Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 345

Looking at Natsume, whose shoulders seemed to start to move at this time, in the corner, Mr. Kitty looked at Natsume, then jumped on his shoulder and said loudly.

"Okay.. OK.. I will let you have enough tomorrow."

After hearing the words of Teacher Cat, Natsume couldn't help but lift him up from his shoulder, then hugged him fiercely and said.

On this day, Natsume slept exceptionally sweetly.

He didn't know until now that if he were at home, he would feel satisfied even if he just took a nap.

Because there are so many familiar and long-awaited breaths around me.

The next morning, Natsume woke up early.

Looking at the two familiar faces, Natsume Qiang resisted the fluctuations in his heart and slowly finished the meal.

He remained silent at the dinner table.

It's not that he doesn't want to say anything to Aunt Tazi and Uncle Zi, it's just because he feels that at this time, if he says something, he probably can't help crying.

At least it takes a while to get used to it.

In the following week, Natsume went to school in the morning and went home in the evening and lived a happy life like ten years ago.

And also took this opportunity to contact Natori Kazuya's field, and gave them part of the onmyoji transcribed from the world of Gintama, which is regarded as returning the favor before entering the world of Samsara.

During the ensuing vacation, Natsume played an adventure game with Tanuma, Nishimura, Kitamoto, Multitrack and the squad leader for a long time.

In the afternoon, he held a banquet with the monsters in Yahara.

For a while, Natsume couldn't help feeling a bit reluctant to think about it.

But such days only lasted a month.

"You can come back anytime in the future, so you don't need to stay so long this time."

Looking at his home at this time, and watching Teacher Cat who is constantly eating steamed buns at this time, Natsume couldn't help but talk to herself.

"In fact, Natsume, you can stay here for a few years, after all, the time difference between here and there is zero."

While eating the buns, Mr. Cat said vaguely.

"No way, I was afraid to stay here forever, so I couldn't bear to leave."

"After all, life here is what I have always expected..."

"But it doesn't work, I still have them..."

Until their world is completely repaired, I wouldn't have been so obsessed with the easy life.

Thinking like this, Natsume will be in the space of reincarnation in the next moment.

At this time, the black cat and Kato Megumi were still standing beside him.

Natsume couldn't help smiling as he watched the different outfits on the two of them.

"How about, how long have you stayed at home?"

"It won't take long, maybe two or three weeks."

"Hmm... I am almost the same."

"Don't you stay longer?" Natsume asked curiously, thinking after hearing what they said.

"Huh! As a family member of the Night Demon Queen, my journey is the stars and the sea, how can I indulge in the gentle country!" The black cat couldn't help but said proudly.

"It just feels that if you enjoy the easy life for too long, you will feel slack, so I left early." Kato Kee couldn't help but calmly said.

"Speaking of which, according to this progress, Xiaojia should have returned to her own world."

Seeing the eyes of the two looking at him at this time seemed a bit strange, Natsume couldn't help but shift the topic aside.

"Xiaojia didn't go back. In her words, it's the heat of summer to die there. It's better to stay in the world of reincarnation and play games."

After hearing what Natsumi said, the black cat did not complain.

"By the way, now that you have returned from their original world, Natsume-kun, have you thought about the next world?"

Generally speaking, this matter will be discussed a few days later, but now everyone has just returned from their homes, so they simply moved this topic to the present.

"Go to the world where we did not complete the mission, or the world where we failed to save successfully."

"Although we don't know the subsequent development of the plot, we still have to try it. After all, whether it is the pirate or the world of the hero company, we don't know the follow-up, but we still won the victory, right?"

After hearing what the two said, Natsume couldn't help smiling.

"It's really more confident than before, but I don't have any objections. After all, it's the same everywhere. When it comes to speaking of where we have established a country, I don't know how it is now."

"The flow of time in the world of reincarnation missions and reincarnation space is also static, so when we arrive, it will probably be the same as when we left last time."

"I don’t remember who came back last time, but according to the description, the plot did not develop rapidly. It is roughly the time for Kurapika to avenge the Mirage Brigade. This time we can just seize the opportunity to wipe them all out. Up."

Well, as the kind and lawful camp, they can be said to be natural and have a bad feeling for the people in the Phantom Brigade.

"It's not until there is anything in the dark continent."

"Although we have rested for a long time, the other teammates have not rested too long."

"So, let's wait for a while and think about things there."

Looking at the interested black cat at this time, Natsume couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched her head.

Then several people returned to their homes.

Ten days later, several people came to the door again, and then followed Natsume into the hunter's world.

At this time, because Natsume was the captain, the place where Natsume and his party appeared at this time happened to be in the Republic of Batokia.

This is the place where Natsume completed the mission and bet last time.

A country that has changed because of Natsume and is beginning to flourish.

However, the purpose of Natsume's arrival this time was not for them, so without disturbing anyone, the group rushed towards Youkexin City.

"This city is really chaotic. I want people to clear it out. I feel that there is a need for an existence similar to Keisha in this world."

Looking at the gang members walking in the street grinningly at this time and the rotten atmosphere around, Dansheng Gu Senxia couldn't help but said a little irritably.

This world was the first one she experienced, but to be honest, she was not good for her senses here, because it was full of darkness, a darkness that cannot be described in words.

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