Lin Yihe and Lengfeng had already been on the warship to evacuate overseas Chinese, but because Leng Feng had to complete the task of rescuing Dr. Chen alone, they had to get off the warship.

Driving a jeep made in China, they sped across the grasslands of Africa.

The lions made way for them.

When they found Dr. Chen, he had been killed by his father's men.

Fortunately, Dr. Chen found that a little girl named Pasha had antibodies to the virus, and he had done a live test on her. Just take Pasa out and you'll find a solution to the virus.

Lin Yi and Leng Feng, with Pasha and a woman doctor named Rachel, escaped under the siege of their father.

However, in the process of escape, they broke into the service area, Leng Feng's hand was scratched, simply bandaged, and then continued to drive away.

At this time, Leng Feng's appearance looks normal, but Lin also knows that he has been infected with Raman virus.

The virus has not yet broken out, and Dr. Rachel and Pasha have no idea, including Lengfeng himself.

Lin did not say so for the time being.

They had planned to take Pasha back to the warship, but then Lengfeng's x2 three defense mobile phone rang.

Leng Feng pressed the answer button and only heard the voice of ambassador fan who had saved them before: "Leng Feng, we have just heard that there is a Chinese factory in your north, and there are dozens of Chinese employees in it. You must bring them all back. We have already negotiated with the United Nations. As long as we get the evidence that they massacred the Chinese, our troops can enter the country to support you. "

"Yes, I will bring these Chinese back!"

Leng Feng made a solemn promise.

At this time, he was not a man who had just been in prison for three years and was fully released.

At this time, he is still a wolf!

One day is a war wolf, a lifetime is a war wolf.

Since it is a war wolf, we must fight for the motherland and the people!

That sense of mission and responsibility is deeply engraved in every cell of the body on the day of becoming a war wolf.

It's a three-year prison life that can't be wiped out!

Lin also felt the sense of responsibility of Leng Feng, and he himself began to boil: "brother Feng, let's rescue those trapped Chinese together!"

Dr. Rachel didn't agree to go, but she is also of Chinese origin. Now that so many Chinese are trapped, she can't bear it.

So the four of them drove to the Chinese factory in the north.

They came to the factory and beat back a small group of invading rebels. When Leng Feng said he would take everyone out of the factory, everyone was ecstatic. They immediately decided to have a bonfire party in the evening.

But Lin also knew that on that night, my father's army of mercenaries would come to attack the factory.

When the time comes, the ordinary workers in the factory will be seriously injured.

Lin also went to the factory manager and said, "it's better not to have a bonfire party tonight. The enemy will come again."

Seeing that Lin was only a 16-7-year-old boy, the head of the factory didn't believe his words very much. He said, "everyone has been worried and suppressed for too long. Now I heard that I could get out of here safely. Naturally, I would like to celebrate. What's more, those who attacked us last time were just casual soldiers who wanted money. We beat them back in the morning, and they can't come back at night. You can rest assured. "

Lin also couldn't make sense to the person in charge of the factory. He could only find Leng Feng and said, "brother Feng, there is an enemy coming tonight."

After so much, Leng Feng has already trusted Lin.

In many things, Lin's words are accurate, as if he had the ability to predict.

He immediately asked Lin Yi, "how many people are there?"

Lin also recalled the situation in the film and said, "there are about 100 of them."

Leng Feng's face hardened and said firmly: "in any case, we must guard the factory and wait for reinforcements."

Lin also admired the determination of the cold front.

Knowing that the opponent is very strong, we should still firmly guard what we want to guard, even at the cost of life.

This is the wolf!

Feng also said, "be careful in the sky."

That night, more than ten o'clock, the bonfire party was in progress.

Outside the factory, more than 20 military vehicles, with their lights off, quietly surrounded the factory.

Before long, there were four or five small UAVs, one military vehicle flying vertically, moving toward the factory.

On the roof of the factory, Leng Feng had been lying in ambush with a retired old monitor.

When he saw the drones flying up, the old squad leader was surprised: "Lengfeng, how do you know they will use UAVs?"

Leng Feng said, "it's not me, it's Lin Yi."

Then he raised his gun and aimed at a UAV, and fired at it. The drone suddenly burst into flames and fell to the ground.In the military vehicle outside the factory, dad is sitting inside, looking at several screens in front of him, on which are pictures given by UAV.

"With these high-tech gadgets, it's easier for us to get hold of it," said one of the people next to him

Dad said with a faint smile, "this guy named Lengfeng is my dish. After you kill someone else with a drone, leave him to me. "

At this time, the scene has already shot the campfire party in the factory yard.

Dad's smile widened and said, "just right, try the power of drones."

The man nearby immediately manipulated the UAV and flew over the campfire party to shoot at more than 100 ordinary workers.

But at this time, the picture suddenly turned into snowflakes after five sounds.

"What's the matter?" he asked, with a stiff smile on his face

"The drone is under attack," said the man who controls the drone

"Falk Dad scolded.

Originally, UAVs were used to launch a strafe, and then they burst in, which could greatly reduce their casualties.

But I didn't expect that the UAV was shot down as soon as it was launched.

"Copy the guy, rush in now!"

Dad roared, and more than 100 people immediately took up their guns, blasted the gate of the factory and rushed to the yard.

But as soon as they rushed into the gate, a loud bang was heard, and more than 20 people in front of them flew to the sky, their limbs and bodies were broken, and the soil fell down one after another.

Leng Feng was reminded by Lin Yi, and the old squad leader made explosives and buried them on the road of the main entrance.

"There is an ambush!"

My father's man roared.

"Falk! Retreat first, Dutchman! Retreat

Father with people, quickly to withdraw.

When they left the factory, they wanted to get on the bus to escape, only to find that their car had already disappeared.

"Falk! Falk!! Falk

Dad scolded three fakes in a row, so he had to run away on foot.

At the same time, Lin appeared in the yard of the factory with a military vehicle, followed by 20 military vehicles.

It turned out that Lin had already quietly driven away their military vehicles when his father took people into the factory.

Lin Yi stepped on the brake and stopped the car. He was very happy: he was worried that there was no car for more than 100 people in the factory when they left, so his father sent it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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