Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 169

"I didn't expect this old woman's speed!"

Looking at himself with a lot of scars, but all the actions in slow recovery, and the people whispered.

Thousands of generations, so your good days are also in the end.

The two sides stopped.

"Wooden ghost, what is the relationship between you and the flag wood ?!" The Qian Dynasty saw the couple and the people, the first reaction is not a greeting with the card, but staring at the people.

Or, it is staring on the house holding a short knife.

I am glanced at the audience, watching the body that belongs to the sand, it is ugly.

The death method of these people made her a very strong feeling, and that the person like her, she wanted to kill, the sound of the whole relief.

Even the name of the woody white teeth is taken on her head.

His people don't know how to answer for a time.

"It seems that now I have no matter what answer, it seems to be meaningless?"

This damn old woman will not take me as a wooden or white teeth? ! "

If the Millennate does not care, the loss may only complete explosion, and the power of the second tail is completely the opportunity to survive.

Look with the eyes of help.

"Poisonous and old, the heart is really getting smaller, how? Can you find a few people like a few people like him?"

At this moment, the apeer seems to be a small eye of the help of the people, and there is no mute.

Finally, the attention of the Chi Day was attracted by the agency.

Striked quietly.

The two are also old opponents. When the second endurance battle, the wooden leaves have been tolerated, and there is a period of time.

Thousands of teeth developed strong toxins, and the young opener relies with medical talents, understanding various pharmacological understandings,

If you want the millennium to make a name to her enemy in your heart, the first is definitely killed her son and his wife's wooden white teeth, the second is the actual controller of Yuyin Village. The pepper is half a pepper, the first Third is the intention of the Ji Ji in front of it.

"It's really you, the cows of the leaves!

how? I thought that I escaped my life from the old man of the wearing gas pipe. I got the name of the dog's three tolerated names. It became so arrogant?

The two dare to surround our sand? "

A thousand generations is also a person who does not have a slightest in words. She is not only a poison, even her mouth is also a poison.

Since cracking the mountain pepper poison of the mountain pepper, analyzing the shortcomings of the gantry in the mountain pepper, it takes five minutes of shortcomings, and directly calls the old man of Dai Tong's trachea, which is very disdainful to the name of the endurance. What's more is a prominent awarded by him.

Where do you know that the agency is not angry, it's quite your chest, the provocation in your eyes is self-evident.

It's going to see that the Millennium of her moves up.

"Who said to you, only two people?!"


The voice falls, the four people appear next to the house.

These people are wearing the standard battle of the wooden leaves. There is only a little less than some wolf, and I have been hurt, I will do this time.

In Sandy Village, there are so many endurance, and even the intensive surrounded by the movie of thousands of generations, they can still survive people, they are not ordinary people.

The sound just issued from a silver-long hair.

"Opener, I didn't expect this task three generations of adults to send you, it seems that this time the situation is not optimistic."

I saw this man with a sunshine smile, looking at the eyes of the program, including a lot of things, but the surprise in the eyes can't cover up.

"Broken, you don't have anything, I know that you have no problem with your ability."

Looking at the people, I have always been a tough and said, actually showing a little shy expression like a little girl, and the snow-white crystal cheeks have a touch of faint red.

This task is from the beginning to the present, and the master's emotions are violent, because this man, this is a man who is very angry.

The current boyfriend of the program, the same small boyfriend in the whole wood, Kato is broken!

It is Kato, not Ito, the name is not sincere, so don't worry if it is an attempt to do.

Cough ...

The remaining light of Kato disconnected lightly glanced, looked at the bodies of the sand, flashed in the eyes.

Seeing his surprise in his eyes, the aperator smiled and explained:

"During this time, you are busy with the task, even if you return to the village, it is only replenished, and the next day, he hurriedly left. I didn't know that I have become a teacher, and I also received three students. It is my masterpiece of this student. "

To be honest, the house is very good, but the relationship is quite good, but in the feelings of emotions, the agency has never mentioned the people.

Even the entire wooden leaf knows the person who loves to love, it is estimated that it is also possible.


Look at the people who are seriously unsmiling.

"It's really a big teenager, but your student is really serious, and it is also the first time, this is also the first time."

"He is not like this, don't look at him, the only sand hint in the ground, and you will defeat in his hand."

The program is slightly proudly patted the shoulders of the people, whether it is speech or the eyes, the pride does not add any concealment.

I heard here, not just broken, the three people who put out the alert gesture also showed a surprised expression, and they looked at this expressive wooden teenager.

After resolving an endure of the sandy village, they still stand here, they suddenly look at a few points.

At least no longer treats him as an ordinary wooden leaf.

The people who have the face are serious, and even it can be said.

It is not as thinking, and it is a bit fear or worried about the squid.

But after I saw it, I thought about his ending, and what kind of reaction would appear.

He wanted to know that he has the emergence of this butterfly, and will add this person's ending, will it change?

This is very important!

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