Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 201

It seems to be determined, and the water turns into one hand again, tightly grabbed the landscapberry on the hand.

Stand up from the swamp, as if you can't touch the swamps, he is like standing on the floor.

One bitterness suddenly scratched the air, splicing on the arm of a thousand blades, and suddenly fluid four splashes.

But it is not blood, but water.

I haven't passed through his arms, and the original condensated hand is once again formed into water, and the collected mountain pepper also fell back to the swamp.

The Ninja named thousand blades did not feel any amount of pain, just wrinkled with the eyebrows to see the bitter direction.

Little girls and ten hides are also seen over there, and the ten hidden knives in the shoulders are also joined in front of it.

One hand does not seem to have a big knife that does not match his body, even if it is not a special metal, even the iron, so the big handle, it is very difficult to hold in your hand.

Never need super arm.

Look at the eyes of their three, is the ninja, the ninja, the skin is black, and there are not many clothes wrapped in the body. The biceps are not covered.

"Friends in the fog hidden village, this mountain pepper, we look at it, trouble you love."

The head is the old acquaintance, a year ago, a round of the wooden leaves!

"Hey! Friends! This mountain pepper! We are always watching! Go! We don't pursue!

You are stupid, you a bastard! "

With sunglasses, there is still the kind of BGM, let's talk more harsh.

There is no doubt that this devil is also a small existence of the middle-aged age, which is less than him, only the little girl in foggy village.

In addition to the two cloud of opening, there is a girl, but her chest muscle, which is much stronger than that of the two boys.

"Yun Yin Village?"

Ten Tibetan bustle, revealing his teeth, with red stripes on his face, it seems that it is very powerful.

"I heard that the Ninja in Yunyin Village is very good at the knife. Today, I want to be more than you, what is the model of our foggy village, more than you Yun Yin Village."

Ten hidden the big knife in your hand on the ground.

I saw that there is almost half of the long knife to the soil, some is because of this knife, but also a large part of the reason is its weight.

After seeing the knife did not enter the soil, Dikai couldn't help but frown.

"The fog hidden village, the participants, the first candidate of the next big knife, the first candidate is ten hidden!"

The ghost light is a genius ninja. It is also good for the knife. The ghost light is thousands, but also ... this time I endure exam, my mysterious girl in foggy village, like beauty. "

Standing at Dikay and Chilabi, the chest muscles were very cloudless. I didn't know when I took out a stack of cards. I found three, and I read the basic basics at a little bit. information.

I heard the information of this party was told, and the young was frowning.

"It's better to add our caravan? Is there a few of us?"

At this time, another sound was awkward.

In this forest, there are few rocks, three fat figure slowly appear.


With the emergence of three cars, the problem was discovered by the beauty and the Dikay of the tree.

This thing is not so simple!

The poisonous fog is big, saying that small is not small, a total of such a team, the probability of two teams encounter together is not very big, now the three teams have encountered almost at the same time, and they still in front of them There is a mountain pepper that makes them unable to put down.

In the unknown corner, three people secretly hide here.

The three faces of the cat are different.

"His people, this is what you said, fishing?"

Unecheboy became a non-expression on his face, but slightly excited eyes sold his inner heart.

"Yeah, don't you see it? Is this not fishing? Now, it has been coming to three big fish, the fog, the cloud, I don't think it is fun?"

The voice of the people took a strong gloating.

"What should we do next?" Nara Ji asked.

I don't know why, I am actually excited at this moment.


The voice of the people stopped, and after a moment, "of course ... Fishing more big fish, then eat, then addict!"

These these are not ordinary people.

According to the Nara Deer, I gave them information on the contestants, although I can't say accurate and detailed, at least everyone's name is no problem.

In addition to the three people in the misty village, the rest of the people will know the name.

After the three people in the fog hidden village, he also almost recognized these three people.

That looks like only five or six-year-old misty village girls, the future of the fifth generation of water shadows, and the other two are the people in the seven people in the future, and the people of the ghost lights. The ghost light is thousands of blades, as well as the use of the Ten Tibet, Dagger.

As for the three people who say cloud fortifications, Diki is an old acquaintance. The little ghost like it is difficult to say, if there is no accident, it should be the squad of the eight tail of the fog hidden village, the rest of the girl name is called Satzi It seems that it should be responsible for intelligence collection.

For the three persistence of relatively closed fog villages, they can tell their names like several families.

The Ninja of the three rocky villages who came out of the past were called, fire, magic paste and hunt.

These three people may not be large, but their strength is equally unfortunate, and even their existence can say that they determine the direction of the future in the future.

Among the three people, the biggest interest is the end of the hunt. If you have not remember, he has a special bloody limit!

It is also one of his target characters.

"So lively? It seems that this time is less, we must also refer to a foot."

Just when the three digits were vigilant, another voice sounded, and the three people were shadowed.

I saw the people who appeared, and everyone in the scene frowned.

This time, I don't think about it, I know that this thing is absolutely not simple.

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