Infinite Journey of Summer Purpose

Summer Purpose Infinite Journey Chapter 457

After collecting some fruits, Natsume was not in a hurry to go back. He was going to wait here for a while, and waited for this matter to pass.

After all, the feeling that black history has been uncovered and kept in front of oneself is really enough.

"Eat some fruit to calm down."

While muttering like this, Natsume stretched out his hand and put it in his bag. The look in his eyes, who was eating an apple, suddenly became serious the next moment.

When Ssangyong left on the ground, Lizi appeared before his eyes.

He visited this place, although it was a few years ago, but with his memory at this time, no matter how he recalled it, there was no such pear here a few years ago.

They are investigating very carefully, and there won't be such a big omission.


Someone came here after they left.

It may be the owner of this house, but the probability is very small, because the yard is very tidy and the layout is very elegant. In this respect, the owner should be similar to the layout of the house. In Xia Mei’s vision, he should be an ancient gentleman. The same person.

So Natsume felt that they shouldn't be able to throw the pear on the ground and ignore it.

As for the time to leave, it is hard to judge when watching Riko Natsume.

In the world under the tree, especially the mansion in the world under the tree, there are basically a lot of magic, such as tea that is still warm even after tens of thousands of years.

Although this pear seems to have been bitten for a while, even if Natsume comes here after hundreds of thousands of years, if no one takes care of it, the pear will still look like this!

But they must have arrived here after Natsume left.

And in terms of Natsume's large-scale perception when he went out, plus the geographic location of this place, those people came here at the earliest three years ago.

"Look carefully, maybe it's someone who has returned from the white light."

"However, if it is someone like us, his exploration path will probably be similar to ours. If you calculate it like this, you should find it quickly."

While talking to himself like this, Natsume took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

Although not alone, it is good to have new people here...

Three hours later, when Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong walked out of a house, they found each other almost at the same time.

Xu Ziling and the others felt the feeling of being peeped, and Natsume saw them come out.

"It's been a long time since I saw brother Ziling, this must be the brother Kou Zhong you mentioned."

Looking at Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong who were standing in front of him at this time, Natsume couldn't help but speak.

At this time, he was neither too happy nor too disappointed in his heart.

After all, judging from Xu Ziling's performance at the time, his appearance here seems to be logical.

"It's Brother Natsume, I forgot to speak of it. Brother Natsume arrived at this place many years earlier than me, so Xiaozhong and I should come to you as soon as possible."

Looking at Natsume, Xu Ziling's eyes lit up and then spoke.

"Of course, we have visited almost all places here, and we have compiled some information from it."

"If you don't dislike it, you can come to my house to discuss it."

Looking at Natsume, the two couldn't help but glance at each other, then nodded.

After a while, several people came to Natsume's home.

"Hui, make a pot of tea, there are guests at home."

As soon as he walked into his house, Natsume spoke directly.


At this moment, the expressions of the few people who were continuing to make fireworks changed involuntarily.

In the next moment, looking at the people who appeared in front of them, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling couldn't help but smiled and nodded at them with embarrassment and politeness.

"It's you, I thought someone came back from somewhere."

After seeing the two, Gabriel said disappointedly.

"Little Jia!"

An awkward glance at the two of them, Natsume couldn't help but stretched out his hand and flicked Gabriel's forehead.

"I want to eat fruit, you can tell the next thing yourself."

Taking the fruit from Natsume's hand, Gabriel walked leisurely towards the house.

At this time, the tea that Megumi had brewed arrived in front of them, so Natsume waved his hand to signal the two to sit down.

"The information we compiled about this place mainly includes the following."

Without extra greetings, Natsume directly took out the information he had compiled.

The two looked at each other and then began to look through them.

"White light? It seems that I haven't seen that thing for so long."

"Is that why the Natsume brothers stayed here?"

Xu Ziling could not help but guess.

"No, we actually saw the white light when we came here. It's just because of some personal things. We have to stay here for a hundred years. After a hundred years, we plan to explore the white light."

Looking at the two of them, Natsume did not hide it but said directly.

"I don't know if the two are going to wait for the white light directly or to be neighbors with us here."

Looking at the two, Natsume couldn't help but speak directly.

For a time, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling could not help but fell into contemplation.

"Let's go in when there is white light!"

"After all, I figured out things earlier, and I can go back earlier."

"Xiaoling, you are like the teacher fairy who went back to accompany you earlier."

In an instant, Kou Zhong made his choice.

Hearing what he said, Natsume knew that he didn't need to ask Xu Ziling anymore. The two of them wore a pair of pants for this kind of thing.

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