Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 330

The most powerful is the Monkey King who was awakened at that time!

What he said was that during the time of Shenhe civilization, Principal Kiran obtained a hair while studying the void, and thus extracted the power of the hair, and became the Monkey King Monkey King.

It is precisely because of seeing the power of Monkey King that there is almost no upper limit, it makes Kiran feel the terrible void. If the body similar to Monkey King comes to the main world, perhaps the main world will be crushed vulnerable!

Fortunately, Sun Wukong's heart is kind, and he told him his story.

Ever since, Kiran took the Monkey King to find his favorite place, the earth tens of thousands of years ago, and agreed with Monkey King that if life appeared on the earth, he would guard this place as agreed.

But because tens of thousands of years ago, although there was life on the earth, it was only the original intelligent body, not the life in the memory of Monkey King, so he has been in a deep sleep.

Chapter 383 The Rebellion of Monsters, Ge Xiaolun and Heyan

The crocodile god Thornton and the others were in the period of the Tang Dynasty. At that time, Dragon Turtle Ras, one of the most powerful evil gods, entered the Tang Dynasty.

During that time known as the Demon Troop, Dragon Turtle Lass, although powerful, died without causing too much storm.

The reason is because his behavior awakened Monkey King who had been sleeping.

When Monkey King woke up, he found that he was already in the era in his memory, and he also happened to see the dragon turtle Ras raging on the earth, so he killed him with a few sticks.

Afterwards, watching the other super fighters raging on the earth also began their journey.

Death God Neser, Giant Scorpion Skar, etc. were all beaten to death by the angry Monkey King.

And when the earth was ravaged by alien gods, the Super Seminary that was on the earth at that time sent out a cry for help to the angels and the Sun Star because of lack of power.

Although the destruction of the De Nuo galaxy is related to the Sun Star, because the Sun God decided to himself and the reason for the destruction was in himself, Du Kao experienced peace, and his relationship with Sun Star was restored. From now on Lieyang Star is willing to send his main god to help the earth obey Dukao's orders.

And when Dukao sent out the request, neither the angel nor Lieyangxing ignored it. Lieyangxing dispatched Pan Zhen to lead the four guardians to the earth.

Although the angel's words were in a battle with the devil, they also dispatched an angel team led by angels.

Although the name that the angel chased is very strange, it is also one of the few high-level angels among the angels.

After the fall of Holy Keisha, the angel chasing and the angel Moi became Yan's guard angel.

An angel chasing with a sword of flame, coupled with the assistance of some second-generation angels, if the overall strength is complete, it can defeat all the third-generation warriors created by Karl.

After the battle, Angel Pursue eliminated the other three generations of warriors including the crocodile god Thornton.

But at the end of the battle, Death God Carl saw the potential of the crocodile god Thornton, a potential that could grow into a god, and recorded his data.However, even the recorded data has been tampered with by Angel Chase.

Originally, the crocodile god Thornton was very vicious, but after being tampered with by the angels, the cute little crocodile appeared in the original book to explain some things.

The demon and misfortune were basically all solved by angels and Monkey King. It can be said that the time of Lieyang Star's arrival on Earth is much earlier than that of angels.

But it didn't do anything to help the earth.

This is not because they are unwilling to help the earth, but because they fought with Monkey King.

In Monkey King's eyes, Lieyang Star's people came from outside the sky, the kind of cosmic invaders mentioned by Kieran.

In Lieyangxing's eyes, he probed for gods like the crocodile gods, which were basically half-beasts, so Pan Zhen also preconceived that Monkey King was also a soldier made by Karl.

So basically they didn't even say what they said, and they turned upside down.

Basically, it can be said that neither side was very comfortable.

At this time, Du Kao noticed something wrong, so he contacted Monkey King and Pan Zhen.

However, the two who hit that level obviously won't stop because of Dukao's words.

Therefore, Du Kao used Deno 3 to monitor the earth and discovered that Monkey King seemed to have a good impression of a monk who had returned from the Western Regions.

So he told everything to the monk named Xuanzang, and under the mediation of Xuanzang and Super Seminary, the war between the two was quelled.

Later, under Xuanzang's mediation, Sun Wukong was willing to obey the orders of the Super Seminary and guard the earth together!

Originally, Dukao thought that if Goku was there, the earth could be protected for at least 10,000 years. In this way, the earth’s main god would grow up and the earth would no longer be bullied, but he did not expect that death god Karl would have been waiting for them so long.

"Goku, Rena's earth's safety is up to you this time."

While sighing, Du Kao ordered the South China Sea Fleet to deploy firepower, striving to cooperate with Qiangwei's ability to defeat it in one fell swoop.

While Dukao was thinking, in the place where Natsume and the others lived.

Ge Xiaolun also slowly got rid of the pain.

At this time, looking at his hands, he felt that the words of the world seemed a little different to him.

"Yo, kid, are you awake?"

Seeing Ge Xiaolun's appearance at this time, Yan on the side could not help but speak.

"you are..?"

"Just call me Yan. I was ordered to take care of you and teach you something."

Looking at the silly Ge Xiaolun at this time, Yan couldn't help but slowly managed to reach his side and said with a smile.

For a moment, looking at Yan who was beside him at this time, Ge Xiaolun's face turned red involuntarily.

Well, this is also the first time he was approached so actively by a girl or a goddess.

"How? Am I beautiful?"

Seeing Ge Xiaolun's appearance, Yan couldn't help showing a narrow smile before asking.

"Beautiful... eh... no... I didn't mean that..."

Seeing Ge Xiaolun who was at a loss at this time, Yan couldn't help but smile more happily.

"Child, you are really funny, but I don't mind admiring your beauty."

"After all, my queen has betrothed me to you."

In an instant, Ge Xiaolun's face turned blushing, and his whole person became stammered.

" aliens...are all so direct? But I can't, I already have someone I like..."

"So you should look for another height..."

Well, although the tone was stammering, there is no doubt that Xiao Lun still did not forget Qiangwei at this time.

Love at first sight, although it sounds funny, but some people will never forget it.

"It's really cute, kid."

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