Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 380

"How could it be, how could my spell be missed."

While speaking, Gabriel narrowed her eyes here.

All the soul-related things in NGL in an instant were understood by Gabriel.

"The souls that the queen swallowed and were born are all broken, so I will patch up these broken souls, and then release the spell to restore."

"At this time, there are no broken souls in NGL. In other words, not only broken souls, even complete souls do not exist. So, not only the people swallowed by the queen, but even the captain of the ant People who have been swallowed up have already come out."

Looking at Natsume, Gabriel couldn't help speaking with confidence.

"That's how it is said, but Kate is indeed not found."

"To be precise, I just sensed Kate's body."

Natsume couldn't help speaking with confidence while sensing what was inside.

Gabriel couldn't help but become a little confused when he heard what Xia Ming said.

After all, this matter is somewhat unreasonable anyway.

"Let's go and look at the corpse."

While talking, Gabriel flew forward with her wings waving.

At this time, looking at the light and rain that had stopped in the sky at this time, the expression of the three guards could not help becoming more and more admired.

In their view, it was the king who organized Guangyu.

But the facts seem to be different.

The world bestows Wang with extremely strong learning ability and adaptability.

Therefore, in the belly of the queen, the world change has begun to urge the king to evolve the power to protect himself.

Because the rules of mind are absolute in this world, as long as peculiar minds exert their effects, they cannot be broken anyway unless they are helped by the rules.

At this time, the blood of Meleon, who was killed while breathing, fell into the queen's mouth and was absorbed by the queen.

Therefore, the king of ants has evolved an enhanced version of Merion's ability.

At this time, including the three guards, him and the queen, they do not exist in the perception of outsiders.Even the King of Ants can bestow other ants a long distance!

It is precisely because of this that the three guards and the king survived Gabriel's attack.

According to the principle, in fact, the king shouldn't master mind at this time.

But in order to prevent the king from dying before he even showed his face, the will of the world couldn't help giving him a hang after all.

An ant queen slowly absorbs the blood of the dead ants that have mastered Nian, and at the same time bred an ant king who will use Nian at birth!

"Why is there such a scene."

While casually taking out a piece of meat from the pile of corpses beside the queen ant, the ant queen couldn't help but speak.

"It's not tasty, go get me some food."

While talking about the bones he had gnawed halfway and threw them out, Wang couldn't help but speak.

"Yes! King! Let's prepare now!"

Hearing the words of Ant King, several people couldn't help but said ecstatically.

At this moment, Natsume and the others came to Kate's body.

"It's really weird, it's still there, and I can't perceive his soul at all."

"Speaking of it, I remember Natsume, you said that Kate has an ability called absolute death tolerance, so he was resurrected through the queen.

"Then at this time he has been born, keeping his baby state, so that his soul and body are intact, so I didn't perceive it."

As if thinking of something, Gabriel suddenly said.

"It's possible."

"But in my perception, even if NGL is a baby, Kate does not exist."

Natsume couldn't help shaking his head and said.

"Not only that, why don't you think about the queen."

"In my perception, there are no queens in all the ant corpses outside now."

Wang's abilities will also slightly reduce people's attention to him.

However, this ability does not work for Kato Kee, who has extremely low presence.

If Megumi Kato’s presence is -100, then the presence of Wang's abilities is -50.

For -100, -50 people are still very strong people.

Therefore, the ability that the king evolved was absolutely weak when facing Kato Megumi.

Generally speaking, the king relied on this ability, even if they were close to Natsume, as long as they didn't run the ability, they would not be able to find out.

But if they are within 100 meters of Ke Kato.

Then their tracks will be noticed by Kato Kei.

And given the power of a few people at this time, as long as Megumi Kato is aware of it, he will definitely catch it!

In this regard, the will of the world is clear.

But he couldn't stop the three guards from walking in the direction of Natsume and Kato Ke.

After all, the king was hungry, and they had lingering fears because of the attack, so they didn't dare to hunt, they could only look for the excellent food in it.

Kate's body is one of them.

Chapter 430: It’s up to him to decide on gender.

Looking at the death-seeking path of the three guards at this time, to be honest, the will of the world also wanted to stop, but there was no way to stop it.

Because Natsume was too close to them at this time.

If the world uses its own power to guide them, their invisibility will be seen by Natsume in an instant.

After all, as Natsume and his party who saved many worlds, they may ignore the rules of Nian.

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