Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 396

But only three came back.

The thirteen hunters are all friends of Nitro. Although they are not as powerful as Nitro, they are not much worse than him.

But even such a luxurious team, in the Dark Continent, they kept breaking down and sinking into the sand, until Nitro and the others couldn't survive there before they slowly retreated.

"When we got off the ship, we were first greeted by a group of two-meter-high monsters that looked like centipedes but had pig heads. The team emblems were generated when any part of their bodies was attacked. Strong acid corrodes organisms."

"This corrosion can even corrode the ability to think. Then after solving this thing, a walking man-eating tree appeared again. Its vines are so strong that it is difficult even for us to break."

"It's not just that, there are some poisonous insects in the dark continent. They release toxins in a unique way. They don't need to bite. They only need to appear around you to cause you to be poisoned."

"At the same time, there is a strange creature in our path that is like a sickle, floating in the air. Our attacks can't cause the slightest damage to it, but it attacks, but we can't stop it! "

Nitro's teammates, three of them died while fighting the sickle monster, and the result of thirteen to one was three dead, ten people fled, and the sickle monster was unscathed.

"It's not just monsters. There are many unexplainable phenomena. For example, curse. On the way forward, when a relic hunter comes into contact with an ancient building, he instantly turns into a skeleton."

"In terms of weather, sulfuric acid rain, lava rain, and occasional stones, these stones will explode instantly when they come into contact with Nian. At the same time, in the morning, there will be fog. Sometimes the fog is ordinary fog, but sometimes it is foggy. But it will turn into a smoke-like doll."

"Although this doll has no offensive power and is immune to our attacks, it will use a hand made of smoke to grab many things in the dark continent as a weapon to attack."

For a while, even Natsumi's expression became serious.

After all, from Nitro's speech just now, to some extent even Natsume was a little shocked by the environment.

"What I said above is basically the simplest disaster in the dark continent."

"The low six continents have disasters no less than that in some places, but the high ones are comparable to the five major disasters."

"But even if it is like this, it is not the most dangerous place in the Dark Continent. Maybe we have reached the most dangerous place, or maybe we have not."

"The decisive reason for our opposition is that there are occasional time and space problems in various regions."

"Some people suddenly become old people and children as they walk, and then they are eaten by strange bugs."

"Some people suddenly separate their bodies and heads as they walk. By then, they are still alive, but when he finds out about this, he will die instantly!"

Chapter 444: Unexpected Visitor

If it is to fight with people, then Nitro can also rise to war.

But what he needs in the dark continent is to fight against the entire environment.

Sometimes I have to run away under inexplicable situations. After this kind of life lasted for more than half a year, when only two people around me died, looking at the two who basically reached their limit, Nitro chose To return.

Wherever humans want to survive, it is basically impossible.

If the huge monsters do not have peculiar abilities, the threat to humans in the dark continent is not great.

But in those monsters, the calamity bred out is what prevents human beings from taking root.

For example, Nitro almost brought back a disaster-an obliteration that can wipe out everything.

Therefore, although Nitro has harvested some treasures that cannot be harvested on the Six Continents, compared to their sacrifices and sacrifices, it can be said to be insignificant.

"After listening so much, is there an urge to turn around and leave?"

While touching his beard, Nitro said while smiling at Natsume.

"How could there be such an impulse."

"But there will indeed be some tension."

Natsume originally thought that there were only weird disasters and huge monsters in the Dark Continent, but now he seemed to be a little optimistic.

After all, compared with the disasters or enemies that can be seen, those unknown things are more frightening.

"Hmm... I need to remind you as a senior."

Seeing Natsume's pensive look at this time, Nitro said with winnowing suddenly remembering something.


Natsume looked at Nitro with some confusion.

"Young people must know how to control, otherwise, like you, if you don't have the energy to stand against the dark circles every day, you will suffer in the dark continent~"

Looking at Nitro, who showed a cramped look at him at this time, and glanced at the mirror in the office that reflected his appearance at this time, the corners of Natsumi's mouth began to twitch.

"It's just insomnia last night. President, where did you think about it."

"Is it just insomnia? Forget it, it's a matter of privacy after all. My old man won't ask much. Just as a senior, I will give you some advice.

While smiling, Nitro said.

"I still have things, the president I will leave first."

While speaking like this, Natsume walked towards the door.

When I walked outside, I just heard Nitro's muttering: "Isn't that the thing? What's so shy about it."

"Forget it, don't ask so much, or else guess what he will take: Although I am living together, I have been practicing every night so there is no excuse for anything to happen."

After hearing this, Natsume suddenly rushed in and grabbed Nitro's collar and roared.

But after a while he took a deep breath.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, those who are clear will clear themselves."

While thinking like this, Natsume walked briskly towards the room of several people.

At this time, because there was Nitro's information about the Dark Continent, and he had been out for a long time, Natsume thought that the awkward atmosphere of going back at this time might have disappeared.

The subsequent result was indeed exactly as Natsume had guessed. At this time, several people in the large living room completely ignored the awkward atmosphere in the morning.

"According to the president, although they spent half a year, they only traveled less than 500 kilometers to meet so many things."

"Based on our estimate of the size of the planet, a distance of 500 kilometers can't be done with a point on the map."

"It seems that this world is indeed very dangerous."

After Natsume released all the information he had obtained from Nitro, combined with the information detected by several people, the atmosphere suddenly became a little serious.

In terms of combat effectiveness, they don't have to fear anything, but combat effectiveness in this world is not absolute.

Because of the miraculous mind ability, an existence similar to absolute rules has formed. As long as it works, even if Natsume and the others step into the realm of the gods at this time, there is a high probability of exemption.

But it is not absolute.

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