Konoha Cat Keeper

Wood Leaves Cat Chapter 204

After all, even if you say, how can Yun Yin Village don't like a wooden leaf? From the name, it is also the allies of the woods, so they cannot be publicly protected from the public.

This loss, he didn't eat it.

Originally four-to-one, the three people were in absolute disadvantage, but if the people in Yunyin Village and the wooden leaves stood together, then three-to-two, the people's disadvantages were not so obvious.

The people don't give him any opportunity to refute or defend, continue to say: "However, only our five teams, it seems not enough."

The voice falls,

Jump out again again.

It is not a wooden person, and it is a ninja in Xiaobo City.

After all, there are many people, and lively.

Ninja in these small hi-villages, when seeing the Ninja in the five hidden villages, there will be less dignified.

"Self-sealing is a disciple of wood and white tooth, three tolerance, and the three-toe-ended student, the wooden leaves have created the title of this title, and the waves of the other two teams Door, whirlpool, Xinji, called a new generation of wooden leaves! "Satzyi ignored Ninja, which appeared around.

On the collection of the people, it seems to have spent more effort, and the content is also very detailed.

"The small genius of the Yishabo family, the two-year-old completed, from now on the situation, the writing wheel has been promoted to double hook jade, the name of the genius, the name of the name!"

"Nara family girl, full of shadow template, is the control in the three people, the strength is weak."

"I said, the chick of Yun Yin Village, you have done such a detailed investigation for me, is it interested in me?

According to the relationship between our two hidden villages, I don't want to be able to marry. "

The residence is not full of ridicule.


The Sarzi eyes are angry, face on the face, face shameless people, some can't say it.

"I said, what do you introduce us here? What is it? I will never want to put us one pot end?" Yeang opened.

Anyway, as long as she can attract most people's hatred to the body of the wood, she is very happy.

From the last time, the population of survived in Sandy Village, this named the wooden, ninja, who is named, truly, has a single killing of a Sandy Village.

Whether it is used, for Ninja, the result is the most important.

However, the Ye Cang also won't be afraid of the people, she has a lot of confidence in her burning, although she is still the identity, just like the people, only did not make the final dividend of the War of the World War II I didn't meet the exam.

It is also because there is the existence of the leaf warehouse, so the high level of sandy village will want to fight this bet with the leaves.

And it is not just a folk, which seems to be weak, and Maji, it is not a weak person.

"Miss Yeang, the meal can be eaten, can not be chaotic, you are here, what is the relationship with us.

Our appearance, just want to help you, after all, for a long time, everyone has not captured the mountain pepper.

In order to let everyone pass the second round of exam, I will do my best. "

Everyone is about the words, it will not believe in a word.

But no matter what others believe, in the surface, you can't admit that this thing is what they do, otherwise it is to give Yun Yin Village, in nominal, the Ninja, who is friendly relations, give them a legitimate reason and excuse to deal with they.

"Since you said to help us catch the mountain pepper, don't know how you are going to do?" Huiyin Village hunting mouthway.

This is also one of the goals!

The people think about it silently.

"It seems that people come now."

Taken around, the people in the five hidden villages come together, a total of fifteen people, plus the ninja teams in small groups, and there is almost 30 people.

Gently licked lips.

"In this case, let me help you with one arm."

Finished, both hands into print.


A sulf, that originally played in the swamp, suddenly played in the swamp, suddenly exploded, a spheres of a sparkling ball scattered in the swamp.

Everyone looked at the only mountain pepper in this field, and they were exploding like this.

I have a little bit in a moment.

It took a few seconds, still did not change any changes.

"This is what you call us to catch the mountain pepper? Kill the only one mountain fish here?"

The Masaki opens, and the words are specially strengthened on the two words of "Help".

Also said this thing and didn't have any relationship?

Just just a single print, this mountain pepper exploded, and there is still a face and he doesn't have a half relationship.

I have seen my face and haven't seen her skin.

The house is swaying, there is no first time to answer his questions, just reach out in the end of the endurance package, in the hand, it is stained.

Quick print.

Now he, and the stage that has just been able to display the stem, there is a lot of printed speeds.

Even if it is, there is no half of the printing.

At this point, he can already do four printed a second, almost reach the threshold.

After all, nothing can be in one year, from the head to the end, as long as it is training time, it is always trained in the moment.

The printing is also to see talent. Some people don't need to work hard to have four or five printers. Some people eat milk, and finally, it is barely to reach four printed.

Not anyone can do Yisizhiso, one second six printed.

"Tongling's technique!"

The huge smoke trunks, at the foot of the house, a huge cyan venom appeared.

"She is looking for me?"

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