Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 350

"Hisuo, it seems that you know him when you look unsettled."

Looking at Hisoso, who was shaking with excitement or fear at this moment, Kurolo couldn't help but speak.

"I met this little brother during the hunter exam. If it weren't for the criteria for not killing people in the hunter exam, I'm afraid I would have died long ago."

At this time, Xia Mei's power was real, and he was a little frightened, but it was replaced by happiness and other emotions.

In his opinion, although his strength is not as good as Natsume at this time, but with the speed of his progress, coupled with his supernatural ability, sooner or later, he will challenge Natsume openly and win!

"Oh, even you almost died?"

In an instant, several people couldn't help becoming more cautious towards Xia Mei.

"Speaking of which, I remember there are several people around you, and now they are."

While thinking about the escape route, Hisoso asked while watching Natsume who was slowly walking towards him at this time.

"They should be preparing lunch, and I should act quickly, otherwise it would be bad if the time for dinner is delayed."

Suddenly, the expressions of everyone in the brigade could not help but change, because what Xia Mei said just now was too small for them!

Chapter 403 Fight with the Brigade

"Perhaps you are very strong, but you seem to despise us a little."

Looking at Natsume, Kuroro couldn't help but speak.

In the world of hunters, the gap between the top powerhouses is not very big.

At this time, all the members of the brigade around Kulolo gathered. Even if President Nitro came, this power would not be their opponent even if it was one of the world’s five great minds. .

After all, all 13 members of the Phantom Brigade are present at this time, and the abilities of the few cannot be said to be complementary, but they believe that if they cooperate, no one will be their opponent!

"It's not considered contempt, just telling the truth."

Looking at the few people, Natsume couldn't help but replied gently.

"Continuing to let you go will cause more harm to this world."

"You can think of me as a nosy person."

"To paraphrase a sentence from a person I like more, I can be considered a hero who is interested."

Looking at several people, Natsume also slowly let out his thoughts.

Because he likes this world better, and he has a little pity, or admiration, for the people in the brigade, so Natsume chose to fight them this way.

Otherwise, the easiest way should be to launch a flame bombardment directly on Sky Blade VII.

At this time, the place where the brigade is located is in the wilderness, a flame bombardment can basically wipe out their bones.

After all manpower is exhausted sometimes, a person as powerful as the ant king will be blown into small pieces by the rose of the poor and then poisoned to death.

And flame bombing, in the original work, under the cold play of the angels, a battleship that can blow up the enemy, you must know that in the Battle of the North Star, countless people died and it took a year to kill one of the earth’s defenders. .

Although nuclear weapons cannot be used in North Star, N2 explosive bombs can be used. N2 explosive bombs are called nuclear weapons without radiation, and they are already extremely powerful in terms of local power.

And even with such a weapon, it did not play a big role in the face of the gluttonous warship, and the angel only used a flame bomb to destroy the warship.

At the same time, if Natsume relied on Sky Blade VII to launch a flame bombardment, then the power must be higher than the power of cold.

After all, if the power of the Sky Blade VII was the same as that of the angel himself, then the angel would just fly around and fight without the warship.

After all, the indestructible body, with the help of the extremely fast forward speed of the Wormbridge Station, coupled with the powerful attack power, completely eliminates the need to use warships.

But the line of defense in the City of Angels is the guardian of the Merlot Heavenly Court composed of the Celestial Series, which can explain a lot of things.

And at this time, not to mention the flame bombing of Kulolo, even the poor rose can't resist it, so in fact, Natsume's best way to destroy them should be flame bombing.

After all, what can be done with the fingers, why should the palm be stained with blood?

Therefore, in fact, to some extent, Natsume's arrival at this time has already given a lot of respect to several people.

After all, Natsume didn't want such a powerful person to die of technology.

This is a blasphemy against their ability.

"A hero? In this world, being alone is the most correct choice."

"Those who like to be heroes don't know where they died."

Feeling the pressure Natsume brought to them at this time, Kurolo couldn't help but speak.

People born in Meteor Street, they don't believe in heroes, they only believe in themselves, only power.

Therefore, they dislike heroes and even all rules and systems.

After all, we know all the truth.

But why is there such a place as Meteor Street?


It's just a fig leaf for this world!

"But this kind of people will not disappear, will they?"

"Good and evil are opposed to each other. Since there are countless evils in this world, some good will eventually be born."

"So the hero class will never disappear anytime, will it?"

Slowly put his hand in his Toya Lake.

Nobunaga, who was also a swordsman, felt the strongest pressure in an instant.

Zhongzhongzhengzheng, a sword of faith.

That kind of belief, Nobunaga knew he had lost before he drew the sword.

Lost on the sword, lost on the people, lost on the faith.

But in the next moment, Nobunaga's expression became firm.

Although he lost a lot just now, now he wants to win back.

Because the swordsman should not doubt his sword no matter when it is!

In an instant, an extremely sharp sword intent rose from Nobunaga's body, using his circle as the scope to forcibly protect the weaker Kubei, Xiaodi and Paxno under the pressure of Xia Mei.

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