In the original work, the cooperation between Zhixin and Ge Xiaolun did not take long.

Kesha's level is higher, so Natsume doesn't think it will take too much time.

"Then start!"

Hearing Xia Ming's words, Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but eagerly looked at Kyle who had been staring at him at this time and said.

In fact, if he could, he didn't want to have too much contact with Kyle. After all, he didn't know why. In front of Kyle, he always had the feeling that all the secrets and thoughts were seen clearly.

Chapter 380 The Big Stupid Natsume

Looking at Ge Xiaolun, who had already started programming at this time, and Keisha who was smiling, Natsume couldn't help but turn around and leave with a smile.

But at this moment, a calm voice sounded beside him: "I didn't expect Natsume-kun to think about feelings like this."

After hearing this voice, Natsume couldn't help but stunned, and then said: "It's Megumi, it really frightened me, but what do you mean by your emotional view?"

"Of course Natsume's same-sex sentence is true love." Looking at Natsume at this time, Kato Kee couldn't help but tilt his head and said.

and many more!

Did you misunderstand something?!

Looking at Kato Megumi who was looking at her with a smile at this time, the corners of Natsumi's mouth began to twitch when she thought of what she had just said.

"How could I have this kind of thought! And the thing just now is obviously I am teasing Xiaolun!"

"Hey, Natsume-kun doesn't need to hide his thoughts. Regardless of whether Natsume-kun likes men or women, it is not very important to me, so Natsume-kun should not be so irritable."

Seeing Natsume who was shaking desperately while grabbing his Kabang at this time, Kato Megumi couldn't help turning his head to say.

"Before you say this, please put away the resisting look in your own eyes, and then turn your head to me!"

Natsume said as she put her hand on Kato Megumi's cheek and turned her gaze on her.

Feeling Natsumi's actions, Kato Megumi's expression could not help but become a little less indifferent, or a little shy.

"If you can, can Natsume-kun let go of your hand first?"

For an instant, watching Kato Megumi who was a little shy at this time, Natsume couldn't help becoming a little rushed.

"Sorry... I didn't mean it just now... just a subconscious behavior..."

Seeing Natsume who was in a hurry at this time, Kato Kee couldn't help laughing.

"It doesn't matter."

Looking at Natsume, Kato Ke said seriously.

If it's Natsume-kun... it doesn't matter..

"It's Megumi.. If the black cat was here at this time, he would have begun to attack me with words."

Seeing Megumi Kato looking at him at this time, Natsume couldn't help but said with a sigh of relief.

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