Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 398

"Since it is Xiaojie and Qi Ya who want to live, they can live as they please."

Before Natsume spoke, Gabriel at the side spoke calmly.

"Well, it is true. We have no one to live in those two rooms anyway, so please use them as you please."

The black cat said solemnly.

Hey Hey hey!

You are also a little bit speechless!

After all, have you been sleeping on the sofa?

"Natsume-kun has always been a very gentle person, and he will never turn a blind eye to such a tragic situation."

"The keys are left to you, please don't be polite with us."

Kato Megumi said calmly while taking out the key.

"Thank you so much!"

Even Jin was a little surprised in an instant, and then solemnly said.

"If there is any need for help, I will definitely not refuse."

After all, at this time Natsume's boldness made people like Jin feel a little embarrassed.

"In a few months, we will be teammates in the dark continent, so Mr. Jin doesn't need to care."

Natsume couldn't help smiling when he heard Kim's words.

"Besides, I still like Xiaojie very much, and I am very polite and have a good personality. Mr. Jin is really good at teaching his son."

Suddenly, Natsumi's words made Jin a little restless.

How should I put it, after all, he knew that he was a bastard father.

In this ship, he took Xiaojie and met some old friends, but none of these people believed that Xiaojie was his biological son.

Even if the two of them were carved out of the same mold.

However, because of the strong contrast between Xiaojie's polite behavior and his own liberation, others have always been in a situation of disbelief about this matter.

Although Natsume gave him affirmation in this regard, he also said something that made him want to get into the ground.

"Ahem... Mr. Natsume should have heard Xiaojie mentioned about me, so I should not say such ridicule."

Looking at Kim, who was looking for a seam with his head down at this time, Natsume couldn't help but smile.

"Mr. Jin, although there are some things that shouldn't be my turn for an outsider."

"But since this ship is heading for the Dark Continent, after getting there, what awaits us is an intense adventure."

"So if you can, cherish this period of time."

"After all, Xiaojie has a lot to say to you."

Looking at the well-behaved Xiaojie sitting next to him, Natsume couldn't help but said seriously.

"Thank you for your reminder. Although it is very short, I will definitely shoulder my responsibility as a father."

Looking at Natsume, Kim said seriously.

After all, as Natsume said, when they arrived in the Dark Continent, they didn't have this kind of leisure.

Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity, Jin will pass on the things that he originally expected to give to Xiaojie in a few years!

Although I don't know how much Xiaojie's strength can be improved, at this time, as a hunter, he chooses to respect his son, the choice of a hunter.

Chapter 446: The Heir's War That Quietly Appears

After a while, after agreeing to meet again, Natsume sent the three of them away.

"Now you guys are happy, I can only continue to sleep on the sofa."

Looking at the few people doing their own things at this time, Natsume couldn't help but cry.

"Alright, we just helped Natsume say what you would say yourself."

After hearing Xia Ming's words, Tansheng Gu Senxia couldn't help but said with a smile.

Well, Jin came to ask Natsume for help, but the result had already been booked.

Natsume will inevitably borrow the house, that's for sure.

However, there are differences. After all, it is enough for Qiya Xiaojie Yalujia to live in a suite with three people.

There is no need to mention all the suites and single rooms are lent out.

"So thank you for letting me sleep on the sofa?"

Hearing what Dansheng Gu Senxia said, Natsume couldn't help but walked over and rubbed her hair fiercely.

"In fact, Natsume-kun doesn't need to sleep on the sofa."

"Even though our bed is crowded with three people, it's okay to have one Natsume-kun. After all, the bed is still very big."

Looking at Natsume, Kato Megumi couldn't help but said calmly.

Thinking of the welfare she saw in the morning, Natsume couldn't help swallowing.

I don't know why lately, Natsume feels that his sexuality seems to be constantly growing.

It seems that the ten-year-old Yin Ren broke out at this time.

"Speaking like this, I really went to your room in my pajamas at night,"

"Then the two rooms took turns to sleep."

Natsume's voice almost blurted out with Mianbel and Kato Ke's teasing.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the room couldn't help but become awkward again.

"It's really bold, Natsume."

The black cat looked at Natsume with interest while supporting his chin with his hand.

"Ahem, just a joke."

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