Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Natsume's Infinite Journey Chapter 363

"But this may cause some trouble."

After all, there is gm in this game.

"Huh—? This is the real world, but... it's obviously a game."

Thinking of the interface of the game he entered and the performance of some NPCs, Xiaojie couldn't help but speak again.

"What you see is only the product of the ability-minded person. After you clear the game, I believe the relevant personnel will make it clear to you."

"Well, let's not say so much. If they don't go back, they will probably be angry."

While talking, Natsume waved to the three of them, and disappeared in front of them the next moment.

At the same time, the gm in Greed Island also noticed some changes.

After a period of investigation, he was vaguely locked into the identity of Xia Mei.

After all, now, Natsume still wears the ring of the game.

"Is the game fun?"

In Sky Blade VII, Dansheng Gu Senxia, ​​who watched Natsume walk in, couldn't help but squinted and asked.

"It's okay..."

Natsume glanced around and found that everyone's emotions seemed to be very stable, and he couldn't help but touch his head and said with a smile.

"Is it okay? If it's just okay, it won't make you so addicted that you forget to eat."

"You know, even Xiaojia is not so addicted."

The black cat on the side narrowed his eyes and said.

"I met some acquaintances, so I chatted a few more words."

Looking at the surrounding atmosphere that seemed to be a little dangerous, Natsume couldn't help but bite the bullet and said.

"Hmm... acquaintance?"

"Through the investigation of Sky Blade VII, we have discovered some incredible things."

Afterwards, Nanami Tomomi couldn't help but waved his hand with a smile, and it was the scene of him fighting Bisji that appeared in front of Natsume for an instant.

To be precise, it is a series of screenshots.

You know, screenshots are very interesting.Obviously normal anime, when you occasionally press Pause to build, it may make you laugh out loud.

At this time Natsume encountered this situation.

At this moment, in the screenshot of Sky Blade VII, Natsume was looking at Bi Siji with a smile. Although it seemed normal, it would always make people misunderstand something.

It's like Natsume is interesting to Bisji.

And it's not just that, Bisji is still a muscular girl at this time.

This series of screenshots makes it easy for people who don't understand the truth to doubt Natsumi's interests and hobbies.

"Hmm... I thought it was weird before. Natsume Mingming has been at this age and has been with us for so long, so I should choose a girl to pursue it."

"But it has been silent."

"Now I understand it."

"Unexpectedly, Natsume, you actually like this..."

Gabriel said in a strange tone without playing games.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Natsume, you..."

Others have narrow smiles, but Ulwara Ryuhua has serious expressions.

Because at that time she was waving her demon sword Wuyueyu, so she didn't participate in that action.

Although I noticed that the atmosphere was wrong, I didn't think much about it.After Natsume's return, a series of things caused some misunderstandings by Urushibara Ruka.

For a moment, several people couldn't help but burst into laughter at what she said.

"Really... it's so interesting! Sulfur Huazi!"

While holding Urushihara Ryuhua, Tansheng Gu Senxia on the side couldn't help but laughed and said.

"you guys.."

Looking at the appearance of several people, Natsume couldn't help but walked over, and then slammed everyone on the forehead.

"Sulfur Huazi, how could I like this type? There are a lot of snapshots in this design. She and I are just discussing it, so don't think too much."

Not long after Natsume finished speaking, Kato Kee on the side couldn't help but look at Natsume and said seriously: "It's true, in fact, Natsume-kun's taste is not this, but this."

While talking, Kato Megumi couldn't help but also learn from Nanami Tomomi to tune out some screenshots.

These screenshots are exactly what Natsume looked like when facing Bisji Lolita's form.

Well, Natsume didn't look like the pervert just now, but turned into a perverted lolicon.

Chapter 415: The authority of the captain?nonexistent

Seeing Kato Ke's serious look at this time, Natsume couldn't help being very helpless, and then walked to her side and flicked her forehead with his finger.

"Pain..." Feeling Natsumi's movements, Kato Megumi couldn't help holding her forehead and said pitifully.

Seeing such a Kato Megumi, Natsume was a little bit stunned for a while, after all, Megumi would not make such cute moves in general.

"I didn't use any force at all, okay... Also, why did Hui you become so gossip?"

Natsume said helplessly while touching Kato Megumi's forehead to make sure that he hadn't tried hard just now.

"After all, as Natsumi players, we have to keep caring about the captain."

While feeling the temperature of Natsume's hand, Kato Megumi said while squinting.

".. The way of caring is really strange to you..."

Looking at the eyes of several people, Natsume couldn't help but shook his head a little helplessly.

"Although I do have a good opinion of Bisji..."

Before Natsume's words were finished, the black cat had already jumped out and tremblingly pointed at Natsume with his finger.

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