Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 369

"Speaking of which I haven't seen you go back to eat and sleep these days."

Looking at Natsume, Bisji, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Because I want to think clearly about something, it might be better to stay here."

After hearing what Bishchi said, Natsume couldn't help smiling.

"Couldn't it be driven out by my girlfriend?"

Seeing Natsumi's smile at this time, Bisji's eyes rolled around twice, and then said with a mockery.

"How to put it, things are more complicated, but it seems that it can be understood in this way."

Seeing Bisji's eyes at this time, Natsume couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"Although it's like this, it's not like you don't rest all day long."

"Although you have closed your eyes these days, it seems that you don't seem to sleep at all."

"For the human body, even with thoughts, it should bring some loss."

Bi Si Ji has nothing to say.

As an experienced hunter, she can clearly see that Natsume seems to have been thinking about something recently, and because of this reason, she has been offline recently.

At least this time Natsume was not the Natsume she was when she first met.

At that time, at least there was a soft light in his eyes, but at this time, he was in a daze all day long. If no one reminded him, I would forget the meal.

Therefore, Bisji was a little curious, what kind of thing made Natsumi's spirit such a change.

After all, in her perception, Natsume can be said to be unfathomably powerful, and even this power has surpassed her understanding of the word human.

So she couldn't understand, what was it that made Natsume this way.

As a hunter, Bi Siji's curiosity can be said to be very powerful.

"It's okay. Actually, I didn't have to rest long ago, eat, sleep, etc."

"However, although the physical fitness of the whole person is moving in the direction of deification, as a human being, I still retain many habits."

"But those are just habits. There is no benefit to doing it, and there is no harm in not doing it."

Hearing what Bishchi said, Natsume couldn't help but shifted his gaze to her, and then said with a smile.

"It's really surrounded by clouds and mountains. In fact, people are just wondering what you are thinking."

"After all, your abnormal state has been going on for a long time!"

Looking at Natsume, Bisji couldn't help but put his chin on and said Moe.

"It's not a big deal. Think about it and you'll understand."

"But it will take some time."

Natsume shook his head, looked into the distance, and a moment later faced Bisji, who was looking at him expectantly.

"So, I said so many things, but in the end you still didn't say anything!"

"Hahaha, although curiosity is very important as a hunter, curiosity should be placed on curiosity about the unknown, not on my personal curiosity."

While shaking his head, Natsume said helplessly.

But just after he finished speaking, his brows wrinkled slightly.

"Someone, come out."

As Natsume's words fell, several rays of light flickered beside Natsume and Bisji.

But it is the creator of Greed Island, that is, gm.


Perhaps it was to keep people from knowing what was about to happen, or they were unwilling to see Xiaojie and the others at this time. After they appeared, they immediately activated their authority as a gm to isolate the surrounding environment.

As the producers of Greed Island, GMs do not necessarily have extremely high combat effectiveness, but they are all powerful first-class hunters.

Moreover, the place where they are at this time is the island of greed, an island built because of their abilities.

If they hold the gm authority on this island, if they fight with all their strength, basically even the arrival of the world's top five mindful abilities will not be beneficial!

"You are the one who has been traveling between the inside and outside of the game recently, trampling the rules of the game at will!"

Looking at Natsume, Leiza couldn't help but condense.

When Natsume returned to Sky Blade VII to eat for the first time, they were aware of it as gm, but because Natsume was too powerful and the speed was too amazing, they never caught the attention of Natsume. Some messages.

But as Natsume stayed here for longer, the ring on his finger and his card book became key items that exposed his whereabouts.

Therefore, after a long period of investigation, several people finally determined the location of Natsume at this time.

Chapter 420 Throw out a little trouble

"To and from the game? Trample the rules of the game?"

"Speaking of my behavior, it really means something like this."

Looking at several people, Natsume couldn't help but smiled and said.

"It seems you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter yet."

"Although this game does not prohibit others from leaving, it is also possible to leave through special methods."

"People who come and go as you want to, like you, have seriously affected the balance of the game."

"So I am here to announce the deprivation of your identity as a player."

Following Leiza's words, Natsume quickly discovered that his ring and the ability for the game after entering here could not be used.

"If it is through a formal channel and the game is played formally, as a producer, we are very welcome."

"But now you have obviously violated this matter, so I will exclude you from the game."

"Of course, if you want to continue playing, it's not impossible, but then I hope you can follow the rules we set."

After speaking, Leiza took out the card he had made with permission.


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