Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 341

"Is it this way?"

After hearing Natsumi's words, Keisha meditated for less than two seconds and then said, "Well, you have heard his words too."

"If you write down your names voluntarily, then I can slightly relieve the confinement of the Aurora Cage, so that a small house can appear inside."

At this time, the Aurora Cage can be said to be a simple cage, with Morgana and Carl inside, and an extra bed and sofa.

This bed and sofa were also made by Morgana without the strength of the boss. It can be seen that Keisha has control over them.

"Oh, you really are a bitch!"

"How could we know that he would use this method to attack us, and even seal us, we would still do such a stupid thing."

"Besides, Keisha, you bitch! You can send me away with only a small house! Can a small house block your eyes of insight?!"

Faced with this, Morgana couldn't help but said furiously.

"Although it can't stop my eye of insight, at least it can make you a little more comfortable, isn't it?"

"At least at this time I can completely increase the imprisonment so that I can't even get the sofa and bed out."

After hearing Kesha's words, Morgana couldn't help being silent.

Indeed, as a queen, Morgana has suffered a lot, but as a queen, she doesn't want to be kept in such a small cage after being captured, and then there is nothing. Countless people were stunned for a day. Just staring at himself and Karl.

Carl didn't care and could continue to experiment, but Morgana said that she did not have a heart as big as Carl.

It's just a name, it should be nothing, right?

After all, if you just write a name and be killed by a seal, it can be said to be unheard of in the super god world.

Therefore, Morgana was a little vacillating.

"A place where you can take a bath and have a hundred beautiful clothes. You can even eat some delicious food here."


Morgana felt tempted.

Damn it!Isn't it just a name?

I can't write it!

Although at this time, Kesha and their bodies are similar to bathing and not taking a bath, their technology can make them spotless.

But this habit handed down from ancient times is basically what every angel likes to do most.

And Morgana, or Liangbing, is a demon, but also an angel.

"I want a bigger bath! Two hundred pieces of clothes!"

"Yes, but my condition is that it can only be fulfilled after you have all written down your name."

For a moment Morgana turned his attention to Karl.

"Is it a way to control or even kill people by name? I am indeed a little curious."

"But I'm afraid you will be disappointed, the phantom is invincible."

"But if you insist on doing this, it's not out of negotiation."

"Every other year, you have to agree to a small request from Morgana and me."

Looking at the few people at this time, Carl couldn't help but smile.

"Small request?" Keisha said with a frown.

"Yes, it's similar to small requirements like needing some food, clothes, and adding a garden to the house."

Looking at Kesha, Carl couldn't help but smile.

"This can promise you."

After a while, Cardigan couldn't help but speak.

Then Keisha made a pen and a paper of the same size as the friend's account as Natsume said in front of the two.

"It always feels like the friend's account is a lot thicker." Looking at the friend's account in his hand, Natsume said strangely while watching the two writing their own names.

After hearing what Natsumi said, Teacher Cat could not help but shudder, and said drunkly, "Is it? It's your illusion, after all, many monsters finally gave you their names."

"Is that so?"

After hearing the words of Teacher Cat, Natsume didn't think much, and slowly accepted the name Kesha handed over.

Looking at the paper with Liangbing and Karl in his hand at this time, Natsume couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then the two pieces of paper entered the account of Natsume's friends.

For a moment, Carl and Morgana couldn't help but raised their heads in surprise and looked at Natsume who seemed to be thinking about something.

When the two pieces of paper arrived in the account of Xia Mei's friends, they truly felt that an inexplicable situation had come to themselves.

"Is it effective?"

Seeing how the three people looked at this time, Keisha couldn't help but ask.

"let me try..."

Looking at the two people in the prison at this time, Natsume couldn't help but smile.

Chapter 395: Carl and Morgana on the Book of Friends

In the world of Natsumi, the account of friends is a strong forbidden technique.

A person whose name is credited by a friend's account cannot refuse his order if the name is given by the owner of the friend's account.

And not only that, if the paper with their names in the friend's account is damaged, they themselves will be hurt.

If the paper containing the name is torn apart, the monster himself will also die.

These abilities can be said to have been greatly strengthened after entering the world of reincarnation.

The power that has been transformed into an absolute rule, as long as it is unable to resist the entire power of a world, then the bondage of the friend's account is absolute.

"Carl, Morgana, are you trying to compete?"

Looking at the people watching him at this time, Natsume couldn't help but give orders.

In the next moment, Carl and Morgana, who were in the Aurora Cage at this time, followed the instinct of their bodies and started their own battle.

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