Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 191

"But ... this time you participate in the Ninja, if you let them know that I am a second tail, will I close my face directly?

And the participants are all inherited, so that the killing will cause their dissatisfaction? "

The big snake pill stopped the action in his hand.

"Sometimes I am very smart, sometimes I don't think it is?"

I have paused a little, I saw that the people became some embarrassed, continue to say:

"Why is Yun Yin Village to accept the invitation of rocky village to participate in this tentative exam, don't you understand?

Also, don't take the attitude of the child to participate in this tentative exam. It is not to say that this time the tentative exam is the epitome of the endurance pattern, so, all the opponents you have, as long as it is not wood If you can kill, you can do not want to be disabled.

One word, kill! Kill the bottom of the leaves!

Otherwise, the old man makes your two people come to participate, do you think to play? "

PS: It is 6600 words updated, ask for a monthly ticket! subscription! Recommended ticket! Three success!

Chapter 126, second-generation, second generation (6200 words) [Subscription, monthly ticket]

"Sure enough, the black technology of the big snake will."

Lying in his bed, the left hand is behind the brain, with the right hand of the thunder, and the thunder arc flashes.

It can clearly feel that the lightning that is jumping in his finger is much better than the thunder that he just wakes up in Torre Chakra, which is much better.

"Since there isn't much in Chakra in the body, then it is not possible to use the external force.

Although it is still nothing to send, it is just to practice, or it is good. "

The heart is in the heart.

The right hand is slightly hard, holding the fist, and suddenly thundering, it seems that the whole fist is wrapped in lightning, and the original dark room will be shine.

"Controlling lightning ... Sure enough, there is no feeling? It's still a headache ..."

In his mutter, lightning is dissipated, and there is no trace of lightning on the whole fist.

Then, a small group of water has emerged in his palm, and the water stream is still constantly changing the shape, and it will be a water dragon. I will be a shark, it looks very spiritual.

"Sure enough, it is more smoothly controlled by Chakra, and it is much simpler than the morphological changes of Chakra, the water attribute chamra,"

Termatic Character is a good morphological change in Chakra, which is an unmistocal change.

Slowly, this group of water quickly wanted to rotate in the palm of the house, and the original light blue water flow also turned into a dark blue, and finally made a black ink color.

The speed of ink black whirl rotation is getting faster and faster, the size of the vortex has become more and more fine, like a small javelin.

Looking at the hand in his hand, a finger attended the spokes, the people slowly sat down, the expression became serious, and the eyebrows were careful.

"The following is the key ..."

Subsequently, I saw that the slightly rotating the needle rotated, and the top of the top is still still rotating clockwise, and the bottom of it is getting slower and slower, and even there is a kind to stop. trend.

The brow's brow is wrinkled, and the control of Chakra is more fine.

Finally, in addition to some of the top of the tip, the bottom part has stopped rotation.

A light blue Chakra has emerged from his hand, and the part of the water that is stopped, actually starts to rotate in the opposite direction.

It is also strange that it is clear that the water is connected together, but the direction of rotation is completely different.

When the speed of the flow of water in different rotation directions reached the same, this small group of water was originally a silent water that was launched, and the lively sound was sent.

" ..."

Just like two metal turbines collide with each other, the sound of mutual rubbing.

Looking at the homes in the hand, the resort is a stable person. At this time, the forehead has been filled with a lot of sweat, but his eyes are full of joy.

Just when he just wants to show a smile, it will change again.

Immediately in the hands of this group, there was no fist to throw away from the wall next to the wall.

boom! ! !

" !!!"

It's just a small group of water, which not only caused huge damage, but also issued a collision of metal, a huge pothole in the entire wall.

There is a similar feeling with the spiral pills used by the Prince.

The people looked at their own hands and muttered:

"Sure enough, although the morphological changes of water attributes are relatively easy, the changes in nature changes and morphological changes are still different.

The second generation of water, strikes, but not unreasonable, only such a small group of water, combined with morphological changes and nature changes, it can actually achieve such destructive power. "

Yes, just trying to use it, it is the second-generation rigorous rushing tolerance, which is from the second-generation water, the second-generation water.

After a month, some relatively simple tolerance has been mastered.

So the people have a little swelling, skipping some of these difficulty, directly finding the final destructive water, the terror, the terror.

And he is eye-catching, this is called S-class tolerance.

"Water Wills"!

From the beginning of the contact to try to learn this, I have been in the past half a month, but just now, he barely completed the two-wheeled rotation, the first time I made a hard vortex.

The strongest destructive force of the hard turbidal blade is not only in the end of the ultimate water. This is the role of morphological changes. It is really destructive, which is in the water flow rotating in different directions, plus Chakra's nature changes, the water flows collide with each other, and a hard vortex will be erased.

The thousands of hands can do a few layers of hard scrolls, but according to the Tibetan Tibetan hidden reach, only the fifth floor of the hard vortex, that is, a slippers, there is a different water flow in five layers of rotation. , In addition, the nature change is the ideal state of the "Water Rapid Temple".

The five-story hard vortex is really a true S-class tolerance. From theory, it is not lost to the "winds of the helical pills" level of the "wind spiral pills" level of the gerbera of the future.

The general ninja, the argument is still endured, even the elite tolerance, as long as there is no special war life, the front is eating such a shot, it is definitely a life.

Even if there is only two flies of hard vortex, its destructive power is also exceeded.

"It is really a very thorough colorful version of the second-generation ruthenium, which removes his black technology. It is enough to sit on the shadow of the water."

I can't help but silently silently, but I found that there is a line of sight, and I fall through the wall.

Direction in the direction of the line of sight, slightly, some stiffly, only a pair of eyes full of anger.

" ... ... , you listen to me, I am ..."

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