Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 392

Chapter 440 Dark Continent x Palpitations

In the past countless years, v5's propaganda on the Dark Continent has always been a taboo.

It has always been a taboo place that can bring human death crisis.

But even though it was promoted in this way, v5 has never stopped exploring there.

And at this time, the Kajin Empire rose.

In order to become a powerful country like v5, they took the lead in a high-profile announcement to the world that they would explore the dark continent.

Because the strength of the Kajin Empire is strong, but v5 has weakened due to some long-term exploration of the dark continent.

After hesitating for a long time, v5's choice for the Kajin Empire is acceptance.

And use this as an opportunity to force the Hunter Guild and Nitro to support their actions.

On TV, a speech about the king of the Kajin Empire has been broadcast recently.

"The problems faced by mankind can be solved there!"

"That unknown land is not a taboo of rumors, on the contrary, the rich future of mankind is sleeping there."

"There are inexhaustible rich resources, all food sources, and vast land resources!"

"So, I declare!"

"The Kajin Empire will shoulder the dream of all mankind and march towards the dark continent!"

The passionate and tempting declaration began to spread all over the world for a while.

And taking this opportunity, v5 also follows the general trend and slowly promotes the benefits of some dark continents.

And a whimsical plan was brought to the news.

That is, with 200,000 people immigrating to the dark continent.

Of course, if it is a truly dark continent, then Nitro would never agree.

But in the speech to the people, although it was carried out around the dark continent.

But it also hid many important things.

For example, humans live in a lake in a dark continent.

For some people who don't know the truth, the Dark Continent is just a continent independent of the six continents.

For these people, v5 or v6 will continue to compile this lie.

They will park the ship in the new continent around the dark continent, and this new continent is also the dark continent for 200,000 people.

Take this opportunity, v6 people will use them to develop new continents and obtain resources from them.

Then use where as the cornerstone and springboard to continuously send people to the real dark continent!

If the plan is successful, then perhaps humans can bring [hope] out of the dark continent.

In fact, this plan has a lot of obstacles in v5. Therefore, although the Kajin Empire announced part of the world's dark continent, and used this as an opportunity to become the implementation of v6, it should have been blocked for a while. That's right.

However, due to the promotion of the will of the world, although it was hindered, it was easily solved by the Kajin Empire.

Therefore, there are also the desperate promotion of the Dark Continent in the respective propaganda channels of v6, and the forcing the Hunter Guild to make choices.

In fact, after making the choice, Nitro was not as angry as they thought.

In other words, some of Nitro's emotions are pretending to be shown to them, just showing an attitude and using this to increase the weight of the Hunter Guild.

After all, although the Dark Continent is listed as a taboo for the Hunter Guild, there is no doubt that there is indeed human hope brewing there.

Basically, things that humans want to overcome, such as lifespan, diseases and the like, are no longer a problem as long as they can stand.

So Nitro knew that even if it was sealed, there would still be countries to explore.And the most frequently explored is v5 which sealed it up.

The Kajin Empire is not the first, and it will not be the last.

"I hope this action with the five major powers and the emerging empire can be successful in one go."

Originally, most of the exploration of the Dark Continent was separate actions between countries.

But this time, it was the result of the Kajin Empire as the main body and the strong support of v5, and Natsume and the others joined.

In addition to Roman, the four most powerful mind-powered people in the world are adding himself and his son.

In addition, most of the twelve earthly branches of the Hunter Guild will also go.

If this kind of strength can't establish a foothold in the new continent and explore the dark continent, then even those who come to v5 will wake up.

After all, this is a collection of the strongest power that Human Lie can produce at this time.

Victory, bringing [hope] from the Dark Continent is certainly the best, but failure to alert the world is also a good result.

As for the five disasters brought about by multiple explorations, Nitro didn't worry about whether it would become the sixth.

After all, the first five have no impact on the world.

So what is the sixth one.

Even if it really provokes this kind of disaster, this kind of disaster that human beings cannot avoid and eliminate.

Nitro believed that he would be the last to die.

Then, before he died, he could lead him to the New World and destroy the ship on the Six Continents.

Although the result was a bit miserable then, it was much better than bringing the disaster back into the human world.

For the lives of 200,000 people, Nitro will personally abolish the previous vows because of this compromise, but will also give up without hesitation for the survival of the entire human race.

From some perspectives, the existence of Nitro and angels also have something in common.

At the same time, considering that they may only be able to enter the dark continent through the whale boat or even the guidance of the guild leader, Natsume and the others are also preparing a lot of things at this time.

After all, a few months at sea will inevitably be very boring.

"I miss it a bit. In the hunter's world, I stayed on the boat for the whole month."

Thinking that the Dark Continent could only go by boat, Zhiyin Qigong couldn't help but feel a little happy.

"Be careful, I don't know why, I always feel that the Dark Continent should not be as simple as I imagined."

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