Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 352

Accompanied by a sigh.

Natsume swung the sword in his hand at a speed that they couldn't react at all, and the few people who originally felt that they had room for resistance were already knocked to the ground by Natsume.

At this time, the only ones who could stand in the scene were March, Paknos and Xiaodi.

"It's not that you can't shoot girls, but if you do, you will complain about them after you go back."

"So if you can, can you cooperate?"

Natsume raised his head slightly and asked while tying the knocked down people with a rope.

At this moment Natsume, who was holding the rope in one hand and asking this to several people, looked like a pervert.

"I said, we can be considered old friends, right? Is it such a big attack from the start?"

Hisoso, who was sitting aside ready to escape at any time, also fell to the ground because of Natsume's attack. At this moment, he looked at Natsume who was driving the rope and bound him, and couldn't help but speak.

"Old acquaintances, it's a great honor."

After hearing Hisoso's words, Natsume couldn't help but smiled gently, but still tied a few people with rope.

"After that appointment, I did it well, even if it is a superhero or something, I should give people a chance to correct it~"

Looking at Natsume, Hisoso couldn't help but said pitifully again.

At this time, Hisuo could be said to be a little bit lie. After all, the entire Phantom Brigade was captured in an instant. In his opinion, even if the world's five great minds gather, it is impossible to do better.

With the addition of Natsumi's attack, he basically lost the ability to escape, so at this time Hisoso was trying his best to figure out how to escape from here.

The 405th chapter suddenly embarrassed

"Any agreement after that time?"

After hearing Hiso's words, Natsumi's expression couldn't help but be in a daze for a while.

After all, since then, he and Hisuo can be said to have not seen each other for about ten years.

"I thought you would know."

Natsume said while confirming that the few people were bound tightly.


Looking at Natsume, Hisoso couldn't help asking seriously.

At this time, he could say that he was observing Natsume's expression very seriously, hoping to analyze something from it, and then take this opportunity to use the power of words to help him leave, or to let Natsume let him go.

In a sense, this is also a challenge between life and death.

Seeing Natsume, who was looking firm at this time, Hisoso couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth slightly.

"You should have noticed that, in fact, I have never had much good impression of you."

"After all, in many things, we are not the same kind of people."

Perhaps because of the passing of time, Natsume has a little more words today.

"Oh? I wonder what Mr. Natsume thinks is the difference between us?"

"Besides, aren't all human species the same?"

Nishiso asked, squinting at Natsume.

"Who knows, but I am a person who respects life, so I am a little different from people like you who despise life."

For an instant, looking at Xia Mei's eyes at this time, Hisoso felt that all his plans were clearly seen by Natsume in an instant.

But just when he was about to continue to test Xia Mu, he found that he didn't know when he would start, and he had tied everyone up.

Then Natsume didn't give them a chance to speak, and instantly transferred several people to Sky Blade VII.

"Caught it back? I thought you would kill them directly."

Although the food was ready, none of the black cats moved their chopsticks at this time.

"In your heart, when did I become a man who killed people without saying a word."

"Furthermore, even if you want to kill, you must kill those who have enemies with them."

While flicking the black cat's forehead with his hand, Natsume couldn't help but said.

"Natsume, you have become hypocritical."

But after hearing what Xia Ming said, the black cat just curled his mouth and said.

"I'm going to throw them into the prison of Sky Blade No. 7, you guys eat first."

"Cut... It won't take much time. Let's wait for you. When the time comes, Natsume will complain to us under the pretext of not waiting for him to eat."

After hearing Natsumi's words, Tansheng Gu Senxia on the side couldn't help but curl his lips.

"I never seem to have said this before."

Seeing the expression of Dan Sheng Gu at this time, Natsume couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"Probably because we have been waiting for Natsume-kun to eat together, so Natsume-kun didn't have the chance." Kato Kee, who was on the side, couldn't help but say calmly after hearing Natsume's words.

Seeing what you say to me at this moment, the few people who are about to start criticizing themselves, Natsume couldn't help feeling a little helpless, and then moved the few people to the prison of Sky Blade VII.

Although the prison on Sky Blade No. 7 had no defensive measures, it also had the same measures that could imprison God.

Therefore, the prison was built very strong.

And not only that, the space in the prison, the wormhole, etc. are also locked, the prison itself is an independent space independent of the world and far away from the world.

So even if Kulolo has the ability to teleport, he can't escape from the prison.

So after putting several people in jail, Natsume came to the dining table as quickly as possible.

"I always feel that you are a little weird lately."

After eating, Natsume couldn't help but lie down on the chair and watched the few people packing the tableware at this time.

"Weird? You should be weird."

Gabriel on the side could not help but pause after hearing the words of Xia Ming, and then said calmly.

"Xiaojia, it's like a miracle in itself that you can appear at the dinner table."

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